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Jakarta, 30 – 31 Mei 2016
Merlynn Park Hotel
Disajikan oleh: Verweny Rochcy Maryati, S.Pd.,M.Pd.

Maxensius Tri Sambodo

• March 2000 - Now Researcher at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences-
Economic Research Center (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia / LIPI
– Pusat Penelitian Ekonomi / P2E)
• Educations:
 1995-1999 Bachelor in Economics and Development Studies-
Universitas Padjadjaran.
 July 2004 Graduate Diploma in Economics of Development-The
Australian National University-Canberra-Australia.
 June 2005 Master of International and Development Economics,
Asia Pacific School of Economics and Government - The Australian
National University (ANU) –Canberra - Australia.
 September 2012, Ph.D. in Social Systems Analysis, National Graduate
Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Japan.
 January 2013 – July 2015, Visiting Fellow in Institute of Southeast
Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore
• Address: JL. Gatot Subroto Kav 10, Gedung Widya Graha LIPI, Lantai 4-5
Jakarta, Post code 12190, Phone +62 21 5207120, Fax +62 21 5262139,
Mobile 081287671185
• Email: or

1. Apa itu KTI? Bagaimana alur pikir
struktur KTI?
2. Orisinalitas karya
3. Citation vs. Quotation
4. Reference list vs. Bibliography
5. Aplikasi Mendeley
6. Membedah substansi KTI
7. Kiat-kiat terbit di Jurnal Internasional
Karya Tulis Ilmiah
• Terbitan Ilmiah: buku ilmiah, bunga rampai,
majalah ilmiah/jurnal, prosiding, dan monografi
• Terbitan ilmiah populer: memoar, biografi,
autobiografi, komik, katalog, buku saku, dan
buku panduan
• Lihat:

Casual and or/Sytematic Library Research


Deductive Develop idea into a testable hypothesis


Choose an appropriate research design (experimental,

correlation, and so on)

Choose subject population (consider sampling techniques,

animal subject, human participants, and so on)

Decide on what to observe and the appropriate measures

Conduct study (do pretesting, pilot work, actual study)

Analyze data (using descriptive and inferential statistics)

Bordens & Abbot (2011)

Report results (write paper of make presentation)

Originalitas vs. Plagiarism

• Originalitas merupakan komponen penting dalam
setiap pembuatan karya ilmiah.
• Plagiarism dan cheating (memanipulasi data)
mempengaruhi moral teman-teman sekerja, dan
merendahkan reputasi lembaga.
• Plagiarism dan cheating tidak bisa ditoleransi dan
perlu mendapatkan ganjaran berat.
• Perkembangan jaringan media yang cepat, membuat
plagiarism dan cheating dengan mudah dideteksi.
• Beberapa software dapat dimiliki: Turnitin, Viper, etc.

Definisi plagiarism
• Plagiarism berasal dari kata latin plagiarius
(“kidnapper”) penculik.
• Plagiarism meliputi: menjiplak ide, mengambil
kata-kata atau hal lainnya dari sumber lain
tanpa memberikan referensi yang memadai
sehingga hal tersebut seoleh-olah menjadi
pekerjaan diri sendiri.

Contoh-contoh plagiarism
• Menyerahkan pekerjaan yang sebagian atau
seluruhnya merupakan hasil kerja orang lain
• Kelalaian memberikan penghargaan atas ide,
perkataan, fakta, atau kesimpulan yang merupakan
milik orang lain
• Kembali membahasakan (paraphrasing) ide,
interprestasi, ataupun ekspresi dari orang lain tanpa
memberikan penghargaan
• Kelalaian memberikan tanda kutipan
• Menggunakan seluruh makalah dari orang lain
ataupun bagian tertentu yang penting bahkan telah
memberikan kutipan.

Hal yang memerlukan Hal yang tidak

kutipan memerlukan kutipan

1. Kata-kata spesifik dan 1. Ide atau pengalaman

frase yang kita dapatkan
2. Informasi dan ide yang 2. Pengetahuan yang
bukan milik kita bersifat umum
3. Frase-frase umum dalam
penulisan ilmiah

Contoh (pilih yang benar)

1. Although political scientists are prone to debate and disagreement, the
majority view the discipline as a genuine science. They see themselves as
engaged in revealing the relationships underlying political events and
conditions. Based on these revelations, they attempt to state general
principles about the way the world of politics works. Given these aims, it is
important for political scientists’ writing to be conceptually precise, free
from bias, and well-substantiated by empirical evidence (Brown, 1999).

