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 “PM- Scientific Application of Modern Tools &

Techniques in Planning, Financing, Implementing,

Monitoring, Controlling & Coordinating Unique
Activities or Tasks to Produce Desirable output in
accordance with Pre-determined Objectives, within the
Constraints of “Time, Cost, Quality”.

 Accomplished Through:
– Initiating
– Planning
– Executing
– Controlling
– Closing

third lec VU
 Managing a Project Includes:
– Identifying Requirements.
– Establishing Objectives – Clear &
– Balancing Demands for “Quality”.
 AdaptingPlans, & Expectations
of Stake Holders.

third lec VU
New Processes Supporting Project mgt

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Why Project Management?
 Disciplined Project Management Provides:
– Focal Point for:
 Effective Communications.

 Coordination & Control.

– A Plan to Assess Progress.

– Emphasis on “Time Cost, Performance”.
– PM Provides Framework For:
 Methods
 Processes
 Monitoring
 Change Control

third lec VU
What Constitute Project Success:
 Within Time, Budgeted Cost.
 Proper performance or specialization level.
 With acceptance of Customer/user.
 Customer as Referee.
 Minimum Scope Changes.
 Without Disturbing:
– Main Work Activities.
– Corporate Culture.

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Program Management
 Scope of program management is wider than that
of project management.
 Program is a group of related projects, managed in
a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control
not available in managing them individually.
 Programs include:
– Elements of related work outside the scope of discrete
project and program.
– Series of Repetitive and cyclic undertakings.

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Examples of Program Management

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Portfolio Management
 A portfolio is a collection of projects or
programs or other work that are grouped
together to facilitate effective management
of that work to meet strategic business

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Goals of Portfolio Management
 To maximize the value of portfolio by
careful examination of candidate projects
and programs for inclusion in the portfolio.
 Timely exclusion of the projects not
meeting the portfolio’s strategic objectives.
 Senior management typically take over
responsibilities of portfolio management of
an organization.

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Project Management Office
 An organizational unit to centralize and
coordinate all project management related
 Also called Project Management
Office/Project Office/Program Office.

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Role of Project Management
 To oversee management of project program or
combination of both.
 Those projects supported by Project Management
Office may not be other than by being managed
together but some Project Management Office do
coordinate and manage related projects as well.
 Project Management Office focuses on
coordination, planning, prioritization and
execution of projects and sub projects.
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Role of Project Management
 It can also provide project management support
for training, software, standardized policies,
procedures to overall direct management and
responsibilities for achieving program objectives.
 It may receive delegated authority to act as
internal stake holder and key decision making
during the initial stages of each project.
 Authority to make recommendations or can
terminate projects.
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Features of Project Management
 Select management and redeploy personnel, if necessary.
 Identification and development of project management
methodologies and practices.
 Clearing house and management for project policies.
 Centralized confirmation management.
 Act as operation officer. e.g. Enterprise project
 Act as central coordination of communication.
 Mentoring platform for project managers.
 Gives project timelines.
 Provide coordination of overall project quality standards.

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Project Manager Vs. Project
Management Office
 Project management Office and Project Manager pursue
different objectives driven by different requirements.
 Project manager is responsible for delivering specific
project objectives within constraints of the project.
 Project management Office is an organizational structure
with specific mandate that can include an enterprise’s wide
 Project manager focuses on specific project objectives.
 Project management Office manages major programs,
scope, changes and can view them as potential
opportunities to better achieve project objectives.

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Project Manager Vs. Project
Management Office
 Project manager controls project resources to best meet
project objectives.
 Project management Office optimizes use of shared
organizational resources.
 Project manager manages scope, schedule, cost and
 Project management Office manages overall risks,
opportunities and various interdependencies.
 Project manager reports on project’s programs and other
project specific information.
 Project management Office provides consolidated

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Project Initiation
Identify Needs

Establish Objectives & Constraints

Establish Scope
Undertake Studies Appoint Project
Generate Alternatives

Approximate Estimating Identify Stakeholders

Establish Feasibility

Obtain Approvals Not Proceed -

End of Project

third lec VU Proceed

Responsibilities of Project
 Project manager is a person, responsible for
managing the project within the constraints of :
– Scope
– Quality
– Time
– Cost
 Purpose is to help the manager to deliver specific
requirements and meet & exceed customers’
 Project manager sits at the top of the triangle with
project team under him or her.
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Pre-Requisites for Appointing
Project Manager
 Project manager must have sufficient
knowledge of:
– Law
– Economics
– Technical and People handling skills

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Pre-Requisites for Appointing
Project Manager
 Project manager check list include:
– Good general management skills.
– Excellent written and oral communication capabilities.
– Knowledge of inventories and policies related to material and
– Scheduling and monitoring techniques.
– Skills of gathering data.
– Understanding of Mathematical and Statistical concepts.
– Good documentation skills.
– Labor relations and safety procedures.
– Ensure project activities according to plan.
– Adjust variety of tasks according to the changing environment.

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Qualities of Project Manager
 Able to work with large number of groups.
 Understand the demands and concerns.
 Understand, interpret and apply necessary
procedures to complete the project.
 Devise methods to control and evaluate project
 Build spirit of cooperation among participants.
 Relate, compose, classify and evaluate facts.

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 A project manager must set objectives,
establish pans, organize resources, provide
staffing, set up controls, issue directives,
motivate personnel and remain flexible.

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Project Management Vs.
Ongoing Management
Project Management:
 Management of time and change.
 Structure of project management is different from ongoing
 Management by project:
– Provides structured, systematic way of solving general
management problems.
– Work is broken into small parts.
– Each part is regarded as a project.
 On identification of work as project, attention shifts to
scope identification and necessary resources.

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Project Management Vs.
Ongoing Management
Ongoing Enterprise
 Looks at the long term goals and the long term
success of the enterprise.
 A thought relationship is les is less important in
ongoing enterprise than in the project.
 Life is simple and certain in for a certain period of
 Work environment is relatively stable.
 Role and relationship is well understood.

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The Successful Project

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Project Management Body of
knowledge (PMBOK)
 Project life cycle.
 Project management five process group.
 Nine knowledge areas.

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Purpose of Project Management
Body of knowledge (PMBOK)
 TO identify the subset of PMBOK. i.e. generally
recognized as good practice.
 Identify – To provide a general overview as opposed to
exhaustive description.
 Generally Recognized – Knowledge and practices
described are applicable to most projects, most of the time
and there is widespread consensus as to their value and
 Good Practice – General agreement that correct
application of the skills, tools and techniques can enhance
chances of success over a wide range of projects.

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Laws of Project Management
 Project progresses quickly until they are 90% complete,
then they remain at 90% complete forever.
 When things are going well, something will go wrong.
 When things just cannot get worse, they will.
 When things appear to be going better, you have
overlooked something.
 Project content is allowed to change freely, the rate of
change will exceed the rate of progress.
 Project team detests progress reporting because it manifest
lack of progress.

third lec VU
Five Basic Expertise needed by
the Project Teams
 Project management body of knowledge.
 Applications area knowledge (Standards &
 Understanding the project environment.
 General Management knowledge and skills.
 Interpersonal skills.

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Key Project Management
Concepts from PMBOK
PMBOK – Applications
Generally area knowledge
accepted project and practices
knowledge and

knowledge and

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Areas of Expertise Needed by
New Teams
Management body
of knowledge

Applications area
Understanding (Standards &
the project Regulations).

knowledge and
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