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■ The hexapod robot consists of six legs which are

usually controlled by twelve or eighteen servo motors.
Unlike the two legged robots and legged animal robots
four, the hexapod configuration shows the advantages
of static stability during running. The reason is that six
legs allow the implementation of a gait with three feet
in the air and three feet remaining on the ground,
giving stable balance.
■ Among the many walking robots, the hexapod robot which has
been created to mimic the body structure and control of the
movements of an insect or anthropod animal is one of the most
distinctive six-legged robots. With such a body structure, the
robot can move forward with different types of gait and adapt to
different speeds and loads. And because there is an exaggerated
limb, the robotic hexapod can continue walking if one leg is lost.
These advantages make it competent for several highly
autonomous and reliable works, such as field guiding field,
underwater search and space exploration.
■ MATLAB is a programming language with (high-performance)
high performance for computing regarding engineering
problems. Matlab combines computing, visualization, and
programming in a model which is very easy to use, where the
problems and the solution is described in mathematical
notation easy to recognize.

■ RoboAnalyzer is a 3D modeling software that can used to

teach and learn concepts robotics. This software is developed
in the laboratory Mechatronics, Department of Mechanical
Engineering IIT Delhi, India, at under Prof. S.K. Saha in order
to support teaching-learning process on the topics discussed in
in his book entitled "Introduction to Robotics“ published by
Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
A convention used to provide the coordinate system of each manipulator
link. The coordinate system given is in accordance with the following rules:
■ The origin of the i coordinate system lies at the intersection of the i + 1
joint axis and the normal line between the i and i + 1 joint axes.
■ The zi axis is parallel to the (i + 1) th joint axis. The positive direction of
this axis can be chosen at random.
■ The xi axis is parallel to the normal line of the ith axis and the axis of the
(i + 1) th joint and forms the ith point to the (i + 1) th joint.
■ The yi axis is determined using the right hand rule.
Picture 2. Length and Loop of the link

Regardless of the actual physical link building connecting two joints, their relative location
can be described using two parameters:
ai: The length of the normal line between the axes of the i and i + 1 joints. This is
also known as the link length.
Αi: The angle measured from the axis of the i joint to the axis of the i + 1 joint. This
is also known as looping of the link.
Picture 3. Offset and Rotation Angle
■ the other two parameters can describe the location of the link relative to each other:
• di: The offset distance between the normal line of the i-1 and i-1 axis of
the normal line of the i-1 and the i + 1 axes. This is known as the offset of the link.
• θi: The angle between the normal line of the i-1 axis of the joint and the i-
joint and the normal line of the i-joint and the +1 joint. This is known as the angle of
the joint.
■ Kinematics in robotics is a description of the geometrical form
of a robot structure. From the geometric equations, we get the
relationship between the geometric concept of spatial joints in
the robot and the concept of normal coordinates used to
determine the position of an object. The purpose of kinematics
is to define the relative position of a frame to its original
coordinates. For this Hexapod leg, the frame coordinates are
represented in figure 4.
Picture 4 Frame Coordinates of the robot's leg

■ After determining the coordinates of each frame, the

next step is to determine the DH parameter

Picture 5. Robot Leg Loop Articulation Model

■ The type of simulation model used is the 3R Articulated
Model. There are 3 types of joint rotation, with 3 cm joint
offset and 90 ° twist angle at the first joint. The length of the
first link is 3 cm, the second link is 9 cm and the third link is
13 cm. And this is the parameter DH

■ To start advanced kinematic simulation with RoboAnalyzer, enter the

angle values of each prefix (initial) and end (final) in the fields provided.
We enter the values 𝜃1 = 0 °, 𝜃2 = 75.0412 and 𝜃3 = −139.1487 ° as the
final values for each joint angle and 𝜃1 = 𝜃2 = 𝜃3 = 0 ° for the joint angle
prefix values.

Picture 6. DH parameter on RoboAnalyzer

■ And the result of the transformation of the matrix for each link is

Picture 7. Transform the base frame with the first link

Picture 8. Transformation of the first link with the second

Picture 9. Second to third link matrix transformation

Picture 10. Transform the base frame with the third link
■ From the results, the transformation of the matrix between the base frame
and the third link is obtained, which is the result of the transformation
matrix of each link. Measurement in meters.

Picture 11. the result of the transformation matrix of each link

■ Then the final effector position is obtained 𝑝𝑥 = 12.0 𝑐𝑚, 𝑝𝑦 = 0.0 𝑐𝑚 and
𝑝𝑧 = 0.0 𝑐𝑚.
■ For a back kinematic simulation with RoboAnalyzer, enter the
values of the DH parameters and the final effector we want. We
entered the values 𝑝𝑥 = 12.0, 𝑝𝑦 = 0.0 and 𝑝𝑧 = 0.0 as the final
effector value.
Picture 12. The kinematic solution behind the RoboAnalyzer
■ From the simulation results obtained 4 solutions or angles which makes
the final effector reach the position 𝑝𝑥 = 12.0, 𝑝𝑦 = 0.0 and 𝑝𝑧 = 0.0.
The solution is
( 1 )𝜃 1 = 0° , 𝜃2 = 75.0412 and 𝜃3 = −139.1487° .
( 2 )𝜃 1 = 180° , 𝜃2 = −116.5413° and 𝜃3 = −86.3247° .
( 3 )𝜃 1 = 180° , 𝜃2 = 137.7807° and 𝜃3 = 86.3247° .
( 4 )𝜃 1 = 0° , 𝜃2 = −116.1532° and 𝜃3 = 139.1487° .
Picture 13. Solution (1)
Picture 14. Solution (2)

Picture 15. Solution (3)

Picture 16. Solution (4)

■ From these results, the possible movement that can be

performed by Hexapod is the movement with Figure 17,
because the movement does not touch or hit the physical limits
of the Hexapod.
(-) Salamah, K. S., & Andika, J. (2018). Analisis Kinematik Pada Robot Hexapod.
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Universitas Mercu Buana, 1-9.
(-) Z. Yang, C. Juang, and Y. Jhan, “Hexapod Robot WallFollowing Control Using
A Fuzzy Controller,” pp. 1–5, 2014.

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