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Here is where your presentation begins
ACT NO. 8491
This act shall be known as the “Flag and
Heraldic Code of the Philippines.”

The “Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines,” mandates that reverence and respect shall
be accorded at all times to the Philippine flag, the national anthem and other national
symbols that embody the country’s ideals and traditions, and express the principles of
sovereignty and national solidarity. It penalizes violators.
The flag, if flown from a
flagpole, shall have its blue field
on top in time of peace and the
red field on top in time of war; if
in a hanging position, the blue
field shall be to the right (left of
the observer) in time of peace
and the red field to the right (left
of the observer) in time of war.
A flag worn out through wear and tear shall not be thrown
away. It shall be solemnly burned to avoid misuse or
desecration. The flag shall be replaced immediately when it
begins to show signs of wear and tear.
The flag shall be hoisted to the top briskly
and lowered ceremoniously. The flag shall
never touch anything beneath it, such as the
ground, flood, water or other objects. After
being lowered, the flag shall be handled and
folded solemnly as part of the ceremony.
May 28 to June 12 of each year are
declared as Flag Days, during which all
offices, agencies and instrumentalities of
government, business establishments and
institutions of learning, including private
homes, are enjoined to display the flag.
The flag shall be flown at half-mast as a sign of mourning
on all buildings and places where it is displayed, as
provided for in this Act, on the day of official
announcement of the death of any of the following

a. The President or a former President, for ten (10) days; b.

The Vice-President, the Chief Justice, the President of the
Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives,
for seven (7) days; and c. Other persons to be determined
by the Institute, for any period less than seven (7) days. The
flag shall be flown at half-mast on all the buildings and
places where the decedent was holding office, on the day of
death until the day of interment of an incumbent member of
the Supreme Court, the Cabinet, the Senate or the House of
Representatives, and such other persons as may be
determined by the Institute. The flag when flown at half-
mast shall be first hoisted to the peak for a moment then
lowered to the half-mast position. The flag shall again be
raised briskly to the peak before it is lowered for the day.
The flag may be used to cover the caskets of
the honored dead of the military, veterans of
previous wars, national artists, and of civilians
who have rendered distinguished service to the
nation. In such cases, the flag shall be placed
such that the white triangle shall be at the head
and the blue portion shall cover the right side
of the caskets. The flag shall not be lowered to
the grave or allowed to touch the ground, but
shall be folded solemnly and handed over to
the heirs of the deceased.
Such pledge shall be recited
while standing with the right
hand palm open raised shoulder
high. Individuals whose faith or
religious beliefs prohibit them
from making such pledge must
nonetheless show full respect
when the pledge is being
rendered by standing at
The following are prohibited with
respect to the flag:

– To mutilate, deface, defile, trample on,

cast contempt or commit on the flag or any
act or omission that casts dishonor or
ridicule upon the flag over its surface (thus,
it is illegal to burn the
  Philippine flag
during rallies).

– To dip the flag to any person or

object by way of compliment or

- To use the flag as drapery, festoon or
tablecloth; as covering for ceilings,
walls, statues or other objects; as a
pennant in the hood, side,
  back and top
of motor vehicles; as a staff or whip;
for unveiling monuments  or statues;
and as trademarks or for industrial,
commercial or agricultural labels or
– To display the flag under any painting or
picture, below any platform; or in
discotheques, cockpits, night and day clubs,
casinos, gambling joints and places of vice
or where frivolity prevails.

– To display in public any foreign flag,

except in embassies and other diplomatic
establishments, and in offices of
international organizations.

– To use, display or be part of any

advertisement or infomercial.

– To display the flag in front of buildings or
offices occupied by aliens.
- To wear the flag in whole or part as a
costume or uniform.

- To add any word, figure, mark,

picture, design, drawing,
advertisement or imprint of any nature
to the flag.

- To print, paint or attach a

representation of the flag on
handkerchiefs, napkins, cushions and
other merchandise.
National Anthem : Lupang
The code expressly prescribes that its rendition, whether played or sung, shall be in
accordance with the musical arrangement and composition of Julian Felipe. (We
understand that, according to the National Historic Commission of the Philippines, the
proper tempo is a 2/4 and 100 metronomes, and that the anthem should last 53 seconds).

When the national anthem is played at a public gathering, whether by a band or by

singing or both, or reproduced by any means, the attending public shall sing it with
As a sign of respect, all persons shall stand at attention and face the Philippine flag, if there
is one displayed. If none, they shall face the band or conductor. At the first note, all persons
shall execute a salute by placing their right palms over their left chests. Those in the
military or scouting shall give the prescribed salute.

The anthem shall not be played and sung for mere recreation, amusement or entertainment
purposes, except on some occasions. These are international competitions where the
Philippines is the host or has a representative; local competitions; during “signing off” and
“signing on” of radio broadcasting and television stations; and before the initial and last
screening of films or before the opening of theater performances.
Maybe You Need to
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The national Motto shall be “MAKA- The National Coat-of-Arms shall have:
DIYOS, MAKA-TAO, Paleways of two (2) pieces, azure and
MAKAKALIKASAN AT gules; a chief argent studded with three
MAKABANSA (3) mullets equidistant from each other;
and, in point of honor, ovoid argent over
all the sun rayonnant with eight minor
lesser rays. Beneath shall be the scroll
with the words “REPUBLIKA NG
PILIPINAS,” inscribed thereon.
The Great Seal shall be circular in form, with the arms as
described in the preceding section, but without the scroll and
the inscription thereon. Surrounding the whole shall be a
double marginal circle within which shall appear the words
“Republika ng Pilipinas.” For the purpose of placing The
Great Seal, the color of the arms shall not be deemed essential
but tincture representation must be used. The Great Seal shall
bear the National Motto.