2. Brown (1999) states that although political scientists are prone to debate
and disagreement, the majority view the discipline as a genuine science.
According to Brown, political scientist see themselves as engaged in
revealing the relationships underlying political events and conditions and
they attempt to state general principles about the way the world of politics
works. Brown concludes that given these aims, it is important for
political scientists' writing to be conceptually precise, free from bias, and
well-substantiated by empirically evidence.

Publishing in Regional Science

(Geoffrey J.D. Hewings)
An Increasing Concern – Self Plagiarism
• In haste to publish more papers, many authors
try to maximize production by minor tweaking of
prior work – comes close to self plagiarism
• Make sure that each paper is “product
differentiated” from earlier work
• If you draw on earlier work, be explicit in
mentioning it e.g. use a footnote “This section
draws on Smith 2012”
• Most referees are very familiar with the field and
at least one of them will draw attention to the
editor of blatant self-plagiarism

Publishing in Regional Science

(Geoffrey J.D. Hewings)
An Increasing Concern – Plagiarism
• If you use other authors’ ideas, be sure to
reference them explicitly
• With the internet and search engines, it is ever
more difficult to pass someone else’s work as
your own
• There is a Gresham’s Law of Information – “bad
information drives out good.” Do not be tempted
to appropriate other’s work – once you are
“branded,” it is difficult to recover your

Citation vs. Quotation (kutipan)

• Citation adalah referensi terhadap sumber
informasi dan ide. Hal umum untuk
mengindikasikan citation dalam ilmu sosial adalah
sebagai berikut:
▫ Brown (1999) describe two main causes of
management failure.
▫ A true experiment is a process of carefully controlled
observation and inference (Creswell, 2004).
• Hal penting dalam mengindikasikan citation:
▫ Posisi harus diletakkan paling dekat terhadap sumber
▫ Bisa membedakan mana ide yang bersumber dari
pendapat sendiri dan orang lain

Citation vs. Quotation

• Quotation adalah frase, kalimat, ataupun pesan yang di-
quote, misalkan mengulang secara persis sama
sebagaimana yang ada dalam sumber. Kata-kata yang
dipinjam harus diberikan “tanda quotation”. Contoh:
▫ Robert Sternberg, in his book Reading and vocabulary
growth (1998), writes on page 307:
 Simple reading a lot does not guarantee a high vocabulary
▫ Statement tersebut dapat di quote sebagai berikut:
 Sternberg (1998) has argue that “simple reading a lot does not
guarantee a high vocabulary.” (p.307)
• Hal penting: materi quotation membutuhkan tanda
quotation dan citation termasuk halaman yang di-quote

Contoh (pilih yang benar)

• Richards (1997) defines evaluation as the systematic gathering of
information for the purpose of making decision. Brown (2001) defines
evaluation as the systematic collection and analysis of all relevant information
necessary to promote the improvement of a project and assess its effectiveness
within its community. Ornstein and Hunkins (2007) define evaluation as a
process conducted to gather and interpret data in order to decide whether to
accept, change, or terminate any part of the project.

• All sources consider the systematic collection of data to be part of

evaluation. However, Richards’s (1997) definition stops at data collection,
while Brown (2001) and Ornstein and Hunkins (2007) include analysis of
the data in the process evaluation. They also differ in terms of the goal of
evaluation. Richards does not specify what decision might be made on the basis
of the data collected, while Ornstein and Hunkins foresee accepting , changing, or
terminating all or part of the project. Brown, on the other hand, sees the goal of
evaluation as promoting the improvement of the project and assessing its
effectiveness within the community.

Teknik Mengutip
Reference list vs. Bibliography
• Baik “reference list” dan “bibliography” merujuk pada alphabetized list dimana pembaca
menemukan informasi lengkap untuk setiap sumber yang disebutkan dalam
teks yang meliputi:
▫ Nama pengarang atau editor
▫ Waktu publikasi
▫ Judul pekerjaan
▫ Nama jurnal
▫ Kota publikasi dan nama publisher (jika sumber berupa cetakan)
▫ Alamat web (jika sumber online)
• A reference list is associated with in-text (author-date) citations formatted
according to APA (the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association). If
you use in-text citation, format them according to APA and list your sources in a reference
list at the end of the text
• A bibliography is associated with source notes (footnotes or endnotes) formatted
according to the Chicago Manual of Style. If you use notes to cite sources, format them
according to Chicago and list sources in a bibliography at the end of the text.

