2) Cyberbullying - Online Bullying

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violation of
(digital) human
FAQS (Frequently Asked Questions)
What is cyber bullying?

 The act of posting rude, offensive or insulting messages against a

victim on the internet.(House Bill 5178)
 Wilful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell
phones and other electronic devices.
 Offensive, threatening, or just plain mean comments and messages.
 Use of technology to repeatedly target another person via message,
email or social media network.
 Aggressive or intentional act distributed by an individual or group,
using contact in electronic medium, continuously and relentlessly
against someone who cannot stand up for himself or herself easily.
What is NOT cyber

 Any online expression, that will NOT cause injury to

the reputation, and the rights of a person or
community to life, safety, privacy, and due process.
 Issues based argument, no matter how intense, if the
discourse will not involve name calling, insult,
inciting others to threaten another party.
What is the difference of online bullying with5
offline bullying?
 Cyberbullying can happen ANONYMOUSLY
 Cyberbullying can have a large audience – it can go
 It is often EASIER to be cruel using technology –
because of greater physical distance, they might not
recognize the serious harm from their actions
 HARDER for parents and adults to manage
Why is cyberbullying a growing 6

 ACCESS – more teens have access to the internet than ever, there is a
great percentage of teens going online daily and have access of the internet
through their mobile devices.
 YOUTH – kids are getting cellphones or gadgets at increasingly young
ages. According to research, the average age children get their first
smarthphone is 10 years old.
 ANONYMITY – kids can send messages or say anything without
identifying themselves and vice versa. Not having to own what they sat can
free kids to say something that normally might not
What is the culture of cyberbullying in 7

the Philippines?
 Cyberbullying can happen in two (2) ways:
 Away from public knowledge or day – to – day
cyberbullying that goes unreported
 Group Bullying or Cyber Mob – public but seasonal in
 Nature of Attack:
 Attack on reputation
 Attack on appearance
 Attack against victim’s opinion
What is the culture of cyberbullying in 8

the Philippines?
 Manner of Attack:
 Spreading photo shopped image
 Spreading videos that are supposedly private
 Poser/ Spreading Lies
 Other Threats
 Threat on life and security
 Threat on family
 Blackmail
What is the culture of cyberbullying in 9

the Philippines?
 Platform Used:
 Facebook
 Cell phone
 Blogs  79% were bullied by
 Age Brackets of Victims: one person
 53% adult (18+)  21 % were bullied by
 47% minor (17 and below) a group
 Sex:
 57% - Female
 43% - Male
What are the warning signs of 10

 Uneasy, nervous or scared about going to school or outside
 Nervous or jumpy when texting or using social media
 Upset of frustrated after going online or gaming
 Unwilling to discuss or share information about their online
accounts and activity
 Trouble sleeping at night
 Lost of interest in favourite activities or hobbies
 Withdrawn
 Shows signs of depression or making passing statements about
What are the applicable laws 11

against cyberbullying?
 For minors
 Anti – Bullying Act of 2013 – it covers students up to high
 Republic Act 7610 – Special Protection for Children
against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act – one
of the laws that can be used especially if the act is done
outside the school context
 For adults
 Provisions of Cybercrime Law – like online libel and
identity theft
What to do if you are a victim of 12

 Always inform somebody when you are being cyber bullied,
harassed, stalked or mobbed.
 Always keep a copy of the hate messages, degrading images
and/ or videos using browser where URL is visible when taking
a screenshot
 Block accounts of the people who are harassing you
 Report the account, photos and videos to social media
 Seek professional, police and/or legal help when necessary
 Seek financial damages when applicable
What to do if the perpetrator is a 13

 Bully is from the same school?
 Report to the Child Protection Committee (principal,
discipline coordinator, student representative) or to the
guidance counsellor
 Bully is from another school?
 report to the offender’s school
 Bully is out of school youth?
 bring matter to the barangay when the offender is residing
3 ways to be kind 14

Practice RESTRAINT – hands off the
keyboard until you are calm
you cannot control the behavior of other
people, you can only control how you
3. Follow the GOLDEN RULE – do unto
others as you would have them do unto
you – even online

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