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Lecture on Compiler Design

Chapter 8: Intermediate Code Generation

Md. Amjad Hossain
Lecturer, Dept. of CSE, KUET
Intermediate Code
- Simple Machine independent code.
- Front end of compiler generates the I.C from which back end generate target
- Retargeting is facilitated. Diff. back end with an existing front end
- Machine independent code optimizer can be applied (though its in back end).

Position of intermediate code

Parser Static Intermediate Intermediat Code
Checker code Generator e Generator
Intermediate Languages

Intermediate representations: -
Syntax trees , postfix notation and three address code but semantic rules for all are similar.

1. Graphical representation:
- syntax tree and DAG – natural hierarchical structure of a source program.
- Example: a := b * - c + b * - c

assign assign

a + a
* *

b uminus uminus
uminus b
c c b c

Syntax Tree DAG

Intermediate Languages

Postfix notation for the expression (from syntax tree):

a b c uminus * b c uminus * + assign

Syntax Dir. Definition for Assignment Statements:

PRODUCTION Semantic Rule

S  id := E { S.nptr = mknode (‘assign’, mkleaf(id, id.entry), E.nptr) }

E  E1 + E2 {E.nptr = mknode(‘+’, E1.nptr,E2.nptr) }

E  E1 * E2 {E.nptr = mknode(‘*’, E1.nptr,E2.nptr) }

E  - E1 {E.nptr = mkunode(‘uminus’,E1.nptr) }

E  ( E1 ) {E.nptr = E1.nptr }

E  id {E.nptr = mkleaf(id, id.entry) }

Intermediate Languages
Two representations of syntax tree: (For DAG , return a pointer to an existing node
whenever possible instead of constructing new node)

left right
0 id b
id a
1 id c
2 uminus 1
3 * 0 2
4 id b
* *
5 id c
6 uminus 5
id b id b
7 * 4 6
uminus uminus 8 + 3 7
9 id a
id c id c 10 Assign 9 8
11 … … …
Three Address Code
Three address code:

• Sequence of Statements of general form x:=y op z

• No built-up arithmetic expressions are allowed, only one operator at right

hand side of the statement. So, the expression
x:=y + z * w might be translated as:

t1:=z * w
t2:=y + t1

• Each statement usually contains three address, two for operands and
another for the result.
• In fact three-address code is a linearization of the tree.
Example of 3-address code
Three address code from syntax tree/ DAG:
- Three address code is a linearized representation of syntax tree or DAG in
which the explicit names correspond to the interior nodes of the graph.

Three address code for the Syntax tree for Three address code for the DAG for

a := b * - c + b * - c
a := b * - c + b * - c

t1:=- c t1:=- c
t2:=b * t1
t2:=b * t1
t3:=- c
t4:=b * t3 t5:=t2 + t2
t5:=t2 + t4 a:=t5
Types of Three-Address Statements.
Assignment Statement: x:=y op z
Assignment Statement: x:=op z
Copy Statement: x:=z
Unconditional Jump: goto L
Conditional Jump: if x relop y goto L
Stack Operations: Push/pop

More Advanced:
param x1
param x2

param xn
call p,n
Index Assignments:
Address and Pointer Assignments:
Syntax-Directed Translation into 3-address code

• First deal with assignments.

• Use attributes
– the name that will hold the value of E
• Identifier will be assumed to already have the place attribute
– E.code:hold the three address code statements that
evaluate E (this is the `translation’ attribute).
• Use function newtemp that returns a new temporary
variable that we can use.
• Use function gen to generate a single three address
statement given the necessary information (variable
names and operations).
Syntax-Dir. Definition for 3-address code
PRODUCTION Semantic Rule
S  id := E { S.code = E.code|| gen( ‘=’ ‘;’) }
E  E1 + E2 { newtemp ;
E.code = E1.code || E2.code ||
|| gen(‘:=’‘+’ }
E  E1 * E2 { newtemp ;
E.code = E1.code || E2.code ||
|| gen(‘=’‘*’ }
E  - E1 { newtemp ;
E.code = E1.code ||
|| gen( ‘=’ ‘uminus’ }
E  ( E1 ) { ; E.code = E1.code}
E  id { = id.entry ; E.code = ‘’ }

e.g. a := b * - (c+d)
What about things that are not assignments?
• E.g. while statements of the form “while E do S”
(intepreted as while the value of E is not 0 do S)

Extension to the previous syntax-dir. Def.

S. begin: E.code
S  while E do S1 If goto S.after
Semantic Rule
goto S.begin
S.begin = newlabel; S. after:
S.after = newlabel ;
S.code = gen(S.begin ‘:’)
|| E.code
|| gen(‘if’ ‘=’ ‘0’ ‘goto’ S.after)
|| S1.code
|| gen(‘goto’ S.begin)
|| gen(S.after ‘:’)

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