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MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Ship Security Awareness

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Aim of this presentation

• Brief understanding of the ISPS code

• Better involvement in the Ship Security Assessment
• Easier understanding of the Security Plan
• Effective implementation of the Plan
• Proactive approach to the impending changes.

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Security against what ? ?

• Terrorism
• Piracy / Theft / Robberies / Pilferage
• Stowaways
• Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
• Use of ship as a means of illegal transport (illegal immigrants, drugs, weapons, etc.)
• Hijacking of ships

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Birth of ISPS
• Following the tragic events of Sept-11,
the IMO developed new security
measures and brought them in force as
amendments to SOLAS Ch. XI-2 :
Special Measures to Enhance
Maritime Security.
ISPS – The International Ship and Port Facility Security Code

• Compliance with the Code mandatory from 01st July 2004 for all ships more than 500
GT and all ports serving such ships.

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Objective of the code

• To detect and deter security threats.

• Take preventive measures against security incidents affecting ships and ports.
• Establish respective roles and responsibilities of governments, ports, ships and owners.
• Have in place plans and procedures to react to changing security scenarios.

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Organization of the Code

• The ISPS code is in two parts, viz.

• Part A – Mandatory requirements

Part B – Can
be done this Part A
way Do it

• Part B – Guidance on the provisions in Part A

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

What does this code require us to do?

• Assess the risk that we are exposed to with respect to security – A Security Assessment
• Implement control measures to decrease the risk and document it – A Ship Security
• Designate security responsibilities and impart necessary training
• Fit security equipment as necessary
• Get certified by the administration

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

• Definition of a few important terms used in the Code.

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Ship Security Officer (SSO)

Means the person on board the ship accountable to the Master, responsible for the
security of the ship including implementation and maintenance of the Ship Security Plan,
and for liaison with the Company Security Officer and the Port Facility Security Officer.

(Similar to the Safety officer)


MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Company Security Officer (CSO)

Means the person designated by the Company for ensuring that a ship security
assessment is carried out; that a ship security plan is developed, submitted for approval,
implemented and maintained, and for liaison with the Ship Security Officer and the Port
Facility Security Officer (similar to the DPA).

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO)

Means the person designated as responsible for the development, implementation,

revision and maintenance of the Port Facility Security Plan and for liaison with SSOs and

(A port employee)

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Ship Security Plan (SSP)

A plan developed to ensure the application of measures designed to protect the port
facility and ships, persons, cargo, cargo transport units and ship’s stores within the port
facility from the risks of a security incident.

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Security Levels
• means the qualification of the degree of risk that a security incident will be attempted
or will occur.

Security Level 1
• means the level for which minimum appropriate protective security measures shall be
maintained at all times. (Normal or routine)

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Security Level 2 means the level for which appropriate additional protective security
measures shall be maintained for a period of time as a result of heightened risk of a
security incident. (Alert or heightened)

Security Level 3 means the level for which further specific protective security measures
shall be maintained for a limited period of time when a security incident is probable or
imminent, although it may not be possible to identify the specific target. (Imminent or
highest level of threat)

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Security level indicates the alert level at which we are operating. Higher the security level,
higher is the threat perceived.

Security level of the ship is set by the flag state administration.

Security level of the port is set by the government of the country where the port is.

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

For each security level, the SSP will contain a set of instructions to be complied with by the
ship staff. Similarly the Port Security Plan will contain a set of instructions to be complied
with by the port. Ensuring that all instructions in the respective plans are being complied
with makes things safer overall and the responsibility for security is shared both by the
ship and the port.

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

The Ship Security Plan

• Made by the CSO

• Based on a Ship Security Assessment (SSA)
• In line with our Quality Management System
• Subject to periodic Audits and Review
• Approved by the Flag State Administration
• A Confidential Document

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

The Ship Security Assessment(SSA)

The SSA will be done by the CSO or a person nominated by him. It will include an on-scene
security survey on board your vessel and identify :

The existing security measures, procedures, operations

The key activities on board to protect

Possible threats to the vessel and their likelihood of occurrence

The weaknesses including human factors, infrastructure, policies and procedures

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Based on this Assessment, the CSO will develop a specific Ship Security Plan (SSP).

This plan, once approved by the Administration, will be placed on board your vessel for

This plan is a confidential document and to be accessed by the Master and the SSO only.

