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SESSION – 2020-2021
B.Ed II Sem.

• Gardening is define as the laying out and
care of a plot of ground developed partially
or wholly to the growing of plants such as
flowers , herbs, fruits or vegetables are
grown for consumption, for use as dyes, or
for medicinal or cosmetic use.
• Gardening is considered by many people to
be a relaxing activity.
• There are also many studies about the
positive effects on mental and physical
health in relation to gardening.
1. Community garden
2. Container garden
3. Kitchen garden
4. Vegetable garden
5. Fruit garden
6. Flower garden
7. Herb garden
8. Water garden
Raised garden
Indoor garden
Types of
11. Outdoor garden
12. Rock garden
13. Ornamental garden
14. Soilless garden
15. Shade garden
16. Greenhouse garden
17. Perennial garden
18. Themed garden
19. Kids garden
20. Intensive garden
Water Gardening

Water gardening is gardening

that is concerned with
growing plants adapted to
pools and ponds. This is
because most aquatic plants
are depth sensitive and
require a specific water
depth in order to thrive .
Indoor gardening
Indoor gardening is
nothing more than
the act of growing
plants indoors . This
might be a
residential location
like an office
building or
restaurant , or any
other residential
Outdoor gardening
Plants have always been
a natural part of our
lives. When space
allows, there can be
large expanses of lawns,
an oasis of planted
trees, elaborate shrub
plantings where space is
limited , hanging
baskets and container
gardens help create and
fill the need for a
natural connection.
Container gardening
Container gardening or
pot gardening is the
practice of growing
plants exclusively in
containers instead of
planting them on
ground. A container in
gardening is a small,
enclosed and usually
portable object used for
displaying live flowers
or plants.
Shade gardening
Shade gardens are
planted and grown in
areas with little or no
direct sunlight. Light
shade also known as
“dappled sunlight”, may
support growing herbs or
some leaf vegetables,
but in addition to lack of
light, trees and other
large plants create shade
garden may negatively
impact soil fertility.
Perennial gardening

A perennial plant or
simply perennial is a plant
that lives more than two
years. Perennials are
specially small flowering
plants that grow and
bloom over the spring and
summer , die back every
autumn and winter , and
then return in the spring
from their rootstock , are
known as herbaceous
Herb gardening
A herb garden is generally a
garden that is being used
solely to grow herbs. A
better description of what
an herb garden might be is
a beautiful and relaxing
place where you can find
plants that are not only
useful but beneficial for
enjoyment of life.
Kids gardening
Gardening is a healthy, fun
activity for children .
Children develop new skills
and learn about science and
nature from growing their
own food. There is a variety
of interesting activites
children can be involved in ,
such as planting, mulching ,
weeding and cooking etc.
Raised bed gardening
Raised bed gardening is a form
of gardening in which the soil is
enclosed in three to four foot
wide containment units, which
are usually made of wood, rock,
or concrete and which can be of
any length or shape. The soil is
raised above the surrounding soil
and may be enriched with
compost .
Rock gardening
A rock gardening also
known as rockery or
alpine gardening , is a
small field or plot of
ground designed to
feature and emphasize
a variety of rocks
,stones, and boulders.
The plants found in are
usually species that
flourish in well drained,
poorly irrigated soil.
Intensive gardening
Intensive gardening
is a method of
gardening in which
plants are grown
within a smaller
space and with
higher yields than
other traditional
gardening methods.

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