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Marine Park Briefing:

No-take reserves in WA
Renae Hoskins, Elouise Haskin, Simon Lin, Jessica Pearce

No-take zones in WA offer scientific, social and economic benefits

● Critiques are not valid, addressing individual threats is NOT the goal of no-take reserves

● No-take zones in WA would benefit:

○ Scientific values

○ Social values

○ Economic value
South Australian Government. 2010. Benefits of Marine Parks. Government of South Australia.; Navarro, M., M. E. Kragt, A. Hailu, and T. J. Langlois. 2018. Recreational fishers’ support for no-take marine reserves is high and increases with reserve age. Marine Policy 96:44–52.

NOT Valid

● No-take zones are not intended to address

individual threats to marine environment

● Only 6.51% of Western Australia's marine

area is no-take zone

Buxton, C., & Cochrane, P. (2016). Commonwealth Marine Reserves Review: Report of the Bioregional Advisory Panel. Department of the Environment.; Image Source: Ian Symbol No Take Zone - No Fishing Zone Sign, accessed 19/10/2020
No-take zones in WA offer scientific,
social and economic benefits
Scientific benefits:
- Control sites for research
- Protect varying areas of biodiversity

Social benefits:
- Intrinsic values
- Enjoyment level
- Indigenous community engagement
Figure 1. The Roper River opens into the Gulf of Carpentaria, marking the
boundary of the new Limmen Bight Marine Park.
Economic benefits:
- Nature-based tourism Image: Paul Arnold, 2020, ‘The Roper River opens into the Gulf of Carpentaria, marking the boundary of the new Limmen Bight Marine Park.’, Australian Conservation Society, Accessed: 19/10/2020

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