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Cardiac Cycle and Regulation

of The Heart Pump

Medical Physics of Pressure, Flow, and Resistence
The Function of Circulation : Serve the needs of the body tissues

1. Transport Nutrients to the body tissues

2. Transport Waste products away
3. Transport Hormones from one part of the body to another
4. Maintain an Appropriate environment in all the tissue fluids of the body for
survival and optimal function of the cells
Physical Characteristics of Circulation
The Circulation :

1. Systemic Circulation / Greater Circulation / Peripheral Circulation

2. Pulmonary Circulation

Functional Parts of The Circulation :

3. Arteries
4. Arterioles
5. Capillaries
6. Venules
7. Veins
Volume of Blood in the different

part of the circulation

Cross-Sectional Areas and
Velocities of Blood Flow
Contoh :

velocity Aorta (Resting) = 33 cm/s

velocity Capillary ?


Q1 = Q2

A1 x v1 = A2 x v2

2.5 x 33 = 2500 x v2

v2 = 0.03 cm/s = 0.3 mm/s

Pressure in various part of the body

Aorta = 100 mmHg

systolic = 120 mmHg diastolic = 80 mmHg

Systemic Circulation > Progressively to 0 mmHg

Capillary = 35 mmHg - 10 mmHg

“Functional Pressure” = 17 mmHg

Pulmonary Artery = 25/8 mmHg

Pulmonary Capillary = 7 mmHg

Basic Principle of Circulatory Function
1. Blood Flow to most tissues is controlled according to tissue needs
2. Cardiac Output is the sum of all the local tissue flows
3. Arterial pressure regulation is generally independent of either local blood flow
control or cardiac output control
Interrelationship of Pressure, Flow, and Resistance
Blood flow through a blood vessel is determined by :

1. Pressure difference of the blood between the two ends of the vessel (pressure
gradient) which push the blood through the vessel
2. The impediment of blood flow through the vessel (vascular resistance)
Ohm’s Law

F = Q = Blood Flow

P = Pressure

R = Resistance
Blood Flow

The quantity of blood that passes a given point in the

circulation in a given period of time.
Unit : Milimeter per minute / liter per minute

Overall Blood flow in adult at rest : 5000 ml/min

Cardiac Output : Amount of blood pumped into the aorta by the heart each minute
Blood Pressure

Force exerted by the blood against any unit area of the vessel
50 mmHg : The force exerted is sufficient to push a column of mercury against
gravity up to a level 50 millimeters high
Resistance to Blood Flow
The impediment to blood flow in the vessel . but cannot be measured by any direct

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