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What is IoT and ES?

 Is a network of physical objects (devices) that are
embedded with electronics, sensors, software and
 allows objects to be sensed and controlled remotely
across existing network infrastructure
 The concept of a network of smart devices was
discussed in 1982, at Carnegie Mellon University
 The term “Internet of Things” was coined by Peter
T. Lewis in a 1985
 The concept became popular in 1999 through
AUTO-ID research labs in MIT
 By 2004 scientists showed its household
 In 2008-2009 period analysts form Cisco
concluded that the number of devices connected to
the global network has exceeded the population of
the Earth, thus "internet of people" became the
"Internet of things"
 2009 - with the support of the European
Commission in Brussels, annually Conference on
“Internet of Things” is held
 2010 - IoT becomes the driving force for the “Fog
computing” paradigm
Applications of IoT and ES
 Identification
 Unique ID (IP address)
 Optical ID (bar-code, qr-code, etc)
 etc
 Sensing
 Light, gas, noise, moisture sensors and etc.
 Intellectual counters
 Complex measuring circuitry
 Communication
 Wired (ethernet, SPI, I2R)
 Wireless (wifi, bluetooth, rf)
Microcontroller systems
 Is a small computer on a single integrated circuit
containing a processor core, memory, and
programmable input/output peripherals
 Microcontrollers are designed for embedded
applications, in contrast to the microprocessors
used in personal computers or other general
purpose applications
What is an Embedded System
 Combines mechanical, electrical, and chemical
components along with a computer, hidden inside, to
perform a single dedicated purpose
 There are more computers on this planet than there are
people, and most of these computers are single-chip
microcontrollers that are the brains of an embedded
 Hundreds of tiny computers are embedded into our
houses, our cars, our bridges, our toys, and our work
 Therefore the world needs a trained workforce to
develop and manage products based on embedded
 Arduino
 Raspberry Pi
 Intel Galileo
 Adafruit
 SparkFun
 ARM mbed
 Particle
 Etc..
 Books
 Arduino Cookbook, 2nd edition (Michael Margolis)
 Arduino Programming Notebook (Brian W. Evans)
 Introduction to Embedded Systems (David Russell)
 Hardware
 Arduino UNO + USB cable
 LEDS + resistors(220, 1K, 10K) + breadboard + wires
 Potentiometers (variable resistors), buttons
 Light dependant resistor, piezo buzzer, tilt sensor, temperature sensor,
IR and sonar distance sensors
 servo-motor, dc-motor, stepper-motor(and driver)
 LCD display, 8x8 led matrix, 7 segment displays, remote IR control
 ESP8266 WiFi module
 Software
 Arduino IDE (software)
 Proteus ISIS simulation tool
Part List
 Questions?

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