Menggunakan APA dan Chicago Style

• Your citation and list of sources must follow a

recognized academic style.
• Do not combine the two systems for citing

How to use the APA Style Guide

Part 1: In text citations
• Part 1 shows how to include in-text citations in the body of your
work. A sample text shows what in-text (author-date) citations look
like and example show how to cite different numbers of authors
(from one through more than six), different types of authors
(person, organization, institution, no author), and more than one
work within the same parentheses

Part 2: Reference list

• Part 2 shows how to construct the alphabetized reference list that
will appear at the end of your paper. It shows a sample, then gives
models and examples of different types of sources (book, journal
article, non-English works, etc.). Identify the type of source you are
using and follow the model or examples in the appropriate section

How to use the Chicago Style Guide

Part 1: Basic Patterns
• Part 1 shows how to integrate source footnotes into your
text and how to construct an alphabetized bibliography
of those same sources at the end of your paper

Part 2: Specific content

• Part 2 shows how to construct a first citation, a short
form citation (for subsequent citations of the same
source), and bibliography entry for different types of
sources (book, journal article, non-English work, etc.).
Identify the type of source you are using and follow the
examples in the appropriate section

Citatasi informasi dari sumber yang belum pernah kita lihat

• Terkadang kita ingin menggunakan informasi (data, argumen, temuan, deskripsi) yang disertir dari
sumber yang kita baca.
• Misalkan sumber bacaan: Conley, S., & Kirchner, J. (2009). Parkinson’s disease: The shaking palsy.
Postgraduate Medicine, 106(1), 28-39.
▫ Most people would agree that true idiopathic Parkinson’s disease is often misdiagnosed. A study
from the United Kingdom Parkinson’s Disease Society Brain Bank (Adams & Smith, 1997) revealed
that only 76 of 100 brain from persons with clinically diagnosed Parkinson’s disease fulfilled the
pathologic criteria for the illness.
• Berikut adalam tiga cara untuk menggunakan informasi dari Adam & Smith (1997) yang dapat kita
setir dari sumber:
• Model 1: Highlights the information from the original source with paraphrase and put both studies in
the in-text citation, using “as cited in”:
▫ It is estimated that idiopathic Parkinson’s disease account for only about 75% of all cases of
parkinsonism (Adams & Smith, 1997, as cited in Conley & Kirchner, 2009).
• Model 2: Highlight the original source by mentioning it in your sentence and paraphrasing its
findings. Show where you got the information in the in-text citation, using “as cited in”:
▫ According to a study conducted by Adams and Smith in 1997 (as cited in Conley & Kirchner, 2009),
idiopathic Parkinson’s disease accounts for only about three-quarters of all cases of parkinsonism
• Model 3 Highlight your source by summarizing its argument and show how it uses the original source
to support its statement:
▫ Conley and Kirchner (2009) have argue that a large number of patients with parkinsonian features
actually have an alternative diagnosis. They cite a study conducted by Adams and Smith in 1997
which revealed that only a quarter of all patients with clinically diagnosed Parkinson’s disease
actually had the disease.

If you are using APA, the reference list is your
source only:
• Conley, S., & Kirchner, J. (1999). Parkinson’s
disease: The shaking palsy. Postgraduate
Medicine, 106(1), 28-39.

If you are using Chicago, the writing models shown on the previous page would look like this:

It is estimated that idiopathic Parkinson’s disease account for only about 75% of all cases of parkinsonism. 1

According to a study conducted by Adams and Smith in 1917, idiopathic Parkinson’s disease account for
only about three-quarters of all cases of Parkinsonism. 1

Conley and Kirchner have argued that a large number of patients with parkinsonian feature actually have
an alternative diagnosis. They cite a study conducted by Adams and Smith in 1997 which revealed that
only a quarter of all patients with clinically diagnosed Parkinson’s disease actually had the disease. 1

The citation rules are very different from APA. You must give full details on both source in the note and
bibliography, putting the source you did not read first:
1. Henry Adams and Sadie Smith, “Misdianosis of parkinson’s Disease,” Journal of Neurology 63 (1997):
584-589, cited in Stanley Conley and Jennifer Kirchner, “Parkinson’s Disease: The Shaking Plasy,
“Postgraduate Medicine 106, no.1 (1999): 30.

