Nectar of Devotion Study Notes

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Nectar of Devotion Study Notes

Folsom devotees

Sources: Nectar of Devotion, Waves of Devotion

Eastern Ocean
Samanya Bhakti (General)
1: Characteristics of Pure Devotional Service

Sadhana bhakti – Vaidhi Bhakti (regulative practice)

2: The First Stages of Devotion
3: Eligibility of the Candidate for Accepting Devotional Service
4: Devotional Service Surpasses All Liberation
5: The Purity of Devotional Service
6: How to Discharge Devotional Service
7: Evidence Regarding Devotional Principles
8: Offenses to Be Avoided
9: Further Considerations of Devotional Principles
10: Techniques of Hearing and Remembering process
11: Aspects of Transcendental Service
12: Further Aspects of Transcendental Service
13: Five Potent Forms of Devotional Service
14: Devotional Qualifications

Sadhana bhakti - Raganuga Sadhana (Spontaneous Devotional Service)

15: Spontaneous Devotional Service
16: Spontaneous Devotion Further Described
17: Ecstatic Love
18: Character of One in Ecstatic Love
19: Devotional Service in Pure Love of God

• History
– Speaker: Lord Chaitanya
– Author: Rupa Goswami (Dabira Khāsa his brother was Sākara Mallika)
– Place: Das-asvamedha-ghata in prayag (first meeting Ramkeli)
• Words in the Title
– Bhakti – Devotional Service
– Rasa – Mellow (not to be confused with mundane rasa)
• “bhoga-tyaga” oscillation between enjoyment and renunciation
• “Chapala sukha” [flickering happiness]
– Amrta – Nectar (bhakti rasa continues beyond this body)
– Sindu - Ocean
Introduction 1/3
• Svarupa-Laksanam — Primary Characteristics
(1) devotional service is for Krsna [ Krsna]
(2) devotional service is an active engagement, [Anusilanam ]
• Pravrtti – pursuance of favorable
• Nivrtti - avoiding unfavorable
(3) devotional service is executed with favorable intent [Anukulyena]

• Tatastha-Laksanam — Secondary Characteristics

(1) anyabhilasita-sunyam — pure devotional service is free from ulterior motive, and
(2) jnana-karmady anavrttam — pure devotional service is not covered by philosophical or fruitive
“adi” – other pursuits

• Summary: Service is favorable and is always in relation to


• Key reference : Sarvopadi (N Pacharatra)

Introduction 2/3

• Analogies
– Ocean : liberation
– Sharks :Great devotees and Acharyas
– River : paths to liberation (Sharks don’t care), impersonalist merge to ocean
– Volcanic eruptions – logic and argument against bhakti (does little harm)

• Book division
– Main : East/south/west/north Seas
– Each sea is sub divided to Waves
Introduction 3/3
Mellow Eg devotee
1 santa neutral attraction Kumaras
2 dasya Servitorship Hanuman
3 sakhya Friendship Subhala
4 vatsalya Parenthood Krishna’s Parents
5 madhurya Conjugal Gopis / Queens
6 Comedy
7 Compassion
8 Fear Kamsa
9 Chivalry
10 Ghastliness
11 Wonder
12 Devastation
1.Characteristics of Pure Devotional Service (1/3)
Sadhana Stage
1. Klesaghni — relief from material distress
Three causes for distress
1. Papam (sinful activity)
1. Prarabhda (manifest)
2. Aprarabda (unmanifest) – these can be burnt away by DS
2. Bijam (sinful Material desire)
3. Avidya (ignorance, the root cause)

Padma Purana classification (slokabook:369)

not fructified/seed/already mature/almost mature
Forest Fire kills all snakes – KC kills all ignorance
– Mature sinful activities are exhibited
1. if one is suffering from some chronic disease,
2. if one is suffering from some legal implication,
3. if one is born in a low and degraded family or
4. if one is uneducated or very ugly.

