1.1 Performance Appraisal

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Performance appraisal is the process of obtaining, analyzing and recording information

about the relative worth of an employee. The focus of the performance appraisal is measuring
and improving the actual performance of the employee and also the future potential of the
employee. Its aim is to measure what an employee does.

It is a powerful tool to calibrate, refine and reward the performance of the employee. It
helps to analyze his achievements and evaluate his contribution towards the achievements of
the overall organizational goals.
Limitations of study

1. Lack of expertise trainer handed in the prosecution of Performance Appraisal programme.

2. Lack of feeling in people of against the awareness for the Performance Appraisal programme.

3. Search for the exact Appraisal was also difficult to define.


India’s software exporting industry is one of the world’s successful information technology industries.
Begun in 1974, it employed 345,000 persons in 2004 and earned revenue of $12.2 bn, equal to 3.3% of
global software services spending. This paper’s object is to explain the industry’s origins, growth and
sustainability. As we shall show, the industry originated under untypical conditions. Local markets were
absent and government policy toward private enterprise was hostile.
These conditions influenced the industry’s origins. The industry was begun by Bombay-based
conglomerates which entered the business by supplying global IT firms located overseas with
programmers. Their success owed to the innovative exploitation of a new global market opportunity and
protection from transnational corporations and startups by policy. The explanation on origins is the same
as used to explain industry origin in countries such as Korea and Japan (see, for example, Dicken
(2003)) – with the difference that while government policy favored large domestic firms and
discouraged TNCs and small firms in those countries, in India, government policy disfavored all types
but was least hostile to large, domestic firms. In economic terms, the effect was the same as the more
typical protectionist policy.

The management can identify the employee’s opinion of the existing performance appraisal
system. The study can be used to make the present appraisal system more effective and
satisfied among employees. It could be used to identify training and development needs for
the individual and the organization as a whole.

Performance appraisal is one of the most important requirements for all successful business and human resource
policy (Kressler, 2003). Rewarding and promoting effective performance in organization, as well as identifying
ineffective performers for resource management (Pulakos, 2003). The ability to conduct performance appraisal
relies on the ability to assess an employee’s performance in a fair and accurate manner. Evaluating employee
performance is a difficult task. Once the supervisor understands the nature of the job and the source of information,
the information needs to be collected in a systematic way, provided as feedback, and integrated into the
organization’s performance management process for use in making compensation, job placement and training
decisions and assignment (London, 2003). After a review of literature, a performance appraisal
model will be described in detail. The model discussed is an example of a performance appraisal system that can be
implemented aim a large institution of higher education, within the Student Affair division. The model can be
applied to top-level, middle-level and lower-level employees. Evaluation instruments (forms) are provided to assist
with implementation the appraisal system.

A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to
combine relevance to the research purpose. Research design stands for advance planning of the method to be
adopted for collecting the relevant data the techniques to be used in their analysis, keeping in view the
objective of research. The ideal research design is which minimizes the bias and maximizes the reliability of
the data collected and analyzed. A research design would act as a guide and help the researcher move towards
the right direction. Research concerns itself with obtaining information through empirical observation that can
be used to systematically develop logically related proposition so as to attempt to establish casual relationships
among variables.
Data Collection:-

There are two types of data viz. primary data and secondary data. Primary data are those,
which are collected fresh and for the first time, and thus happened to be original in
character and the secondary data, on the other data are those which have already been
collected by someone else and which already have passed through statistical process.
Primary data for the project is collected by using different methods like questionnaires,
interview, informal talks and observation, primary data is collected.

Sources of Data:-
There are different sources used to collect data. The data for this project is collected by
conducting a survey within the organization, through questionnaire, discussions, library
books and websites. Secondary data for the project is collected by using library books,
websites, and organization’s report etc.
Stastical Tools for Data analysis:-
• Tangent Population
The target population of zeus numerix pvt ltd is the employee of across various

• Sampling Method
Random Sampling

• For employees its one of the major hindrance is delivering job performance &
so it’s the prime responsibility of the company to provide every necessary

• Performance appraisal in PARAG is done on an annual basis. This should be

done quarterly to make it more effective.

• It is also observed that basic infrastructure facilities like P.C, Printer are not up
to the mark.

• Relation of the employees with the superiors is supportive.

• Maximum support is given to the employees for their innovative ideas for
process improvement.
• Maximum employees are favorable with the internal environment of the
organization. • Majority of the employees are satisfied with their increment
through monetary motivation.
• Proper training programs on safety from hazardous & inflammable material are
conducted to avoid accidents.

• Majority of the employees are satisfied with the medical support given by the
organization through this their performance can increase.

● Performance Appraisal should be experience, work skill, labourism sincerity.

● Evaluation should be as per performance and shall not be biased.

● Valuation of performance should be done in each quarter.

● Appraisal should not be Bell Curve. It should be based on department/ individual either 1005 or 0%.

● Employee is the key resource of the organization. Hence employee satisfaction is the key to success for
the organizational growth. For employee satisfaction there should be good incremental and promotional

● Things carried out on paper should be followed/ implemented or at least can be tried.

● Performance Appraisal should be done by MBO (Management by Objective) /M&M method of


● Every employee should have a right of justification for his own roles, responsibilities and designation.

● Organization must use 360 degree appraisal method because this method not only includes the
performance of an employee but his interpersonal skills also

It is truth that no work is completed in itself. In fact, completion of one job is actually the beginning of another
job. Likewise, performance Appraisal is never ending process. It is essential for personal & professional
development. This project has been considering all possible aspects mentioned in the project booklet. The
project is made very clear and precise with the help of the relevant data gathered from the company, company
website & through various annexure. In the concluding remark of my project report, I would like to state that at
Zeus Numerix Private Limited the employees are considered as most valuable assets & strength for sustained
growth & development of the company. They believe in investing continuously in human resource for their
growth. The company is led by young professionals. They have an open work environment which is
achievement oriented. In spite of these merits, there are some demerits also in the company that the goals of the
company are not decided in advance and no feedback fixed for workers and executives in Zeus Numerix Private

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