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A Practical Approach
Third Canadian Edition
Moroney, Campbell, Hamilton, Warren

Chapter 1


1. Define an assurance engagement
2. Explain why there is a demand for audit and
assurance services
3. Differentiate between types of assurance
4. Explain the different levels of assurance
5. Outline different audit opinions

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6. Differentiate between the roles of the preparer

and the auditor, and discuss the different firms
that provide assurance services
7. Identify the different regulators, legislation, and
regulations surrounding the assurance process
8. Describe the audit expectation gap

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Auditing and Assurance Defined

An assurance engagement is defined as:

• “an engagement in which a practitioner aims to
obtain sufficient appropriate evidence in order
to express a conclusion designed to enhance
the degree of confidence of the intended users
other than the responsible party about the
outcome of the measurement or evaluation of
an underlying subject matter against criteria”
CSAE 3000 C12

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Key Auditing & Assurance Terms (1 of 3)

• Applicable financial reporting framework –

The financial framework selected by
management to prepare the company's
financial statements (example: IFRS or ASPE)

• Assertions – Statements made by management

regarding the recognition, measurement,
presentation, and disclosure of items in the
financial statements
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Key Auditing & Assurance Terms (2 of 3)

• Audit Risk – the risk the auditor may express

the wrong opinion
• Internal Control – the processes implemented
and maintained by management to help
entities achieve its objectives
• Material – amount or disclosure that is
significant enough to make a difference to a

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Key Auditing & Assurance Terms (3 of 3)

• Materiality – maximum amount of

misstatement (or omission) the auditor can
tolerate and still issue a clean opinion
• Sufficient and Appropriate Evidence – relates
to the quantity and quality of the evidence
collected by the auditor

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Demand for Audit and Assurance Services (1 of 4)

• The users of the financial statements are not

limited to the shareholders or owners of the
• Other users can include:
─ Investors: can include current or potential
investors. Decisions include to buy, hold or sell
stake in the organization

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Demand for Audit and Assurance Services
(2 of 4)

• Other users can include (cont.):

─ Suppliers: may want to assess whether the
entity can pay them back for goods supplied
─ Customers: may look into going concern if it is
to rely on the entity for goods

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Demand for Audit and Assurance Services
(3 of 4)

• Other users can include (cont.):

─ Lenders: to assess whether loan repayments
can be made as and when they fall due
─ Employees: to assess whether they can pay
entitlements, and stability may be assessed for
job security

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Demand for Audit and Assurance Services
(4 of 4)

• Other users can include (cont.):

─ Governments: whether the entity is complying
with regulations and paying appropriate taxes
─ General public: whether they should associate
with the entity (future employee, customer or
supplier) what it does and plans to do in future

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Sources of Demand for Audit
& Assurance Services (1 of 2)

Reasons why users demand financial statements

• Remoteness: users do not have access to
information themselves
• Complexity: users do not have knowledge to be
able to make disclosure choices

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Sources of Demand for Audit
& Assurance Services (2 of 2)

Reasons why users demand financial statements

include (cont.):
• Competing incentives: users may find it difficult
to identify when management is presenting
biased information
• Reliability: as decisions are being made based
on information presented, it is important that it
be reliable

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Theoretical Frameworks

The demand for audit can be explained by the

following three theories:
• Agency theory: Due to the remoteness of the owners
from the entity, the owners have an incentive to hire
an auditor to assess information provided by
• Information hypothesis: Due to the need for reliable
information, users will demand that information be
audited to aid in decision making
• Insurance hypothesis: Investors demand audited
financial statements to insure against potential losses
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Demand in a Voluntary Setting (1 of 2)

• It is becoming more common to voluntarily

disclose CSR information in various forms

• This is because stakeholders are demanding

information regarding:
─ the entity’s impact on the environment and
─ actions taken to reduce its impact

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Demand in a Voluntary Setting (2 of 2)

• Entities are not required to have CSR

disclosures assured

• These services are provided:

─ to meet user demands for high-quality, reliable
information and
─ to demonstrate a high level of corporate social

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Different Assurance Services (1 of 9)

The most common assurance services are:

1. Financial Statement audits
An engagement designed to express an opinion
about whether the financial statements are
prepared in all material respects in accordance
with a financial reporting framework (CAS 200,
para. 11)

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Different Assurance Services (2 of 9)

