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Conjunction : Though,Even if =


1. They were lazy to study their lessons though they got bad mark.
2. Even if Bob studied very hard, he still failed his French test.
3. Even if you run, you’ll still be late.
4. I feel tired even if I go to bed early.
Kata kerja Finite dan Non Non Finite
• 1. Kata Kerja
• Finite verbs adalah verba yang memiliki hubungan dengan subjeck
atau kata benda. Kata kerja ini biasanya merupakan kata kerja utama
klausa atau kalimat yang dapat diubah sesuai dengan kata benda.
Mereka hanya digunakan dalam bentuk sekarang dan masa lampau.
Indikasi dari pasif atau aktif dan juga angka (tunggal atau jamak).
She walks home. Finite verbs = walks, Pronoun = she
Present Tense
She walked home yesterday. (Past tense)
2. Non Finite Verbs
• Kata kerja ini tidak bisa menjadi kata kerja utama dari klausa atau
kalimat karena tidak berbicara tentang tindakan yang dilakukan oleh
subjek atau kata benda. Kata kerja ini tidak menunjukkan bentuk kata
apa pun, suasana hati atau jenis kelamin. Mereka digunakan sebagai
kata benda, kata keterangan, dan kata sifat. Mereka juga digunakan
untuk membentuk klausa tidak terbatas yang hanya merupakan
klausa dependen yang menggunakan kata kerja non finite verbs.
Non finite di bagi menjadi 3 bentuk yaitu : Gerund, to infinitive, and

• A. Gerund form
• He loves camping in the woods.
• Non Finite verb is Camping, It is used as a noun.
• I had something to eat before leaving.
• B. To infinitive form
• I come to The Bromo mountain to enjoy the sun rise.
• To speak in class is difficult for some children.
c. Participle : Kata kerja (Verb)

• A Participle is averb that does the work of both a verb and an adjective. Thus, it is a
verbal adjective.
• 1) Present Participle Form
• The sobbing child held his injured knee.
• I saw the boy crossing the road.
• 2) Past Participle Form
• The boy had a broken arm.
• Melisa’s hair was well brushed.
3) Perpect Participle
The Proposal has been examined today.
Ex : Mr. Sudjono has a big new car.(Finite or
non Finite verb)
• Look at the example, Please under line words are finite or non finite.
• 1. Cooking is my brother’s hobby.
• (Finite or non finite)
• 2. He had his car washed.
• (Finite or non Finite)
• 3. Luky does her home work everyday.
• (finite or non finite)
• 4. Meyin speaks Padangnese very well. (Finite or non finite)
Kesimpulan Participle : Kata kerja
• Participle adalah Kata kerja (Verb) dapat memiliki bentuk yang
bermacam – macam, yaitu Infinitive (V1), To infinitive (To V1), Past
(V2), Past Participle (V3) dan present participle (Verb+ing). Baik
Present dan Past Participle memiliki macam – macam fungsi. Present
Participle menunjukkan kegiatan aktif dan Past Participle menunjuk
kegiatan Pasif.

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