2. Subhada — attainment of auspiciousness.

1. Attracts everyone
2. Benefits everyone
3. Development of saintly qualities
4. Superior Happiness (far beyond sense gratification or Speculation)
1.Characteristics of Pure Devotional Service (1a/3) UPDATED 7/2016
Sadhana Stage
1.Characteristics of Pure Devotional Service (2/3) Bhava

3. Moksa-laghutakrt — pure devotional service derides even the happiness

of liberation.
Moksha (liberation) Laguta (insignificant)

Happiness of becoming one with the Supreme, is multiplied by one trillion fold, it still
cannot compare to an atomic fraction of happiness derived from ocean the ocean of DS.
4. Sudurlabha — rarely achieved.
– Unattainable by ones own effort
– He (Lord Krishna) rarely agrees to offer a soul devotional service, because by devotional
service the Lord Himself becomes purchased by the devotee.
1.Characteristics of Pure Devotional Service (3/3) –
Prema Stage

5. Sandr-ananda-vise-satma — automatically puts one in transcendental pleasure.

Happens in PREMA stage
Happiness (Subahda in Sadhana bhakti, Moksh.. In Bhava, San.. In Prema

6. Sri krsna-karsini — it is the only means to attract Krsna.

Sudhurlaba in Bhava (controlled by devotee)
SKK in Prema (controlled by love)

Radharani – Madhana Mohana Mohini

2: The First Stages of Devotion 1/2

• Qualification for Practicing DS

Causeless Mercy leads to
– Attraction for DS  Execution of DS
• Definition of SB
- Utilizing our sensory organs in service of Krishna (including mind)
• Sadhana Bhava
– SB purifies the heart genuine longing for DS when executed with genuine longing SB
has potential to awaken Bhava
• Essence of SB
– One has to fix his mind on Krsna by any means (e.g. Ambarisha Maharaja)
• Types of SB
– Vaidhi - Regulated DS
– Raganuga – Spontaneous DS
2: The First Stages of Devotion 2/2

• Definition of VB
– There is NO attachment or NO spontaneous loving service
– Engaged in service of Lord out of Obedience to the Order of Guru OR
pursuance of scriptures
• Inspiration to VB
– When the inspiration for sadhana comes from anything other than a
natural attraction to service, it is vaidhi-bhakti.
• Essence of VB
– always remember Krsna, never forget Him
– Applicable of to all varanas and asaramas
• Varnas/Asramas originate : head, arm, waist, leg
3: Eligibility of the Candidate for Accepting Devotional

• Eligibility
– Association of pure devotees
– Mercy of Krishna and Guru
• Devotee division
1. Firm faith, ability to argue
2. Firm faith, sometimes may fail to argue
3. Faith can be change
1. Distressed : Gajendra
2. Desire for wealth : Durva
3. Inquisitive : Sauka Rishi
4. Wise : Four Kumaras
• Happiness : Material, Spiritual, Devotional
• Bhukti (Material), Mukti (merge with Lord)
– Similar to getting haunted by ghost
4: Devotional Service Surpasses All Liberation 1/2
SB 4.20.24 Prthu Want million mouth/ears
SB 5.14.44 Bharatha He never accepted material opulence
SB Vrtrasura I do not aspire for liberation
SB Siva
SB Indra
SB Prahalada
SB Indra
SB Ganendra
SB Durvasa
SB Personified V
SB Lord Krishna
SB Siva
Padma P
Hayasisrasa P Lord
Hayasisrasa P Prahalada
Naradha P
SB Sukadev G
SB Kunti
4: Devotional Service Surpasses All Liberation 2/2

Sayujya Merge with the Lord

SaLokya Live on the same planet
SaRupya Same bodily features as the Lord
SaRsti Same opulences as the Lord
SaMipya Constant Association of the Lord

Some of the liberated persons who have achieved these four stages of liberation may also
develop affection for Kṛṣṇa and be promoted to the Goloka Vṛndāvanaplanet in the spiritual
sky !!!
5: The Purity of Devotional Service
• Padma P: Everyone has right to execute DS
– DS is not limited to any country – it is the birth right for everyone! Hari B Vilas: Any person
properly initiated becomes brahmana
• Materially inclined or Saujya inclined cannot enter pure DS
• No Obligatory duties for a devotee
– SB 1.5.17: even if one does not do his duty but does DS – there is no fault on him part.
– SB 11.11.32: Krishna to Uddava: person who takes shelter of Lord and drops duty is first class.
– SB 11.5.41: nor has any obligation to perform diff kind of activities for sages, ancestors, living
entities, family (as soon as we are born we are indebted – but perform DS and there is no
• No need for Prayaschitta
– SB 11.5.42 Karbhajana Muni to King Nimi : one who has given up demigod workship and
focuses on the Lord is very dear to the Lord. If he makes mistakes no need for Purificatory
process – Lord sitting in his heart protects him
– If someone falls down from the principles of devotional service, he need not take to the 
prāyaścitta performances for reformation. He simply has to execute the rules and regulations
for discharging devotional service, and this is sufficient for his reinstatement. This is the
mystery of the Vaiṣṇava (devotional) cult.
• Lord always protecting them (closing statement of the chapter)

