India - Trade 2007-08 by Region: Eastern Europe Incl. Russia Ref: RBI OECD Countries Include Japan

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India – Trade 2007-08 by

Region $billion
Region Export Import
OECD Countries 62.64 87.45
OPEC Countries 26.67 76.08
Eastern Europe 3.38 5.26
Dev. Countries: Asia 51.48 64.14
Dev. Countries: Africa 12.49 10.36
Dev. Countries: LA 5.60 6.15
Others/unspecified 0.86 2.22
Total 163.13 251.65
Eastern Europe incl. Russia Ref: RBI
OECD Countries include Japan
India–Exports 2008:Product Category
$ billions
Category World India %
Agricultural Products 1342 21.37 1.60
Fuel and Mining 3530 31.64 0.90
Iron & Steel 587 11.20 1.90
Chemicals 1705 20.30 1.20
Office & Telecom Eqpt. 1144 1.12 0.10
Ics & Electronic comp. 417 0.60 0.15
Automotive Products 1234 4.9 0.40
Clothing & textiles 612 21.17 3.50
Pharmaceuticals 427 5.80 1.40
Others 4719 47.11 1.00
Total 15717 165 1.10
India–Trade 2007-08 Product Category
Category Exports Imports
Agricultural Products 18.40 4.60
Textiles 19.42 2.48
Gems & Jewelry 19.68 7.98
Chemicals 21.18 20.63
Engineering Goods 37.35 85.32
Crude & Petroleum 28.36 79.64
Gold & Silver 0.00 17.87
Ores & Minerals 9.12 17.84
Others 9.62 15.08
Total 163.13 251.44
Major Agri Export Markets

Products Major export market Major competitors

Basmati Saudi, Kuwait, UAE, UK and Pakistan
Rice (non- BD, Indonesia, Iran, Thailand, USA and
Basmati) Philippines and Africa Vietnam
Wheat BD, Yemen, UAE, Kenya, Canada, USA, Australia
Turkey and Holland and Argentina
Spices East Asia, USA, West Europe, Guatemala, Thailand,
West Asia & North Africa Indonesia, Malaysia,
Mexico etc
Guar Gum USA & Europe nil
Major Agri Export Markets

Products Major export market Major competitors

Cashew Australia, Europe, UAE, USA, Brazil, Vietnam, Ivory
UAE etc Coast, Mozambique etc
Oil Meals Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, USA, Argentina and Brazil
Japan & Philippines
Sugar Indonesia, Pakistan, Russia, Cuba, Brazil, Thailand,
Sri Lanka, EU & USA Australia & France
Niger seeds USA & EU Myanmar

Tobacco Russia, Ukraine, Yemen, BD, Brazil, Zimbabwe, USA,

Vietnam, Sri Lanka China & Argentina
Major Agri Export Markets

Products Major export market Major competitors

Tea Russia, Iran, UAE, UK, USA,. China, Kenya, Sri Lanka,
Germany Turkey, Vietnam
Coffee Europe, USA, USA Columbia, Brazil, Vietnam,
Rice Bangla Desh, Saudi Arabia, China, Vietnam, Thailand,
Kuwait, UAE, South Africa Pakistan, Myanmar
International Trade Data
 Collated by Directorate of Commercial
Intelligence and Statistics (DGCI&S), Kolkata
 Director General of Foreign Trade - Ministry
of Commerce
 Reserve Bank of India
Export Planning
 Company Objectives with respect of
 Organisation commitment
 Company resources
 Product
 Competitiveness
 Market strength in domestic market – relevant for
companies moving from domestic market to
Export Planning
 In the following cases exports efforts are
limited to execution of orders, after sales
service and customer relations:
 Buy back arrangement
 Products or components developed exclusively for
a particular customer
 Regional Trade Agreement Areas open up
 India has signed BIMST (Bangladesh, India,
Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand) FTA
 Bilateral Agreement with Aghanistan
Trade Enquiries
 Exhibitions in India and abroad
 International fairs – special Trade Fairs
 Enquiries from agents in importing countries
 Investigate into financial position
 Banker’s reference
 Trade reference
 Trade Journals
 Become member of Export Promotion bodies
 Trade directories
Trade Enquiries
 Trade Missions organised by the
respective product export promotion
board/council – joining them
 Catalogue shows organised by ITPO –
in places like Izmir (Turkey), Tehran,
Johannesburg, KL, Khartoum, Addis
Ababa, Cairo etc
Trade Enquiries
 Internet Registration (Global Mart)
 Access internet sites of importing country
 Find out prospective customers on own
 Tenders
 Prequalification
 Strategic alliance
 All forms of communication shall be elegant,
clear and precise

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