Note the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA)

requires that listed entities (entity listed on a
stock exchange) publish audited financial
statements annually

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Different Assurance Services (3 of 9)

Limitations of an audit:
• There is no guarantee that the financial
statements are free from error or fraud
• Judgment is required in the process of
preparation of the financial statements

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Different Assurance Services (4 of 9)

Limitations of an audit (cont.):

• The nature of financial reporting, the
nature of audit procedures, and the need
for the audit to be performed within a
reasonable period and at a reasonable cost
(CAS 200)

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Different Assurance Services (5 of 9)

2. Compliance audit
Involves gathering evidence to ascertain
whether rules, policies, procedures, laws and
regulations have been followed
• A tax audit is an example of a compliance audit

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Different Assurance Services (6 of 9)

3. Performance audit
Refers to the economy, efficiency and
effectiveness of an organization’s activities
• Usually done by internal auditors or can be
outsourced to external auditors

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Different Assurance Services (7 of 9)

4. Comprehensive audit
Combines elements of financial statements
audit, compliance audit, and operational audit
• Often occurs in the public sector

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Different Assurance Services (8 of 9)

5. Internal audit
Provides assurance about various aspects of an
organization’s activities
• Often contain elements of operational audits,
compliance audits, internal control assessments
and reviews

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Different Assurance Services (9 of 9)

6. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

• Includes voluntary reporting about environmental,
employee and social subject matter
• Incorporates both financial and non-financial
• Auditor must consider the impact of environmental
issues on their client’s financial statements when
conducting a financial statement audit

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Different Levels of Assurance (1 of 6)
Auditors can provide varying levels of assurance
when conducting assurance engagements
1. Reasonable assurance – gathering sufficient
evidence to form a positive expression of opinion
regarding whether the information being assured
is presented fairly
• Provides high but not absolute assurance
• Includes a “key audit matters” section
• Refer to Figure 1.3 in text for an example audit
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Different Levels of Assurance (2 of 6)

2. Limited assurance – gathering sufficient

evidence to form a conclusion regarding the
reliability of the information being assured
• The auditor expresses a conclusion on whether
anything has come to the auditors attention to
lead them to believe the information being
assured is not in accordance with the financial
reporting framework

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Different Levels of Assurance (3 of 6)

2. Limited assurance (cont.) – gathering sufficient

evidence to form a conclusion on the financial
statements to enhance the intended users
• A review of a company’s financial statements
(referred to as a review engagement) is an
example of a review report. Refer to Figure 1.4
in text for an example report

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Different Levels of Assurance (4 of 6)

3. No assurance – auditor reports on factual

findings and does not express any opinion
• An example includes a compilation engagement
• Here an auditor compiles the financial
information as provided by the client ensuring
mathematical accuracy

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Different Levels of Assurance (5 of 6)

3. No assurance – auditor reports on factual

findings and does not express any opinion
• The auditor attached a report to this set of
financial statements called a Notice to Reader
• Refer to figure on next slide for an example
• Which level of assurance should Cloud 9

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Different Levels of Assurance (6 of 6)

Example of a Notice to Reader

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Different Audit Opinions (1 of 4)

• Audit opinions are contained in audit reports

provided by the auditor
• Most common is an unmodified audit report
and contains an unmodified or ‘clean’ opinion.
Refer to Figure 1.3 in text
• All other reports are modified opinions

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Different Audit Opinions (2 of 4)

• A report can be an unqualified modified report

when an emphasis of matter is added
• An emphasis of matter is used so that the
reader can pay appropriate attention to the
issue raised, but does not change the auditor’s
opinion (CAS 706)

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Different Audit Opinions (3 of 4)

• Other modified reports are qualified (See Table

1.2 in text)
• A qualified opinion is given when the auditor
concludes that the financial statements contain
a material misstatement
• Can include a qualified or ‘except for’ opinion.
This is when issue(s) are material but not

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Different Audit Opinions (4 of 4)

• Adverse opinion would arise when a financial

statement is misstated and the misstatement is
material and pervasive
• Disclaimer of opinion would arise when there is
an inability to obtain sufficient appropriate
audit evidence and is material and pervasive

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Preparers and Auditors (1 of 4)

It is the responsibility of those charged with

governance to prepare the financial statements.
The information should include the following
• Relevant: has an impact on the decisions made
by users regarding the performance of the
• Reliable: Information is free from material
misstatements (errors or fraud)

