ORS311T - Slides - Ch06

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Linear Programming

Transportation Models
Chapter 6
(p244 – 297)
• 3 special types of linear programming model
formulations are examined:
• Transportation
• Transshipment
• Assignment problems
• They are part of a larger class of linear
programming applications
• These solution approaches are variations of the
traditional simplex approaches to them
6.1. The Transportation Model
• Model is formulated for a class of problem with
the following unique characteristics
• A product is transported from a number of
sources to a number of destinations at the
minimum possible cost
• Each source is able to supply a fixed number of
units of the product, and each destination has a
fixed demand for the product
• Note: this model can also be applied to problems
not relating to transportation
• Transportation is the most common application
… The Transportation Model
• Table 1 Table 2
Grain elevator Supply (tons) Mill Demand (tons)
1. Kansas City 150 1. Chicago 200
2. Omaha 175 2. St. Louis 100
3. Des Moines 275 3. Cincinnati 300

• Table 3
Grain elevator
A. Chicago B. St. Louis C. Cincinnati

1. Kansas City 6 8 10
2. Omaha 7 11 11
3. Des Moines 4 5 12
… The Transportation Model
••  Linear programming model for this problem:
• Minimize
• subject to
… The Transportation Model
••  Linear programming model for this problem:
• Minimize
• subject to
6.3. The Transshipment Model
• Extension of the transportation model in which
intermediate transshipment points are added between the
sources and destinations
• An example of a transshipment point is a distribution centre or
warehouse located between plants and stores
• In a transshipment problem, items may be transported:
• From sources (through transshipment points) to destinations
• From one source to another
• From one transshipment point to another
• From one destination to another
• Directly from sources to destinations
• Some combination of these alternatives
... The Transshipment Model
• Farm
Grain elevator
3. Kansas City 4. Omaha 5. Des Moines

1. Nebraska $16 $10 $12

2. Colorado $15 $14 $17
… The Transshipment Model
• A: •  

• B:

• C: •
• [From

• D:

… The Transshipment Model
•  The complete linear programming model, including the
objective function, is:
• Minimize
• subject to
6.4. The Assignment Model
• Similar to the transportation model, with slight
• Supply at each source and demand at each
destination is limited to 1 unit
Game Sites
Officials Raleigh Atlanta Durham Clemson

A 210 90 180 160

B 100 70 130 200
C 175 105 140 170
D 80 65 105 120
... The Assignment Model
•  Minimize
• subject to
Example Problem Solution (p263)
- Transportation problem -
Construction Site Supply
Plant A ($) B ($) C ($) (tons)
1 8 5 6 120
2 15 10 12 80
3 3 9 10 80
Demand (tons) 150 70 100 280
• Minimize
• subject to
• Problems
• 1, 16, 30
• Optional: 52
• Case problems (p291 – 297)

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