Wollega University College of Business and Economics Department of Management

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Wollega University

Ch 1 -1

College of Business and Economics

Department of Management

Monitoring and Controlling

Tesfaye Eba, PhD

Monitoring and Controlling

 Monitoring – collecting, recording, and reporting

information concerning project performance that project
manger and others wish to know
 Controlling – uses data from monitor activity to bring

actual performance to planned performance

 Control – process and activities needed to correct deviations from
 Control the triple constraints
 Time (Schedule)
 Cost (Budget, Expenses, Etc)
 Performance (Specifications, Testing Results, etc.)

Tesfaye Eba, PhD

Monitoring and Reporting Project Progress

 Projects should be monitored by the project teams

(members of supervisory missions may also find
these tools useful).
 Based on the project logical framework in the
project document, project teams typically
undertake annual planning exercises to define
activities, outputs and milestones that are
expected to occur during the annual
implementation called the annual work plan

Tesfaye Eba, PhD

Monitoring and Reporting Project Progress

Why do we monitor?
What do we monitor?
When to we monitor?
How do we monitor?

Tesfaye Eba, PhD

What do we monitor?

 Men (human resources)

 Machines
 Materials
 Money
 Space
 Time
 Tasks
 Quality/Technical Performance

Tesfaye Eba, PhD

What do we monitor?

Inputs Outputs
 Time Progress
 Money Costs
 Resources Job starts
 Material Usage Job completion
 Tasks
Engineering / Design
 Quality/Technical changes
Performance Variation order (VO)
Tesfaye Eba, PhD
When do we monitor?

End of the project

While there is still time to react
As soon as possible
At task completion
At pre-planned decision points (milestones)

Tesfaye Eba, PhD

Where do we monitor?

 At head office?
 At the site office?
 On the spot?
 Depends on situation and the ‘what’s’

Tesfaye Eba, PhD

How do we monitor

 Through meetings with clients, parties involved in

project (Contractor, supplier, etc.)
 For schedule – Update CPA, PERT Charts, Update

Gantt Charts
 Using Earned Value Analysis

 Milestones

 Reports

 Tests and inspections

 Delivery or staggered delivery

 PMIS (Project Management Info System) Updating

Tesfaye Eba, PhD

Process of monitoring

 Determination of aspects we need to monitor and control –

deliverable, process, resource usage etc
 Determination of characteristics or metrics we want to measure –

defect rate, velocity, productivity etc and raw data or primitive

metrics on what measurement of these metrics are based
 Setting performance standards - criteria against what we need to

compare actual measurement results

 Setting up methods and tools to measure and get these raw data

 Measurement of actual performance

 Setting up status reporting: status reporting from team to project

manager; from project manager to steering committee or customer

Tesfaye Eba, PhD

Control versus Quality

…means to ensure project will satisfy needs

Quality Quality Quality

Planning Assurance Control

Identify Evaluate Monitor

Tesfaye Eba, PhD

Control versus Quality

Quality as conformance to requirements and fitness for use.

From a customer`s standpoint, quality is the customer`s
perceived value of the product he or she purchased, based on
a variety of variables such as price, performance, reliability
and satisfaction
Quality assurance is concerned with quality processes while
quality control is concerned with quality deliverables.
Another way for us to remember this is that Perform Quality
Assurance is an executing process while Perform Quality
Control is a monitoring and control process.

Tesfaye Eba, PhD

Control versus Risk

…systematic means of managing uncertainty


Risk Event

Tesfaye Eba, PhD

Inputs to Risk Monitoring and Control

 Risk management plan

 Risk Register
 Approved Change Requests
 Work Performance Information

Tesfaye Eba, PhD

Tools and Techniques for Risk Monitoring and

 Risk Reassessment
 Risk audits
 Variance and Trend Analysis: Used for monitoring
overall project cost & Schedule performance against a
baseline plan.
 Reserve Analysis: It compares available reserves with
amount of risk remaining at the time and determines whether
reserves are sufficient
 Status meetings

Tesfaye Eba, PhD

Outputs from Risk Monitoring and Control

 Risk Register Updates

 Corrective action
 Recommended Preventive Actions
 Project change requests
 Organizational Process Assets Updates
 Project Management Plan Updates

Tesfaye Eba, PhD

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T Tesfaye Eba, PhD

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