Adams, Henry, and Sadie Simth. “Misdiagonisis of Parkinson’s Disease.” Journal of Neurology 63 (1997):
584-589. Cited in Conley, Stanley, and Jennifer Kirchner, “Parkinson’s Disease: The Shaking Palsy.”
Postgraduate Medicine 106, no.1 (1999): 30.

Bagaimana meng-quote
• Prinsip umum:
▫ Direction quotation must be accurate. The wording,
spelling, and interior punctuation are exactly as in the
original, even if the original is not correct.
▫ If you add or change words for purpose of clarification,
enclose them in brackets: [ ]
▫ Use three spaced ellipsis points … to indicate any
omissions within a quoted sentence and four points …. to
indicate omission between two sentences. Do not use
ellipsis points at the beginning or end of any quotation,
even if the quoted material begins in the middle of a
sentence in the original
▫ Provide the author, year, and specific page number in the
in-text citation

Within-sentence quotations (less than 40 words)

• Enclose quotations in double quotation marks
• Enclose quotations with the quotation in single quotation marks
• You may change the case of the first letter of the first word to
uppercase of lower case to fit into your sentence without use of
▫ Original: Reliability is one of the most important criteria in survey
▫ Quotation: According to Brown (1995), “reliability is one the most
important criteria in survey research” (p.10).
• The quotation must fit into your sentence grammatically.
▫ Original: The “placebo effect,” which had been verified in previous
studies, disappears when behaviors are studied in this manner
▫ Quotation: Miele (1993) found that “the ‘placebo’… disappear[ed] when
behaviors [were] studied in this manner” (p.276)

Block Quotations (more than 40 words)

1. Start the quotation on a new line. Indent the entire quotation, but do not
indent the first line further, even if it is the beginning of a paragraph.
2. Do not use quotation marks
3. Do not omit citations embedded within the original material, but do not
include them in your reference list
4. Use a signal phrase to incorporate the quotation in your text
In this paper, I argue that the observed results should not be discarded
just because they do not support the mainstream view. Miele (1993), for
example has argued that

The “placebo effect,” which had been verified in previous studies,

disappeared when behaviors were studied in this manner.
Furthermore, the behaviors were never exhibited again [italics
added], even when reel [sic] drugs were administered. Earlier
studies (e.g., Adullah, 1984; Fox, 1979) were clearly premature in
attributing the results to a placebo effect. (p.276).

(Langkah-langkah berikut diambil dari Pedoman Akreditasi Terbitan Berkala Ilmiah, Kementerian
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan)

Format Penulisan Laporan Penelitian

• Judul
• Abstrak
• Kata Pengantar
• Daftar Isi
• Daftar Gambar
• Bab I Pendahuluan
 Konteks Penelitian
 Fokus Kajian
 Tujuan Penelitian
 Ruang Lingkup Penelitian
• Bab II Perspektif Teoritik dan Kajian Pustaka
• Bab III Metode Penelitian
 Pendekatan
 Unit Analisis
 Pengumpulan dan Analisis Data
 Keabsahan Data
• Bab IV Gambaran Setting Penelitian
• Bab V Temuan – Temuan Penelitian
• Bab VI Pembahasan Temuan-Temuan Penelitian
• Bab VII Kesimpulan dan Implikasinya
• Daftar Pustaka
• Lampiran-lampiran


1. ABSTRAK (3,3%)  Tujuan, metodologi, temuan penting,
kesimpulan/rekomendasi (250 kata plus kata kunci)
2. LATAR BELAKANG (6,7%)  justifikasi topik, masalah apa,
kelebihan, kesenjangan, sistematika penulisan
3. LANDASAN KONSEPTUAL (20%)  teori yang digunakan,
kelebihan dan kekurangan, studi-studi sebelumnya, nilai
tambah. Metodologi  data, teknik analisis
4. ANALISIS DESKRIPTIF (33,3%)  statistik deskriptif
(tabel, grafik, dll)
5. DISKUSI (30%)

