Speaking (Discourse Markers)

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IELTS Speaking 101

■ Discourse Markers is often appeared in writing rather than in speaking. There are two
types of Discourse Markers. The first one is the formal DM, and the last one is the
■ Discourse Markers is one of the crucial components in IELTS Speaking. Because it
shows how well you know English and how good you are in connecting your sentences.
■ Instigate : menghasut; menganjurkan; mendesak (verb)
■ Sacrifice : Mengorbankan (verb); Pengorbanan (noun)
■ Establish : Menetapkan (verb)
■ Sufficient : Cukup (adj)
■ Whereas : Walaupun; sedangkan (conj)
■ Assess : Menilai (verb)
■ Capable : mampu (adj)
■ Nevertheless : namun (conj)
■ Indicate : menandakan (verb)
■ Require : membutuhkan (verb)
The table provided insights on customer spending behavior based off various categories in five different countries in 2002.
Items including Food/Drinks/Tobacco, Clothing/Footwear, as well as Leisure/Education are presented in percentage form.
According to the table, National buyer in each country spent the most amount of their fortune on the first category, and on
the contrary spent the least on the last one mentioned in previous paragraph. Turkey held the first position in consuming
Food/Drinks/Tobacco while Sweden came last. Turkish people also spent more money on Leisure/Education than the other
four, and conversely Spanish community spent a lot less.
By far, Turkish public took about 43.12% of expenses on diverse items in 2002. Most of their spending goes to the most
popular category which is the food category. They spent tiny amount on Leisure/Education similarly to other countries. After
Turkey, Ireland sat in the runner up chair of highest expenditure.
The country with the lowest spending in rank goes to Sweden. Swedish spent approximately 23% in the period given with
3.22% in the Leisure/Education aspect. On the whole, all the countries above spent moderate amount of wealth on each
The graph illustrates the amount of fish and various types of meat such as beef, lamb, and chicken spent in a European
country from 1979 to 2004. Units are measured in grams per person per week.
Overall, chicken meat was the most popular one out of the four mentioned as it reached its peak in 2004. Beef and
lamb showed fluctuation during the period given, while fish remained stable.
Both beef and lamb meats started off high in the graph (at above 200 gram and 150 gram respectively). Beef climbed
to almost 250 gram of consumption in 1984 before dropping its trend to below 150 gram 20 years later. Lamb,
similarly, demonstrated a similar journey, as it thrived in the beginning of the period before slowly decreasing to nearly
50 gram of consumption in the last year of the period.
Chicken, on the other hand, successfully grew to be the most consumed meat in the country by the end of the period
with around 250 gram of consumption. It started off at approximately 150 gram and continued to increase. Lastly, fish
showed a steady trend and resulted as the least consumed one compared to the bunch by below 50 gram of expenditure.

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