Everyone has right / no need for prāyaścitta

6: How to Discharge Devotional Service(full list of 64)

1. Accepting the shelter of a Guru

2. Become initiated and learning DS
3. Obey the orders of Guru with Faith and Devotion
4. ….
5. ….

60.Worshiping the Deity

61.Hearing SB
62.Associating with Devotees
64.Living in Matura
1-10 : Primary Imp: Accept (pravrti)
11-20 : Primary imp: reject (nivritti)
21-59 : Items of Sadhana
60-64 : Most effective
7: Evidence Regarding Devotional Principles(1-18)

1. Accepting the shelter of a Guru

2. Become initiated and learning DS
3. Obey the orders of Guru with Faith and Confidence
4. Following in the footsteps of Saintly Person (Although Lord Buddha is accepted as an incarnation of Kṛṣṇa,
the followers of such incarnations are not very advanced in their knowledge of the Vedas)
5. Inquiring about eternal religious principles
6. Residing in sacred place
7. Accepting what is necessary
8. Observing fasting on ekadasi (The real reason for observing fasting on Ekādaśī is to minimize the
demands of the body and to engage our time in the service of the Lord by chanting or performing similar
9. Offering respect to Banyan Tree
10.Giving up company of non-devotees ( one class is against the supremacy of Kṛṣṇa, and another class is
too materialistic.)
11.Not accepting unfit disciples, constructing many temples, reading many books.
12.Straightforwardness in ordinary dealings and equilibrium in loss and gain
13.The demigods
14.Not giving pain to any living entity
8: Offenses to Be Avoided
1) To blaspheme the devotees who have dedicated their lives for propagating the holy name of the Lord.
2) To consider the names of the demigods like Lord Siva or Lord Brahma to be equal to, or independent of, the
name Lord Visnu.
3) To disobey the orders of the spiritual master.
4) To blaspheme the Vedic literature or literature in pursuance of the Vedic version.
5) To consider the glories of chanting Hare Krsna to be imagination.
6) To give some interpretation on the holy name of the Lord.
7) To commit sinful activities on the strength of chanting the holy name of the Lord.
8) To consider chanting of Hare Krsna one of the auspicious ritualistic activities offered in the Vedas as fruitive
activities (karma-kanda).
9) To instruct a faithless person about the glories of the holy name.
10) To not have complete faith in the chanting of the holy names and to maintain material attachments, even
after understanding so many instructions on this matter.

when a person becomes an offender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself,
he can still be delivered simply by taking shelter of the holy names of the Lord.
Chanting of Hare Kṛṣṇa is beneficial for eradicating all sins, but if one becomes an offender
to the holy names of the Lord, then he has no chance of being delivered.

21 (not to eulogize or praise anyone before deity) 30 (not to fail to offer praise
in front of Guru) might sound contradictory.
Out of regard for deity – do it in your mind or openly praise him as Lords
servant for the pleasure of the deity – neither is an offense
9: Further Considerations of Devotional Principles (20-42)

20. Blasphemy
21. Tilaka and Tulasi Beads (is delivered from all sinful reactions, and after his death he goes directly to Kṛṣṇaloka to live in association with
the Supreme Personality of Godhead)
22. Accepting Flower Garlands
23. Dancing before the deities
24. Bowing down in Honor of the Deity
25. Standing up and receiving the Lord
26. Following the Deity
27. Going to the temple of Vishu and Places of Pilgrimage
28. Circumbulating the temple of Vishnu
29. Archana (floers, dancing, bowng down, standing up,following deity,going to temple,cirumbulating, rendering service,prasadam
,charanamrithm, smelling , touching, seeing, observing arat)
30. Rendering service of the Lord (archana=worshining deity in temple, RS=worshing Krishna as a king is worshiped in a palace)
31. Singing
32. Sankirtana
33. Japa
34. Submissiveness (lālasāmayī:desiring some perfectional stage, laulyam: excessive eagerness for meeting and serving the Lord in a
particular way)
35. Reciting notable Prayers
36. Partaking Prasdam
37. Taking Charanamritam (result even for non-devotees:  will become eligible to enter into the kingdom of God)
38. Smelling incense and flowers offered to the Lord
39. Touching the deities
40. Seeing the deity
41. Observing Arati and Celebrations of the Lord
10: Techniques of Hearing and Remembering

