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Applications of fins in

electronic circuits
Pedro Nicolás Ayure Rodríguez
Álvaro Enrique Lopez Zorro
Mechanical Engineering
What are they?
They are extended surfaces made of highly conductive
materials, which increase the rate of heat transfer. This is
due to the fact that, when placing the fins, the area of ​
exposure to heat transfer increases due to convection and
What are the fins used for?

 Finned surfaces are commonly used in practice to improve

heat transfer and often increase the reason for the
transfer of a surface several times.
 They are used to extract excess heat and cool electrical
equipment and circuits
 Nowadays they are widely used in any circuit or element
of some technological type; in any technological
equipment we can observe fins
Applications of fins in electronic circuits
The heat produced by an electronic device is not transferred easily to the outside. This causes damage
to the component, even deteriorating the plate where the transistor is located. For this reason the
transistor is equipped with a device that extracts the heat
For a semiconductor to dissipate adequate power, it is necessary to keep the temperature of the joint
(chip) below the maximum indicated by the manufacturer. The passage of electric current through the
semiconductor causes an increase in the temperature of the chip. In order to produce a flow of heat
energy from one point to another, there must be a difference in temperature. The heat will go from the
hottest point to the coldest, but different factors make this step difficult. These factors are called
thermal resistances to assimilate them to electrical resistances.
In conclusion the function or main application of the fins or heat sinks in electrical circuits is to reduce
the power to prevent the electrical components from being damaged, this power can be determined
with the Law of Thermal Ohm (protect the circuit or electrical component )

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