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Preparers and Auditors (2 of 4)

Attributes of financial statements (cont.):

• Comparable: Information needs to be comparable
through time. Comparable against the same entity
over time and against other entities
• Understandable: Users need to be able to interpret
the information presented in order to make
• Fair Presentation: requires the consistent and
faithful application of accounting standards or an
applicable framework when preparing the
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Preparers and Auditors (3 of 4)

Auditor also has responsibilities relating to the audit

• Professional scepticism: maintaining independence of
the entity and having a questioning mind to
thoroughly investigate all evidence presented
• Professional judgement: use of judgement based on
level of expertise, knowledge and training obtained by
the auditor
• Due care: being diligent, applying technical and statue-
backed standards, and documenting each stage of the
audit process

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Preparers and Auditors (4 of 4)

Assurance services are provided by accounting and

consulting firms
There are three tiers of assurance providers in
Tier 1. The ‘Big 4’, which includes Deloitte, EY, KPMG and
PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
Tier 2. National Accounting Firms comprised of firms with
significant presence nationally and most have
international affiliations
Tier 3. Made up of regional and local accounting firms
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The Role of Regulators and Regulations (1 of 6)

There are a number of regulators that impact the

audit process. They include:

• Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AASB)

─ Responsible for the formulation of high quality
auditing and assurance standards
─ AASB successfully adopted the International
Standards on Auditing (ISA) issued by the
International Auditing and Assurance Standards
Board (IAASB)

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The Role of Regulators and Regulations (2 of 6)

• Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AASB)

─ A redraft of these standards including a “clarity”
format are now referred to as Canadian
Auditing Standards (CAS)
─ Responsible for issuing CAS plus others for:
• assurance engagements (CSAEs)
• review engagements
• compilation engagement standards
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The Role of Regulators and Regulations (3 of 6)

• Canadian Securities Administrator (CSA)

─ Joint effort of provinces and territories security
─ Regulates listed entity disclosure requirements
─ Requires annual filing of auditing financial
statements in accordance with Canadian GAAP
─ CEOs and CFOs required to certify that the annual
statements are fairly presented

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The Role of Regulators and Regulations (4 of 6)

• Canadian Public Accountability Board (CPAB)

─ Objective is to promote high quality audits
─ Auditors required by CSA to be a member in good
standing and pass CPAB inspection
• Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX)
─ Largest stock exchange in Canada
─ Requires those listed to follow Securities Act of
Ontario, the relevant provincial securities acts, and
the CSA
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The Role of Regulators and Regulations (5 of 6)

• Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada

(CPA Canada)
─ The national body of the accounting profession
in Canada with more than 20,000 members
─ Includes professionals in public practice,
industry, academia and government
─ Requires further rigorous study and minimum
work experience periods to join as members

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The Role of Regulators and Regulations (6 of 6)

• Canadian Business Corporation Act (CBCA)

─ For federally incorporated companies, CBCA
requires audited financial statements for those
companies listed on Canadian stock exchanges
─ Requires the use of Canadian generally
accepted accounting principles
─ Audits must be conducted in accordance with
Canadian generally accepted auditing standards
as defined by the CPA handbook

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Audit Expectation Gap (1 of 4)

• Is the difference between the expectations of

assurance providers and financial statement or other
• Can be caused by unrealistic expectations including:
─ The auditor providing complete assurance
─ The auditor guaranteeing future viability of entity
─ An unqualified opinion denotes complete accuracy
─ The auditor will find all frauds
─ The auditor has checked all transactions

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Audit Expectation Gap (2 of 4)

We know these cannot be met by the auditor as

the auditor provides reasonable assurance not a

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Audit Expectation Gap (3 of 4)

• The expectation gap can be reduced by:

─ Auditors performing their duties appropriately,
complying with standards and meeting the
minimum standards of performance
─ Undertaking peer reviews of work performed
─ Reviewing and updating auditing standards

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Audit Expectation Gap (4 of 4)

• The expectation gap can be reduced by (cont.):

─ Educating the public
─ Enhanced reporting explaining audit processes
and levels of opinion auditors provide to the
─ Providers reporting accurately the level of
assurance being provided

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Copyright Licensing Agency) is unlawful. Requests for further
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