• Hearing
1. Nama – hearing the name
2. Charita - hearing the pastimes
3. Gunadhi - hearing the qualities
• Expecting the Lords Mercy
1. Accepting the reactions as the Lord’s mercy
Dāya-bhāk refers to a son's becoming the lawful inheritor of the property of the father.
2. Repeatedly offering obeisances in our mind
• Remembrance (think of krishna in a general way)
1. Rupa: Form
2. Guna : Qualities
3. Krida-dhyanam : activities
4. Seva-dhyanam : DS to Krishna
• Meditation (involves deeper contemplation)
11: Aspects of Transcendental Service (47-56)

• Servitorship
• Two rare ones of the 9 process
– Devotional Service in Friendship
– Surrendering Everything to the Lord
• Offering favorite articles
• Performing all endeavors for Krishna
• Being a surrendered soul
• Serving trees such as Tulasi
12: Further Aspects of Transcendental Service

• Hearing revealed scriptures

– Having Srimad Bhagavatam at home: “Vaiṣṇava at home has Lord Nārāyaṇa always residing in his
• Residing in Matura
• Rendering service to devotees
–  But even higher than the worship of the Lord is the worship of the Lord's devotees
• Serving the Lord according to one’s position
• Performing Devotional Services in Karttika
• Observing festivals celebrating the Lords activities

60.Serving the Deity with Great Devotion

61.Recitation of Srimad Bhagavatam among devotees
62.Associating with advanced devotees
63.Chanting the Holy Name of the Lord
64.Living in Matrua
13: Five Potent Forms of Devotional Service

Spiritual Program for Rapid Advancement

1. Residing in Mathura
(mathura-manòale sthitih)

2. Worshipping the Deity

(sri-murter-anghri-sevane pritah)

3. Hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam
(sri bhagavatarthasvado)

4. Chanting the Hare Krsna Mantra


5. Serving a Devotee
(sajatiyasaya-snigdha sri-bhagavad-bhakta-sango)

Srila Rupa Gosvami first analyzes varnasrama-dharma and concludes that it is not an item
of bhakti. However, a devotee who is not yet fully attracted to unalloyed glorification of
Krsna may utilize varnasrama-dharma to regulate and purify his distracting material
14: Devotional Qualifications 1/2

• Not knowledge -- Not renunciation -- But sincerity

• Lord Krishna can be obtained only through bhakti  - bhaktya mam abhijanathi
– SB/11/13/31. Automatically attains fruits of renunciation and sufficient knowledge.
– SB /11/20/33 and 34: 

• Renunciation
– Renunciation : accept everything enjoyable which is in krishna's relationship. (Yukta Vairagyam)
– Artificial renunciation : try to renounce everything. (Phalgu Vairagyam)

• Krishna's things must be used in the service of Krishna 

• Neophyte must follow regulations under the instructions of guru as the visible manifestation of Krishna 

• No purificatory process is required - all good qualities are automatically developed (sura qualities)

9 items and devotees

Ambarisa performing all (aneka-anga)
Even one is enough (eka-anga)
14: Devotional Qualifications 2/2
Process Process Devotee
1 Sravanam Hearing King Parkisit
2 Kirtanam Chanting Sukadev Goswami
3 Smaranam Remembering Prahalada Maharaja
4 Pada Sevanam Service Lotus feet Lakshmi-ji
5 Archanam Deity worship King Pruthu
6 Vandanam Praying Akrura
7 Dasyam Executing orders Bhakta Hanuman
8 Sakyam Serving as friend Arjuna
9 Atama Nivedanam Complete surrender King Bali
15: Spontaneous Devotional Service

