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Learning English Through TED Talks

 Learning English through TED Talks: Ren Yen 403, Thur 8:10 – 10am
 Instructor: Shane Donald
 Office and Office Hours: Ren Shi 416, Tue 10am – noon, 1 – 2pm, Wed 10 –

 Midterm – 30% (Multiple choice exam, 40 questions)

 Final – 25% (Filmed TED-style talk)
 Padlet – 20% (Online for five days and then taken down Monday night)
 Participation – 10% (Answer 10 questions and get the participation sheet signed)
 Final reflection – 15% (In my office, discussing what you learned and your final

 Week 1 – Introduction to the class

 Week 2 - Starting a Movement
 Week 3 – Starting a Movement
 Week 4 – Starting a Movement
 Week 5 - Grit
 Week 6 - Grit
 Week 7 - Grit
 Week 8 – Information is Beautiful
 Week 9 – Midterm exam
 Week 10 – Information is Beautiful
 Week 11 – Information is Beautiful
 Week 12 - Food
 Week 13 - Food
 Week 14 - Food
 Week 15 – Class prep for finals
 Week 16 – Final reflection (Hand in participation sheet)
 Week 17 – Final reflection (Hand in participation sheet) ((Padlet due)).
 Week 18 – no class (Unified finals)
Pease note

 There are no make-ups for exams, assignments or the Padlet. If you miss the
deadline, you get 0 points.
 The highest final grade possible in this class is 84% as per the Ministry of
Education Guidelines for the Language Centre.

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