The Master / SSO will train the ship’s complement based on this Plan.

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Though the security of the vessel in the open sea is totally dependent on the ship’s
security arrangements, a lot of security measures will be shared between the port and the
ship during her stay in port. It is this interface that is critical to overall security. In order to
effectively control this part, the ISPS code is to be complied with by ports too. Just the way
the SSO is responsible for the security measures on board the vessel, the Port facility
Security Officer (PFSO) is responsible for the security measures in the port. The
Master/SSO shall liaison with the PFSO to ensure sufficient security.

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

It should be noted that while the security level for the vessel is set by the Flag State, the
security level of the port is set by the Port State government. If the vessel arrives at a port
and finds that the ship is at different security level, then a document called Declaration of
Security (DOS) shall be signed between the ship and the port. Should the vessel be at a
lower security level than the port, she shall raise her security level to that of the port, sign
a DOS and inform the CSO and the flag state of such action. If the vessel is at a higher level
than the port, then she shall remain so and sign a DOS.

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Declaration of Security (DOS)

• DOS is a document signed by the Master / SSO and the PFSO / Port representative. A
DOS shall be signed under the following circumstances :
• Ship operating at Security level 2 or 3, or
• Ship operating at a higher level than port, or
• There has been an security incident or threat involving the vessel or port, or
• The ship is conducting ship to ship activities, or
• The interfacing port or ship is not required to comply with ISPS.

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

What does this DOS contain?

• The security requirements shared between the ship and port e.g. control of access to
people, x-raying of containers, etc.
• The responsibility for each of the above said requirements.
• The security level they are operating at.
• The contact details of the responsible and relevant persons on either side, e.g. CSO,
local law enforcement, vessel agents, emergency medical facility, etc.

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

• The DOS shall be signed immediately on arrival.
• The DOS shall be kept on board throughout the vessel stay in port.
• The Master / SSO shall retain the last 10 DOS at all times.
• Should be available readily for inspection by Port State Control Officers.

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Ship Security Alert System (SSAS)

Your ship will be fitted with a SSAS similar to the distress button you have in the GMDSS.
This system will use the satellite technology. It will be capable of being activated from the
bridge and at least one another location. When activated this system will initiate and
transmit an alert to the administration/company identifying the ship, its location and
indicating that the security of the ship is under threat. This alert will not go to other ships
or raise any alarm on board. It will continue until it is deactivated / reset. On receiving the
alert the administration/company will liaise with the nearest coast state to take corrective

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Ship Identification Number

Permanently marked on the hull either at the stern or the sides or on the superstructure
sides or front.

Permanently marked on one of the end transverse bulkheads of machinery space or

hatchways or pump room or RO-RO space.

Should be plainly visible, of contrasting color and clear of other markings.

The identification number will be the existing IMO number of the vessel.

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Continuous Synopsis Record(CSR)

A document issued by the flag administration intended to provide an on-board record of

the history of the ship (at least from 01st July 2004 onwards). This document will remain
on board even in case of change of ownership, flag, operator or crew. It must be available
at all times on board for inspection by duly authorized officers of the port state (PSC).

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Training Requirements

• All SSOs will be trained ashore as per the requirements and matrix.

• The Master / SSO will carry out on board training on various security measures as per
the Ship Security Plan.
• New drills will include bomb search, ship-shore drills, security familiarization sessions

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Security Incident – Information Sharing

Incident Summary 1 - Bulk carrier - Enroute from Dakar(Senegal) to Itaqui(Brasil) - Two

stowaways were found on board.

