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Whiteboard Whiteboard



Jonat Brytta Rache Nazm Phyllis

han ny l un tine

Domi Virgin Crysta Glady

Luz Haley
ngo ia l s
Turn-in box

Brean Tyron Rose Lusha Arann

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Area Rug
Miche Miche Melis Yvonn
Jenna Tereza
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Backpack Sink and water fountain

Cubbies Hangers
McKenzie Turley
Edu 214
Trashes Chairs
• Student Name:   McKenzie Turley
• Date:   1/22/2021
• Artifact Description: My Classroom- Create and design a classroom for the grade level you wish to teach.
• What you learned: This project took a lot longer to finish than I anticipated. Going into it I figured I would copy and paste
some desks and add a few pieces of furniture and be done, but I kept thinking of more and more things I would want to
have in my classroom to make it better for me and for my students, without making it seem too cluttered and disorganized.
I did have a really good time learning how to use more tools on the computer. Just using lines in the bridge project was
really simple but using all different types of shapes, colors, text boxes and more was a tough challenge and I did get
frustrated a few times but I am really proud of the end result. 
• National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS)•S Addressed: Standard 4B- Students select and use
digital tools to plan and manage a design process that considers design constraints and calculated risks.
• Standard 6B- Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.
• Application of Skills Learned for the Future: I think using the tools on the computer for this type of work would be really
great for children because they have a lot of creative freedom in what they do. It gives a lot of opportunity for a child to
design a room however they want, while taking into consideration what would be possible and what would not make
sense if applied in real life situations. It gives the child a chance to think about how one action can affect things around it,
for example, putting a piece of furniture in a space that's too small so a person could not enter a room very well. I think
that a really fun application for this type of project would be to share a powerpoint with all the children that has all the
pieces of furniture in the class and let them design the class how they would like to, and then you can partner them off
and let them discuss what they like about others classrooms and also provide an opportunity for students to discuss what
would be impossible to do, even if it would be cool.

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