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The term FITTING is
related to the assembly
of parts, after bringing
the dimension or shape
to the required size or
form, in order to secure
the necessary fit .
Introduction ;
The bench work and fitting plays an important role in every
engineering workshop to complete and finish the job to the desired
accuracy. The work carried out by hand at the bench is called bench
work. Whereas fitting is the assembling of parts together by fitting
chipping, sawing, fore capping tapping etc. Fitting shop tool the tool
which are used in fitting lab are called fitting shop tools these can be
classified into the following groups according th their function they
AIM : To prepare a T (Internal Fit) joint.
MATERIAL : MS Plate 5mm thickness
TOOLS USED : Bench vice, Hack-Saw, files, Try-
Square and Marking Tools, Drilling machine,
hammer, chisels drills & taps.
The bench vice is a holding device that is used
to hold the workpiece when performing Filling
and Cutting on the job. Bench vice has two
jaws one is fixed (Stationary jaw) and another
is movable (Sliding jaw). Sliding jaw slide over
the slide face, when the handle is rotated in the
clockwise direction it is subjected to tight by
mean of the thread which is mounted on the
rod. The body is not movable to any direction
is called a fixed body and the lower part of
bench vice is called base.
Hand hacksaw
Hand hacksaw is a cutting tool that is used in the
fitting shop for manual cutting. It has three parts,
Handles, Hacksaw frame, and blade. The blade is
made of high-speed steel or high carbon steel and the
frame is made of mild steel. The blade is adjusted
with the help of a wing nut. The teeth of a blade
generally forward direction.
Try square
It consists of steel blades fixed at right angle to the
straight edge of stock. It is used for testing the
squarness of surface at to set line at right angle. it is
available in various sizes like 100mm,150mm, 300mm
Vernier height gauge
The vernier height gauge is used to measure the height of
the workpiece. It consists of a vertical bar mounted on
heavy base. A slider head with a pointer is carried on to the
rectangular bar. The bar and head are graduated. The
height gauge is also used as marking the line at specific
Angle plate
An angle plate is a work holding device used as a fixture in
metalworking. Angle plates are used to hold workpieces
square to the table during marking out operations.
Adjustable angle plates are also available for workpieces
that need to be inclined, usually towards a milling cutter.
Engineering Scale
It is used for taking linear measurements of any surface.
It is made of stainless steel or spring steel, having line
graduation engraved at interval of fraction of standard
unit of length
A file is a tool which has multi-tooth. It is used for remove
the unwanted material by means the rubbing on the
metal. The files are available in many shapes and
size.They are made of high carbon steel.
★ The file used here is a flat double cut file for doing
cross filing
★ Flat File :This is tapered in width and thickness both.
Flat file is always double-cut on the faces and single-
cut on the edge. It is used for general work only.
★ Double Cut : In double-cut, there are two sets of
teeth; one similar to those of a single-cut file and the
other running diagonally across the first set and
inclined at an angle of about 75o to 80o to the
centre line of face on which the teeth are cut. It is
used for filing on surfaces steel and softer
The striking tools are used in different shops for
different operations. The striking tool is identified by a
hammer. These hammers are used for chipping, fitting
and punching processes. A hammer has a heavy iron
body with a wooden handle. The weight range from 0.25
kg to 2 kg. Here we use a 250 gm ball peen hammer
it is a piece of hardened steel about 150 mm to 300 mm
in length and 3 to 5 mm in diameter which is pointed out
at one or both end. Scriber, having one end in straight
shape and the other in bent shape .
It is used to scratch the lines on a given surface. The bent
end is used to scratch line in that place where the
straight end cannot reach.
For cutting and chipping away pieces of metal, cold types
of chisel are used. These are made of high carbon
steel usually in rectangular, hexagonal or octagonal cross
section. The cutting edge is roughly ground by
forging and then sharpened to the correct cutting angles
on grinder or on oil-stone.
It is used for marking out work and locating canters in a
permanent manner. They are made of hardened
steel and may be classified in two types such as Prick or
Dot Punch, and Centre Punch. As shown in Figure 2.5,
prick or dot punch is a sharply pointed tool. The tapered
point of punch has an inclined angle of 30° to 40°, used to
make small marks in shape of dots on layout lines in
order to make them last longer. The centre punch has an
inclined angle of about 60°. It is used only to make the
prick punch marks larger at the centers
of holes that are to be drilled.
It is a tool for making hole in a given metallic piece. Drills
are made of high carbon steel or high speed steel. All the
drills are specified according to maximum size of hole
that can be drilled by a drill. There are three types of drill
such as flat drill, straight fluted drill, and twist drill. All the
three types of drill .Generally, flat and straight fluted drills
are not preferred in fitter’s work. They are simply
used in carpentry work.
❏ To check the dimensions of a given mild steel piece.
One edge of the given is filled to straightness with rough
and smooth files and checked with a try square.
Adjacent is also filled such that it is square to the first
edge and checked with a try square.
Wet chalk is applied on one side of the flat and dried for
❏ When the chalk is dry, mark using vernier calipers.
Punching is done at appropriate markings.
Make holes by drilling the work piece.
Make the T out of the 2nd piece using a hacksaw.
The hole of T shape is perfected by filing.
Fit the T into the T shaped hole of work piece.
Safety & Precautions
1. Always wear protective head gear.

2. Protective glasses must be worn in the working area.

3. Must use the try square for perpendicularity.

4. Finishing off the job will be always with a smooth file.

5. Marking is done without parallax error.

Result :
The T – joint of appropriate
dimensions is prepared..
Made by;

Akshay Pandey
Roll no: 2K20/A6/54

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