Modern Slavery: 505 Presentation

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Modern Slavery

505 Presentation
• 14 - 16 hours per day is the average working
day in most manufacturing countries.
• 7 days a week is the normal working schedule
for garment workers.
• 96 hours per week is the normal working week
for a garment worker.
Some facts... • 49% of countries in the world don’t have a law
against slavery.
• The ILO estimates that there are 170 million
are engaged in child labour making textiles and
garments for western brands.
• Survey
• How designers are tackling the issue

Research • Statistics on global slave labour

• TED talk
conducted so • Documentary
• Articles on slavery
far... • Slavery charities
• Into brands that exploit forced labour
A small example of brands that use forced
Interested to learn
Audience age range
about what people
16 – 65
Results Better
understanding of
people’s awareness
on the issue
• Most people feel neutral about seeing ‘Made in
Vietnam’ etc on the clothing label.

Thoughts on •
Most don’t know where their money goes after

the survey…
purchasing clothes
• Common to have clothes made in Asia
How are designers tackling the issue…

Giulia De Amicis – Infographic Designer Unseen UK – Modern Slavery Charity (Designed by Aesop)
What brand?
considerations… The brand’s consumers

Age bracket?
• A campaign raising awareness about the
brands exploiting forced labour.
• Posters, typeface, social media, informative
Brief leaflets, infographic poster,
• Encourage consumers to boycott purchasing
targets… from brands that use forced labour, in hope
that it would encourage the mentioned brands
to change their ways. A bit like what happened
to Nike (Global boycott in 1990’s).
• Focus on what age bracket to target to maximize
Research I • Look into ‘Made in Vietnam’ etc labels
• Extensive research into one brand
need to • Successful marketing ethical campaigns


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