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Decision Making

BY :
Ali Ahmed Alkhalaf

Prof. Ahmad Aboshaiqah
Learning Objective: :

 Understand and define the decision-making.

 Understand the important of decision making.
 Know the types of decisions making .
 Discuss Strategies for Problem Solving.
 Identify the steps of decision making process.
 Identify the models of decision making. Know the barriers for good
decision making.
Overview :

 Making decisions is something that we do every day of our lives.

 The situation of professionals making decisions within the workplace is a

completely different matter from the everyday experience of assessment
and decision-making that we all carry out within our lives.

Decision making:

Is the process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering information, and assessing
alternative resolutions .
Important of decision making:

1- Is the primary function of management: Without decisions, actions will not be

possible, and the resources will not be used.

2- Facilitates the entire management process: Decision-making creates proper

background for the first management activity called planning.

3- Is a continuous managerial function: Managers working at all levels will have to take
decisions about the functions assigned to them

4- Is essential to face new problems and challenges: Decisions are required to be taken
regularly as new problems, difficulties and challenges develop
Types of Decisions :

1. Programmed Decisions:

These are repetitive and routine ones where manager have fixed procedures for handling this decision.
Managers have made decision many times before. There are rules or guidelines to follow.

2. Non-programmed Decisions:

These are made in complex situation and non-routine situation , often are new and unfamiliar
circumstances . It made less frequently than the other types of decision.
Strategies for Problem Solving:

 Nursing students will be expected to have or develop strong problem-solving skills.

Problem solving is centered on your ability to identify critical issues and create or identify
solutions. Well-developed problem solving skills is a characteristic of a successful student.

 Remember, problems are a part of everyday life and your ability to resolve problems will
have a positive influence on your future.

 6 Steps of Problem Solving:

Step 1: Identify and Define the Problem:

It is not difficult to overlook the true problem in a situation and focus your attention on issues that are not
relevant. This is why it is important that you look at the problem from different perspectives. This
provides a broad view of the situation that allows you to weed out factors that are not important and
identify the root cause of the problem.

Step 2: Analyze the Problem:

Break down the problem to get an understanding of the problem. Determine how the problem developed.
Determine the impact of the problem.

Step 3: Develop Solutions:

Brainstorm and list all possible solutions that focus on resolving the identified problem. Do not eliminate
any possible solutions at this stage.
Step 4: Analyze and Select the Best Solution:

List the advantages and disadvantages of each solution before deciding on a course of action. Determine
how the solution will resolve the problem. What are the short-term and long-term disadvantages of each
solution? What are the possible short-term and long-term benefits of each solution? Which solution will
help you meet your goals?

Step 5: Implement the Solution:

Create a plan of action. Decide how you will move forward with your decision by determining the steps you
must take to ensure that you move forward with your solution. Now, execute your plan of action.

Step 6: Evaluate the Solution:

Monitor your decision. Assess the results of your solution. Are you satisfied with the results? Did your
solution resolve the problem? Did it produce a new problem? Do you have to modify your solution to
achieve better results? Are you closer to achieving your goal? What have you learned?
• Steps of decision making :

Step 1: Identify Your Goal:

One of the most effective decision making strategies is to keep an eye on your goal. This simply means
identifying the purpose of your decision by asking yourself what exactly is the problem that needs to be
solved? And why does this problem need to be solved?

Figuring out what's most important to you will help you make good decisions.

Step 2: Gather Information for Weighing Your Options:

When making good decisions it is best to gather necessary information that is directly
related to the problem. Doing this will help you to better understand what needs to be
done in solving the problem, and will also help to generate ideas for a possible solution.

When gathering information it is best to make a list of every possible alternative; even
ones that may initially sound silly or seem unrealistic. Always seek the opinions of people
that you trust or speak to experts and professionals.

Step 3: Consider the Consequences:

This step can be just as important as step one because it will help you determine how
your final decision will impact yourself, and/or others involved. In this step, you will be
asking yourself what is likely to be the results of your decision. How will it affect you now?
And how will it affect your future?

 This is an essential step because it allows you to review the pros and cons
of the different options that you listed in the previous step. 

Step 4: Make Your Decision:

Now, it is time to make a choice and actually execute your final decision.  Understanding
that this step can cause some people a lot of anxiety is important because this is where you
have to trust your instincts.

 Although you may still be slightly indecisive about your final decision, you
have to take into account how this makes you feel. 

Step 5: Evaluate Your Decision:

Once you have made your final decision and put it into action, it is necessary to evaluate
the decision and the steps you have taken to ensure that it works. This step is fundamental
because it may require you to seek out new information and make some changes along the

 Remember, this step requires some patience and it can also encourage
perseverance. Why? Because it may take some time to see the final
outcome. Recognizing that if the first decision is not working, you may have
to go back to step two and choose another option.

There are a lot of models for decision making. However, we're going to try to learn about
some of them in this lecture.
 Simon’s Normative Model:

The model state that decision making is characterized by:

1-Limited information processing.
2-Use of rules of thumb or shortcuts.

 Group Decision Making Model:

1- Groups can accumulate more knowledge and facts

2- Groups have a broader perspective and consider more alternative solutions.
3- Individuals who participate in decisions are more satisfied with the decision and are more likely to
support it.

 Clinical Decision Making Model:

1- information-processing model that uses a scientific hypothetic-deductive,

quantitative approach,
2- the intuitive-humanistic model that focuses on intuition and how the knowledge
gained from nursing experience enriches the clinical decision making process and
3- the clinical-decision model that uses both hypothetico-deductive and pattern

 Critical pathways are used as a technique in clinical decision making.

 Barriers

Hasty: Making quick decisions without having much thought.

Narrow: Decision making is based on very limited information.
Scattered: Our thoughts in making decisions are disconnected or disorganized.
Fuzzy: Sometimes, the lack of clarity on important aspects of a decision causes us to overlook
certain important considerations.

 Decision-making is an essential and complex concept. Decisions are taken in

many different fields of practice of nursing. They require decisions of a clinical,
administrative, legal and moral nature.

 Moreover, because the decision-making process particularly in nursing, is of

paramount importance to the influence of patient outcomes and safety,
educational programs need to be developed to enhance nurses' skills in
clinical decision-making.
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