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Presentation on fashion cycle

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• Designs shown at“

FashionWeeks ” (6
months ahead of season)
• Limited number of
people accept them
• Fashion Leaders wear
the styles
• Usually high prices, low
What is the ‘fashion cycle’

• period of time or life span during which fashion exists

• style – particular look, shape or type of apparel item

• fashion – style that is popular during a given period of time.

Fashion cycle

• Manufacturers will
copy designer
clothes, with less details

• More people accept the


• As it climbs, more
copies are made and
prices go down

• The fashion is at its

most popular
• It is mass produced and
• Prices vary at this
stage-due to many
• It can survive longer if
it becomes a classic
• Slight changes can help
it stay at the peak longer

• People get tired of the


• The fashion goes on


•Items become

• The end of the fashion


• Consumers are not

interested in the style
any more

• A new cycle will begin

Fashion Leaders

• Trendsetters or
individuals who are the
first to wear new styles,
after which the fashion is
adopted by the general
• May be high profile
people who get media
• Ex: 2003 Academy
Awards: Celebrities wore
chandelier earrings, then
they became popular.
Fashion Trends

• The direction of the

of fashion that is
accepted in
the marketplace.
• Trends can come from:
• Movies/TV
• Politics
• Musicians
Fashion Movement

• The ongoing motion of

fashions moving
through the fashion
• Things affecting the
fashion movement:
• Economic/social
• New fibers/fabrics
• New advertising
Fashion Movement:

Trickle-Down Theory

• Trickle-down theory:
The movement of
fashion starts at the top
with consumers of
higher socioeconomic
status and moves down
to the general public.
Fashion Movement:

Trickle-Up Theory
• Trickle-up theory:
movement of fashion
starts with consumers on
lower-income levels and
then moves to
consumers with higher
– Ex: Athletic Apparel
– Punk Style
– Baggy Pants
Fashion Movement:

Trickle-Across Theory

Trickle-across theory:
Fashion acceptance
begins among several
socioeconomic classes at
the same time,
because there are leaders
in all groups.
• They form the largest and most
profitable section
of the consuming public
• For a variety of reasons, they respond
to fashions
only after they are sure of trends:
– Lack of time
– Slow to change to new ideas
– Personal insecurity about taste, using
others as a
– Need to fit in with their peer group
– Note that within followers there are
early adopters,
laggards and those who fall in between
– Also note that the majority of people
don’t want to be judged by what they
wear solely.
Stages of the Fashion Cycle
Fashion can go through a
couple of stages.  The first stage
would be the introduction stage. 
This is when designers show
their designs for the first preview
during fashion week at the major
design centers or at local fashion
shows. Fashion leaders may wear
them and a limited number of
people may accept them. These
items are offered at high prices
and in low quantity.
Another stage of Fashion is
when manufacturers copy new
designers clothes with apparel
that costs less.  These items are
accepted by more people because
they are affordable. When things
are mass produced the cost is
lower and that results in more
When Fashion is at its peak stage, is when
items are most popular and accepted. There
may be different versions and prices may
vary on the items. If an item survives a long
time it becomes a classic, for example, the
mini skirt. A prolong life of an item would
be once again, the mini skirt. It is prolonged
because only a simple change was made to it,
for example, a new detail to it, or
embellishment to it, or color, or texture was
A decline stage in Fashion would be when
consumers want something new, and the
demand for the item is decreasing.  The
market may be flooded with new items that
buyers are interested in. Retailers mark
down prices to make room for more and
newer designs.
When people are no longer interested and
want a new look is called the obsolescence
stage.  Prices are low and people probably
won't buy them.

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