The Great Seal shall be affixed to or placed upon all

commissions signed by the President and upon such other
official documents and papers of the Republic of the
Philippines as may be provided by law, or as may be required
bv custom and usage. The President shall have custody of the
Great Seal.

Any person or judicial entity which violates any of

the provisions of this Act shall, upon conviction, be
punished by a fine of not less than Five thousand
pesos (5,000.00) not more than Twenty thousand
pesos (P20,000.00), or by imprisonment for not
more than one (1) year, or both such fine and
imprisonment, at the discretion of the court .
Leadership is the art of
influincing people to get the
necessary support and
cooperation in community
affairs and to maintain
solidarity among people.
A pers
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WHAT IS the ty leadershi
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LEADERSHIP? needs , letting th d well-
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10 key principles of
servant leadership
1. Listening 3. Healing
Listening is at the heart of servant leadership. If a Healing is as simple as creating a healthy work
team member’s talking, give them your full focus environment that has work-life balance built in.
and attention—no interruption allowed! It’s a It’s also about giving people the tools they need
simple way to make your team feel valued so to succeed so they feel like a valued member of
they know you care. the team.

2. Empathy 4. Self Awareness

A lot goes into empathy, but when it comes to Take inventory of your own strengths and
servant leadership, it basically comes down to weaknesses, and figure out how you fit into the
getting to know your team. Find out what makes overall team. Then use yourself in ways that
them tick, and learn their strengths and benefit the team and the company. Recognizing
weaknesses. That way you can let your team your own limitations can help you see
members shine and maybe even help them turn opportunities to leverage your team’s strengths
their weaknesses into strengths. more clearly.
10 key principles of
servant leadership
5. Persuasion 7. Foresight
Servant leaders use persuasion to build consensus Another key characteristic of servant leadership
and get buy-in from their team. That way is taking the knowledge you’ve learned in the
everyone feels like they have a stake in the past and applying it to the future so you and your
team’s success. team can continue to grow.

6. Conceptualization 8. Stewardship
You’ve got to know where you’re going as a Stewardship is simply leading by example. It’s
leader and a company. After all, how else will you your job to set the tone for your team, so don’t
carve a positive path for your team? ask people to do things you wouldn’t do yourself.
10 key principles of
servant leadership

9. Commitment to 10. Building the

the growth of people Community
Servant-leaders believe that people have an intrinsic Servant-leaders are aware that the shift from local
value beyond their tangible contributions as communities to large institutions as the primary
workers. As such, servant-leaders are deeply shaper of human lives has changed our perceptions
committed to a personal, professional, and spiritual and has caused a feeling of loss. Servant-leaders
growth of each and every individual within the seek to identify a means for building community
organization. among those who work within a given institution.

1. Values diverse 2. Cultivates a culture 3. Develops other

opinions. of trust.
“ leaders.
A servant leader values “Servant leaders cultivate a teaching others to lead, providing opportunities for
everyone’s contributions and growth and demonstrating by example. That means
culture of trust” the leader is not always leading, but instead giving
regularly seeks out opinions.
up power and deputizing others to lead.

4. Helps people with

5. Encourages 6. Sells instead of tells
life issues
It’s important to offer The hallmark of a servant leader A servant leader is the opposite
opportunities for personal is encouragement. And a true of a dictator. It’s a style all
development beyond the job. servant leader says, “Let’s go about persuading, not
do it,” not, “You go do it.” commanding.
Cont. 8. Thinks Long
A servant leader is thinking
about the next generation,
the next leader, the next

7. Thinks “you,” not 9. Acts with humility

The leader doesn’t wear a
There’s a selfless quality
title as a way to show who’s
about a servant leader.
in charge, doesn’t think he’s
Someone who is thinking
better than everyone else,
only, “How does this benefit
and acts in a way to care for
me?” is disqualified.
H a b it s
The 7
H ig h ly
f fe ct iv e
1. 3.
Sharpen Begin with an end
the Saw in mind
Don’t work yourself to death. Strive for a Have a vision for the
sustainable lifestyle that affords you time to future and align your
recuperate, recharge and be effective in the actions accordingly to
long-term. make it into a reality.

2. 4.
Be Proactive Put things
You have a natural need to wield To prioritize your work,
influence on the world around you focus on what’s important,
so don’t spend your time just meaning the things that
reacting to external events and bring you closer to your
circumstances. Take charge and vision of the future. Don’t
assume responsibility for your life. get distracted by urgent but
unimportant tasks.
Cont. 6. Seek first to
understand, then
be understood
When someone presents us with a problem,
we often jump right to giving a solution. This
is a mistake. We should first take time to
really listen to the other person and only then
make recommendations.

5. Think win-win. 7. Synergize

Adopt the guiding principle that
When negotiating with other,
in a group, the contributions of
don’t try to get the biggest
many will far exceed those of
slice of the cake, but rather
any individual.
find a division that is
acceptable to all parties.

L B.

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