• Ragatmika (raga=attachment)
– Definition: Raganuga bhakti is the practice of advanced devotees, intended to
cultivate the sentiments of particular eternal devotee (Ragatmika=perfection of
– Qualification: Upon completing anarta-nivrithi
– Ragatmika Bhaktas are residents of Vrindavana (already perfect in all reg
principles and have achieved spontaneous loving service of Krishna). E.g gopis,
memebers of Yadhu dynasty. (but not kamsa or sisupala due to their fear/envy
– they ended up in brahman effulgence- they only got sun shine – did not go to
sun globe).
– While completely absorbed in thoughts in it, with an intense desire of love
– Qualification: strong desire (Lobha )
• Divisions
• Sensual Attractions (kama rupa)
– This extreme desire to serve the Lord is manifest in the transcendental land of Vraja. (Prime goal s to
satisfy Lord’s senses)
– This is not material lust – reason : Udddava and Mahaprabhu appreciated gopis.
– Kubja’s love (hunchback lady) does NOT fall in to this category (hers was kAma prAyA. – almost like
• Relationship (sambhandaha rupa)
– In chapter 16
UPDATED 7/2016
15. Raganuga – Ragatmika
16: Spontaneous Devotion Further Described 1/3
• Relationship
– Yasoda and Nanda Maharaja
– Vrishni’s (residents of Dwaraka)
• Eligibility for Raganuga bhakti
– Post anarta nivritti (giving up of material contamination)
– Trying to attain the same level of perfection of vrindavan/dwarak residents
– Not follow reg principle very strictly (you get here only after ones is freed from material
contamination – post anartha nivrithi)
– Deviation #1: Siddha-pranAli is not authorized (they imagine without qualification they
have reached the associate stage –they are prAkrta sahajias)
– Deviation #2: Vraja-loka only (and ignoring Gaura-lila)
– Process: Vaidhi bhakti->raganuga (will end up choosing one of the 9 process as primary
interest and latch on to an associate who does that well)
16: Spontaneous Devotion Further Described 2/3
16: Spontaneous Devotion Further Described 3/3
• Conjugal Love (kama rupa)
– Dev service following the foot steps of gopies or queens of vrindavana is called Conjugal Love.
– Divisions
• Direct (keli) : directly join with the Lord
• Indirect : hearing of the activities of the gopies (maid)
– Not limited to women : Padma Purana quotes “rishis of DandakAranya wanted to become gopis.
– Further division
• Wife : Dwaraka wives
• Lover: Promoted to GOLOKA vrindavan !

• Parenthood and friendship

– Friend
• Subala was krishna’s best friend in vrindava !
– Parents
• Direct: become a parent – not recommended – might end up being a mayavadi
– Skanda Purana story: Old man in hastinapura followed narada’s advice and aceived success
• Indirect : follow foot step

• Raganuga is only possible with Krishna’s mercy or his pure devotee.

• They are worshipable by everyone
• Also called Pushti (nourishing) maraga (path)
• Vallaba Sampradaya (following Vishnu Swami Sampradaya) worship bala krishna
17: Ecstatic Love 1/2

• Uttama Adikari platform

• Purpose of sadhana bhakti is to awaken Bhava
– Executive – Sadhana
– Effective – Bhava
– Alternate definiton
• Executive – Cause of Bhava
• Effectve - Effect of Bhava
• How to achieve
1. Constant association of pure devotee
2. Special mercy of the Lord
• Primary Characteristics
– Stage when Sudhha-Sattva enters devotees heart
• Secondary Characteristics
– Softens the heart (heart is moved or changed due to emotion)
– Gives rise to various tastes (desire to achieve Krishna, desire to please Krishna through
services, desire to be close at heart with Krishna)
• Nature
– Outward : tears, shivering
– Inward : Samadhi
17: Ecstatic Love 2/2

• Achieving Bhava
1. Ardent spiritual practice
2. Special Mercy of Krishna
• Bhava by Vaidhi-Sadhana
– E.g narada - Repeatedly hearing discourse
• Bhava by Raganuga-Sadhana
– E.g. Chandrakanti – danced all night long
• By Mercy
– Words - Narada
– Glances – inhabitants of Jangala
– Good Wishes – sukadev goswami within his monther’s womb –
Prahalada/Mragari by naradha
18: Character of One in Ecstatic Love 1/2

Characteristic Example
1 always anxious to utilize his time in the devotional service of  King Ambarish ??
the Lord. He does not like to be idle. He wants service always,
twenty-four hours a day, without deviation.
2 always reserved and perseverant (not disturbed)  King Parikshit
3 always detached from all material attraction.  King Bharata
4 does not long for any material respect in return for his King Bhagiratha 
5 always certain that Kṛṣṇa will bestow His mercy upon him.  Rupa Goswami
(Great Hope = asa bhanda)
6 always very eager to serve the Lord faithfully.  Bilva Mangala Takur
7 very much attached to the chanting of the holy names of the  Radharani
8 always eager to describe the transcendental qualities of the  Bilva Mangala Takur
9 very pleased to live in a place where the Lord's pastimes are  
performed, e.g., Mathurā, Vṛndāvana or Dvārakā.