Tujuan Studi Literatur

• Studi literatur bertujuan untuk memberikan
suatu deskripsi, ringkasan, dan evaluasi kritis
atas artikel yang ditulis oleh para akademisi,
buku ataupun sumber-sumber lainnya.
• Studi literatur dimaksudkan untuk
menunjukkan pada pembaca bahwa studi kita
telah sesuai dengan ruang lingkup studi yang

Tujuan studi literatur

1. Memetakan masing-masing pekerjaan dalam konteks
kontribusi yang telah diberikan terhadap permasalahan studi
yang diteliti
2. Mendeskripsikan hubungan untuk masing-masing pekerjaan
yang telah dilakukan
3. Mengidentifikasikan cara baru untuk menginterprestasikan
dan menunjukkan gap atas studi-studi sebelumnya
4. Memecahkan konflik dari studi-studi sebelumnya yang
tampak saling kontradiksi
5. Mengidentifikasi hal baru untuk menghindari duplikasi
6. Menunjukkan adanya hal yang perlu dilakukan studi
7. Melokasikan studi kita dalam konteks literatur yang ada

Jenis-Jenis Studi Literatur

1. Argumentatif
2. Integratif (new framework and perspectives)
3. Historis
4. Metodologi
5. Sistematis (a very specific empirical question)
6. Teori

Menulis Studi Literatur

1. Gunakanlan bukti
2. Selektif
3. Gunakan sitasi
4. Ringkasan dan sitesis
5. Keep you own voice
6. Kehati-hatian ketika melakukan paraphrasing

Publishing in Regional Science

• The first lemma:
▫ Not all research should be published
• Observation:
▫ Not all research is published
• The “market” may be imperfect but it works pretty
well; there are always cases of very good papers that
have difficulty in securing space in journals but for
the most part, if the paper is good enough it will be
• (see Economic Journal for article documenting
rejecting of papers from subsequent Nobel

Publishing in Regional Science

• Choosing the journal and organizing the
paper are joint “production” decisions
• Large percentage of papers are rejected
because the authors sent the papers to the
wrong journal
• Another large category of rejections come
from papers that were not prepared in the
style of the journal

Publishing in Regional Science

Preparing your paper
▫ Sole author or multiple author
 Choosing senior/published co-author can help
your career but continuously publishing with
the same co-author early in your career can be
damaging (whose work/ideas drive the papers?)
▫ Prepare an abstract and an outline; with multiple
authors decide the order of authorship and
assignments at this time – avoids friction later

Publishing in Regional Science

Preparing your paper
▫ Prepare your “elevator speech”/poster
▫ Imagine you are at a conference and meet a
well-known person in your field over coffee
▫ What will you say in a couple of minutes
without powerpoint, handouts or a board?
▫ You need to be able to state your ideas verbally
and and on paper efficiently
▫ REAL’s annual “Poster Party”

Publishing in Regional Science

Preparing your paper
•Your paper is written – do you send it
immediately to a journal? NO!
•Some pre-submission strategies
▫ Deliver it at a seminar – the act or preparation and
delivery will often reveal flaws in the logic or the
flow of the work
▫ Send to a few colleagues you know in the field and
your local colleagues
▫ After polishing, deliver it at a conference (journal
editors are often in attendance and solicit opinions
about papers presented from other colleagues)

Publishing in Regional Science

Choosing a journal
An Inefficient approach:
▫ Keep sending it to one journal after another
until it is accepted
▫ This will end up creating a negative reputation
for your work and will annoy referees who may
end up reviewing your work several times for
different journals
▫ Editors often should be guided by your letter of
offer as to why you chose his/her journal

Publishing in Regional Science

Choosing a journal
An Efficient approach
▫ Examine the list of references and see whether one
or two journals appear to be more highly
▫ Go to the journal website and examine :
“Guidelines for Authors” –
 read them and consider the suitability of your
paper for this journal
 Examine recent issues to see what has been
 Consult with more senior scholars for advice
▫ Identify one or two possibilities

Publishing in Regional Science

Choosing a journal
• Efficient approach
▫ Choose a mix of journals for your work – top and
second ranked journals
▫ Some feel that a good paper may take 2-3 journal
submissions before acceptance
▫ Even senior authors have papers rejected
• Suggestion
▫ During coffee breaks at meetings approach senior
colleagues and solicit their advice – many will be
flattered and delight to help

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