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Personal Development

Announcement: Starting on Wednesday, Feb. 3,

Personal Development class will be at 9:20-10:20
am together with GAS and HUMSS
Man as a Whole Being
• What is Wholeness?
- is an integral sense of integration of different aspects of
the individual: mental, emotional, physical, social and
spiritual- are in harmony or balanced.
- for self- esteem and self- actualization
- is a transcendental life goal.
Emeth and Greenhut (1991) wrote that we are all pilgrims
on a journey toward wholeness and fullness of life.
• Carl Jung (1875-1961) recognized that man is essentially
a whole being. He viewed life to be full of opposites- day
and night, happiness and sadness, and birth and death.
He also noticed that the split in the self as well, and
recognized the need to restore the fragmented pieces of
self in the hope of bringing out the uniqueness of the
• Man’s striving toward self-realization, awareness of one’s
potentials and recognition of personal uniqueness are
ways to becoming whole.
• Gestalt Theory
- holds that psychological distress and mental problems
are caused significantly by the split self.
- takes a bodily orientation integrated with psychological
functioning in treating an individual.
- sees the whole as greater than the sum of its parts
which means man is a whole being and functioning unit.
Aspects of Holistic Development:
Developing the Whole Person
• Physical Development
- points to the body and its functioning
- hormonal changes, sexual characteristics become
- conscious of the body, stirve to be in good shape
- take good care and keep well of the body
- wellness should be a primary concern
• What are the things you need to look into in developing
the physical aspect of yourself?
1. Watch what you eat.
• List of major nutrients we need (Throop and
Castelucci, 2011)
a. Protein
b. Carbohydrates
c. Vitamins and Minerals
d. Water
e. Fats
2. Keep yourself fit and strong
3. Avoid abuse of your body
• Cognitive Development
- refers to patterns of thinking which include reasoning,
ability to learn, remembering and solving problems.

3 important cognitive skills you need to develop:

1. Remembering
2. Critical Thinking
3. Problem-Solving
• 1. Remembering
- is a function of the brain that depends on the short-term
or long-term memory.
Throop and Castelucci, 2011 listed ways to improve
a. Repetition
b. Organization
c. Mnemonics
• 2. Critical Thinking
- comes from the word kritikos ( meaning, discerning
judgment) and criterion (meaning, standards)
- implies discerning judgment based on standards
- requires the ability to reason out (logical thinking), infer,
analyze, interpret and explain.
- discern between facts and opinions.
3. Problem- Solving
- depends so much on your critical thinking ability.
Socio- Emotional Development
- Motus anima is said to be the Latin description for
- means the spirit that moves us.
- Emotions or feelings are kinds of force form within that
affect us.
- Color our world as we respond to different life
• An agreement in terms of the components that make
up an emotion.
1. Physiological Component
2. Cognitive Component
3. Behavioral Component
• Spiritual Development
- There is someone bigger and higher than us.
- Searching for somebody divine for love, comfort and
- Religious affiliation
- An integral part of our self.
- Commiting one self in developing and nurturing the s
spiritual part.

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