T P D P A : Time, Perseverant, Detachment, Pridelessness, Asa-Bandan

E C Q M : Eager, Chant, Qualties, Mathura
18: Character of One in Ecstatic Love 2/2

• Imitative attachment
– Para (transcendental) and shadow
• Para (prati-bimba or reflected) happens as reflect of Rathi from advanced devotees
(intense but less powerful as the effect goes away when the devotee leaves)
• Shadow (chaya) due to inquisitiveness to participate – less intense but more
powerful as there s service/surrender involved in t.
– develops when one associates with a pure devotee OR visits holy place
– Transcendental attachment is SO powerful by association devotees can
manifest in common man
• Watch-out for offenses
UPDATED 7/2016
18: Character of One in Ecstatic Love 3
19: Devotional Service in Pure Love of God 1/4

• Definition
– Cc:When Bhava softens the heart completely, become endowed with a great feeling of
possessiveness in relation o the Lord and becomes very much condensed and intensified, it
is called Prema
– Bhisma:love for Godhead means giving up all so-called love for any other person.
• Primary Characteristic
– It is intensified (sandra) state of bhava
• Secondary Characteristics
– Completely softens the heart
– It is marked by highly possessive ownership of Sri Krishna (I am Krishna’s  Krishna is
• Achieving Prema
– Sadhana to Prema
• Bhava(via Vaidhi) -> Prema
• Bhava (via Raganuga) -> Preama (e.g.Chandrakanti)
– Extordinary Mercy ! (e.g. Gopis)
19: Devotional Service in Pure Love of God 2/4

• Types of Prema Via MERCY

– Mahatmya Jnana : Prema mixed with knowledge of Majesty of Lord
• candidate: Vaidhi Sadhana devotees + MERCY
– Likely to achieve 4 forms of Liberation

– Kevala : Pure Prema (Lord’s sweetness)

• candidate: Raganuga Sadhana devotees + MERCY
• Difficulty in Understanding Prema
– Devotees do not show them out
• Further info on Prema
– Brhad-bhagavatamrta
19: Devotional Service in Pure Love of God 3/4

1. Sraddha : faith
2. sadhu-sanga : association with devotees
3. bhajana-kriya : performance of devotional service
4. anartha nivrtti : decreasing of unwanted attachments
5. nistha : steadiness
6. ruci : taste
7. asakti : attachment
8. bhava : love
9. prema : pure love for Krsna
19: Devotional Service in Pure Love of God 4/4
Bhava Prema
Intense state of Bhava
Heart is softened Heart is completely soft
I am Krishna’s Krishna is MINE (Possessiveness)
Tears, Shiver cries,
talks wildly,
sometimes sings
without caring for any outsider — dances like a madman
Explanations to DS Qualities Repetitions 1/6
• The repeated mention of Mathura-Vrndavana emphasizes its primary
importance in Sadhana-bhakti. The four items are distinguishable:
– Item 7 refers to visiting specific holy places, which include Dvaraka, Jagannatha Puri, the
Ganga, etc.
– Item 48 refers to briefly visiting any holy place or temple of Visnu.
– Item 55 refers exclusively to Mathura-Vrndavana, and specifically mentions the effects of
living there and serving the place in various ways.
– Item 64 is indistinguishable from item 55. The Sanskrit titles for both are in the seventh
case singular, which indicates that their meaning is identical.
• Worshipping the trees
– Item 10 refers to the respectful disposition one should have towards these entities. Item 53 refers to physical acts of service one should do for