Access to hiding space by stepping on the rail Hiding inside the funnel top

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

03/03/2021 31
Security Incident – Information Sharing

Hazard Event Consequence

Possible boarding • Two stowaways posed • No damage to vessel

of Stowaways as stevedores boarded • No injuries to the crew.
the vessel in port of • However, the stowaways
Dakar(Senegal) on 06th sailed along with the vessel
March 2020. until the next port
• The vessel departed • Stowaways were taken off
port of Dakar on 07th • Management needed to
March 2020. involve P&I for
• Until 13th March 2020, disembarkation of
the stowaways were stowaways
hiding in the funnel • Additional repatriation
exhaust stack area expenses.
• Stowaways eventually
turned up on port side
bridge wing, when the
crew noticed.
MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.
03/03/2021 32
Cause Identification
Direct cause:
Indirect cause:
• As per SSP, the hiding space [part of the
• Lack of effectiveness in the search
funnel] was not identified as a “vulnerable”
space • Lack of training for identification
• The security measures at the terminal was
of the vulnerable spaces.
not “effective”
Proposed Corrective actions:
Root cause:
• Vessels to use tamper proof seals for isolating the areas
• Security at the port
already covered under the primary search.
was breached.
• Vessels in the fleet to review the vulnerable spaces as
• Briefing & Planning
per their SSP and identify probable locations as a
of security duties
learning from this incident.
did not motivate
• The SSP to be modified to include any such spaces.
the crew
• A proposal to be prepared for the senior management
• Crew did not
on board to sign a stowaway undertaking prior joining
perform security
• Consider checking of difficult areas to access more
MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd. duties diligently. 33
stringently – Rudder trunks / Funnel space / Chain
Similar Security incidents

Incident summary 2:
Chemical tanker – Offshore Lome – Three
stowaways found in the rudder trunk.

Incident summary 3:
Bulk carrier – Port Elizabeth – Tresspassers
boarded vessel through fwd spring line and
hid themselves in 200 ltr drums kept for
collecting cargo residues from hold.

Further reading

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

08-07-2020 34
What does this Ship Security Plan Contain ? ? ?

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

The Ship Security Plan contains various security measures related to the
following :

• Control of access to vessel.

• Control of people boarding vessel and their baggage.
• Identifying restricted areas and controlling access to these areas to
authorized personnel.
• Monitoring of deck areas and areas surrounding vessel.
• Supervising the handling of cargo and ship’s stores
• Allocating specific security duties to ship staff and ensuring their
• Ensuring ready availability of security communication.

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Control of Access to Vessel

• Identify various means of access

• Identification required to allow access to vessel e.g identity card, work orders
• Identifying potential access points on vessel
• Securing and attending to access points
• Patrols to deter unauthorized access
• Establishing restricted areas around vessel

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Control of people boarding vessel and their baggage

• Identification and confirming reasons from people boarding vessel

• Checking baggage of people
• Identifying restricted areas on board and controlling their access
• Challenging people without proper reason/ identity boarding vessel
• Escorting visitors to ship
• Reporting suspicious persons

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Restricted Areas

• These are areas where access is restricted to ship staff and authorized personnel for
reasons of the criticality of these areas with respect to security e.g.
• Navigational bridge, Engine room, Fire station etc.
• Restricted areas will be marked clearly indicating that the access is restricted and
unauthorized presence in such area constitutes a breach of security.

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Monitoring of deck areas and areas around vessel

• Procedures for carrying out patrols

• Areas to be patrolled
• Checking areas around vessel including sea side to lookout for unauthorized access
• Keeping security lookouts

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Control of Material

• Checking cargo loaded / unloaded

• Checking of spares/stores received
• Prevention of cargo tampering / pilferage
• Measures to prevent using vessel as means for illegal transport of weapons, narcotics
• Checking baggage and other personnel effects.

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Ship specific Security Duties

Details of various security duties to be carried out by ship staff like:

• Access control – both men and material

• Security Patrols
• Security lookouts
• Searches – Drug, bomb, stowaways etc.
• Document control
• Communication

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Security Communication

• Procedures for handling classified information

• Using shipboard equipment for communications on security
• Communication with various authorities on security related matters.

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

The Certification process . . .

• Vessel provided with The International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) valid for 5 years if
she complies with the Code.
• Certification done by the Flag State administration or the Recognized Security
Organization (RSO).
• No annual survey / audit. Only intermediate audit, 2.5 yrs ± 6 months.

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

The Certification process . . .

• Internal audit done annually.

• All audit reports and audit results are confidential.
• Non-conformities termed as “failure” and “deviation”.

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.


• The number of terror incidents at sea related to the maritime industry may be minimal
at this point of time compared to others but we must realize that sooner or later this
can change.
• Terrorism and the ISPS code are here to stay. Rather than being reactive and
complacent to these changes we must feel that it is our safety and existence that is in
• We may not be able eliminate the menace totally but all we are trying is to reduce the
risk. Company and ships better prepared to face the modern day threats of terrorism
will benefit ultimately.

MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.


MOL-Synergy Marine (India) Pvt. Ltd.

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