• Singing and Chanting

– Item 32 ("one must sing"), item 33 ("one must perform sankirtana"), item 34 ("one must chant"), and
item 63 ("chanting the Hare Krsna mantra") can be distinguished from each other as follows:
– Item 32 (gitam) refers to singing songs written in glorification of the Lord.
– Item 33 (sankirtanam) refers to congregational chanting of the Lord's names, pastimes, and qualities.
– Item 34 (japa) refers to quiet recitation of mantra.
– Item 63 refers exclusively to the paramount importance of congregationally chanting the Lord's holy
Explanations to DS Qualities Repetitions 2/6

• 30. Arcana (arcanam)

• The essential function of sadhana-bhakti is remembrance of Krsna by engaging the mind and
senses in His service. Worship of the Deity is an excellent way to achieve this. This chapter lists
some of the many ways that Deity worship can engage the senses in the Lord's service:
– 23. Accepting Flower Garlands
– 24. Dancing Before the Deity
– 25. Bowing Down in Honor of the Deity
– 26. Standing Up to Receive the Lord
– 27. Following the Deity
– 28. Going to the Temple...
– 29. Circumambulating the Temple...
– 31. Rendering Service to the Lord
– 37. Partaking of Prasadam
– 38. Drinking Caranamrta
– 39. Smelling the Incense and Flowers Offered to the Deity
– 40. Touching the Deity
– 41. Seeing the Deity
– 42. Observing Arati...
Explanations to DS Qualities Repetitions 3/6

(35)“one must offer prayers" is a personal prayer that expresses

one's own sentiments to Krsna. This is different from the next
(36),”one must offer notable prayers” in which one recites
notable prayers from sastra.
Explanations to DS Qualities Repetitions 4/6

• Rememberence/Meditation two items are similar.

– Remembrance means to think of Krsna in a general way.
– Meditation involves deeper contemplation, which Srila Rupa Gosvami
has divided into four types:
(1) rupa-dhyanam — meditation on Krsna's form,
(2) guna-dhyanam — meditation on Krsna's qualities,
(3) krida-dhyanam — meditation on Krsna's activities, and
(4) seva-dhyanam — meditation on devotional service to Krsna.
Explanations to DS Qualities Repetitions 5/6

• There is a subtle distinction between atma-

nivedanam ("surrendering everything to the Lord")
and saranapattih ("being a surrendered soul").
– Saranapattih means to consider oneself completely
subservient to and protected by the Lord.
– Atma-nivedanam also means self-dedication, but such
dedication may by with or without such feelings of
subservience and dependence. Bali Maharaja is an
example of atma-nivedanam without a feeling of
subservient dependence on the Lord.
Explanations to DS Qualities Repetitions 6/6

• On the surface “Observing Festivals Celebrating the Lord's Activities ”

may seem almost identical to item 57 (lavishly observing Vaisnava
• This item, however, specifically refers to Janmastami, as can be
understood from three sources:
– (1) its Sanskrit heading: sri janma-dina-yatra;
– (2) the title Srila Prabhupada gave it in the Sixth Chapter: "During Janmastami
one should observe a special festival;" and
– (3) the evidence given from Bhavisya Purana, “My Lord Janardana [Krsna],
please let us know the date when Your mother Devaki gave birth to You. If You
kindly inform us about this, then we shall observe a great celebration of this
date. O killer of Kesi, we are souls one hundred percent surrendered unto
Your lotus feet, and we wish only to please You with our ceremonies (pg 104).”
Some amazing quotes from NOD

•  The Nectar of Devotion teaches us the science of loving every one of the living
entities perfectly by the easy method of loving Kṛṣṇa…. The NOD will teach us how
to turn the one switch that will immediately brighten everything, everywhere.
• Lord Caitanya's principle is universal. Anyone who knows the science of Kṛṣṇa and
is engaged in the service of the Lord is accepted as being in a higher position than
a person born in the family of a brāhmaṇa.
• He divided the money in a very exemplary manner, which should be followed by
devotees in particular and by humanity in general. (50/25/25%)
• The Padma Purāṇa recommends: somehow or other always think of Viṣṇu, without
forgetting Him under any circumstances. Actually this is the most basic of all
regulative principles
• Without being elevated to the position of a jñānī, or wise man, one cannot stick to
the principle of worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Thanks to HG Srivas Pandit Das (RNS) for pointing the flash light on this great
literature and guiding the ISV Bhakti Shastri class by teaching us the “Science
of Devotion”.

Please send any corrections to so this material will be accurate and ending up misguiding an aspiring soul.

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