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First Quarterly Examination

in Science 8
Identify the choice that best completes the
statement or answers the question.  
_____ 1. A force is described as:
A. A push only C. A push or a pull
B. A pull only D. None of the above

_____ 2. What unit do scientists use to measure force?

A. Newton B. Grams C. Meters D. Meter per second per second

_____ 3. What is the net force on the box shown on the right?
A. 10 N to the left C. 10 N to the right
B. 60 N to the left D. 50 N to the right
____ 4. A force is a push or pull that is described by its:
A. direction. C. speed and direction.
B. strength and direction. D. strength.

____ 5. Forces can be added together only if they are:

A. acting on the same object. C. balanced forces.
B. unaffected by gravity. D. substantial.

____ 6. Unbalanced forces acting on an object will change the object's:

A. mass. B. height. C. acceleration. D. weight.
____ 7. The arrows represent forces acting on four identical boxes. Which box
experiences the greatest unbalanced force?

_____ 8. When a pair of balanced forces acts on an object, the net force that
results is:
A. greater in size than one of the forces.
B. equal to zero.
C. equal in size to one of the forces.
D. greater in size than both forces combined.
____ 9. What happens when two forces act in the same direction?
A. They cancel each other out. C. The stronger one prevails.
B. They add together. D. Their sum divided by two is the total force.

____ 10. The tendency of an object to resist change in its motion is known as:
C. mass. B. inertia. C. force. D. balance.

_____ 11. Which one of the following objects has the greatest inertia?
A. ping pong ball C. a golf ball
B. a soft ball D. a bowling ball
_____ 12. Describe the motion of a person not wearing a seat belt if the car stops suddenly.
A. The person and car will stop together.
B. The person will stop faster than the car because they are lighter.
C. The car will stop and the person will keep moving forward because of inertia.
D. The car will stop and the person will speed up.

_____ 13. A body at rest tends to remain at rest and a body in motion tends to remain in
motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force is stated in the law of:
A. motion B. inertia C. momentum D. action and reaction

_____ 14. An orange might roll off your tray when you stop suddenly because of:
E. the friction forces acting on the orange.
F. the balanced forces acting on the orange.
C. the centripetal force acting on the orange.
D. the orange’s inertia.
____ 15.The relationship among force, mass, and acceleration is stated in:
A. the law of conservation of momentum
B. Newton's second law of motion
C. Newton's first law of motion
D. Newton's third law of motion

_____ 16. According to Newton’s second law of motion, the acceleration of an

object equals the net force acting on the object divided by the object’s:
A. mass. C. momentum.
B. velocity. D. weight.
_____ 17. As the force acting on an object decreases, the acceleration of the object:
A. increases C. remains the same
B. decreases D. increases, then decreases

_____ 18. As the mass of an object increases, the acceleration of that object:
A. increases C. remains the same
B. decreases D. increases, then decreases

_____ 19. Which of these is an example of deceleration?

A. a roller coaster moving down a steep hill
B. an airplane following a straight flight path
C. a bird taking off for flight
D. a car approaching a red light
____ 20. A student pushes a book across a table with a constant force. How would the
acceleration of the book change if the mass was doubled but the force was held
A. The acceleration would double. C. The acceleration would multiply by 4.
B. The acceleration would decrease by half (1/2). D. The acceleration would not change.

____ 21. The statement "for every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction" is
a statement of ____.
A. Newton's first law B. Newton's second law C. Newton's third law

_____ 22. According to Newton’s third law of motion, when a hammer strikes and
exerts force on a nail, the nail
A. disappears into the wood. C. exerts an equal force back on the hammer.
B. moves at a constant speed. D. creates a friction with the hammer.
_____ 23. A falling object is pulled down by the earth. The earth is pulled up
toward the object. Why doesn’t the earth move?
A. Only the earth has gravity.
B. The Earth has a very large mass and a small acceleration.
C. The Earth has a very small mass and a large acceleration.
D. Air resistance gets in the way.

_____ 24. When you walk across the ground and push on it with your feet:
A. There is no effect on the ground.
B. The ground pushes back less strongly than your feet.
C. The ground pushes back more strongly than your feet.
D. The ground pushes back on your feet with equal force.
_____ 25. Work is done on an object when:
A. an object is at rest
B. a force causes the object to move perpendicular to its direction
C. a force is applied
D. a force causes the object to move parallel to its direction

_____ 26. The unit for work is:

C. watt B. kw C. joule D. newton E. meter/second

_____ 27. In which of the following scenarios is work being done, according to the physics
A. Takeshi solves a “work” calculation in his head.
B. CJ places her chair onto the desk after the afternoon announcements.
C. Romer holds a barbell over his head in weightlifting class.
D. Angela carries a reference book across the classroom.
_____ 28. Work, in a scientific sense, is:
A. any physical effort that makes you tired.
B. the time it takes to perform a task.
C. the product of a force and the distance an object moves as a result of the force.
D. measured in newton.

_____ 29. Which of the following scenarios represents an example of work?

A. carrying a book across a room.
B. holding a dictionary in your hand for five minutes.
C. moving a book from a lower shelf to a higher shelf in a bookcase.
D. moving a book from one end of a shelf to the other.

_____ 30. A force acting on an object does no work if:

A. a machine is used to move the object. C. the force is not in the direction of the object’s motion.
B. the force is greater than the force of friction. D. the object accelerates.
____ 31. The energy associated with motion is called:
A. kinetic energy. C. elastic potential energy.
B. gravitational potential energy. D. nuclear energy.

____ 32. The energy associated with the motion and position of an object is
A. kinetic energy. C. potential energy.
B. gravitational potential energy. D. mechanical energy.

_____ 33. The metric unit of a joule (J) is a unit of:

A. potential energy. B. work. C. kinetic energy. D. all of the above
The diagram shows a swinging pendulum. With an equilibrium at point B and
two extreme positions at point A and C
Answer true (T) or false (F) to the following statements about energy.

_____ 34. The mechanical energy at A is equal to that at C.

_____ 35. The kinetic energy of the bob at B is zero
_____ 36. The bob has its maximum potential energy at B.
_____ 37. The potential energy of the bob at A is equal to that at B.
_____ 38. The potential energy of the bob at A is equal to the kinetic energy at
_____ 39. The unit for power is:
A. watt B. kw C. joule D. newton E. meter/second

_____ 40. The rate at which work is done is also known as:
A. power B. work C. force D. energy E. pulse rate

_____ 41. Two identical jobs are done. One is done slowly the other quickly.
Both require the same ____ but different amounts of _____.
A. work, power C. work, energy E. energy, work
B. power, work D. power, energy
_____ 42. Which of the following cannot travel through a vacuum?
A. heat B. sound C. visible light D. ultra-violet light

_____43. Sound travels at different speeds through different materials.

Through which of the following materials would sound travel most slowly?
A. air at 25°C B. aluminum C. Water D. air at 5°C

_____ 44. Which of the following has the most effect on the speed of sound
in air?
A. Amplitude B. frequency C. wavelength D. temperature
_____ 45. How does the state of matter (solid, liquid, or gas) affect the rate at which
sound travels?
A. It has no effect
B. In general, sound waves travel faster in denser objects
C. In general, sound waves travel slower in denser objects

_____ 46. A wave enters a new medium and bends. What is occurring?
A. Refraction B. Reflection C. Infraction D. Diffraction

_____ 47. Which is true about sound and light waves?

A. Sound and light waves travel very slowly
B. Light waves travel faster than sound waves
C. Sound waves travel faster than light waves
D. Sound and light waves travel at the same rate
_____ 48. Sound waves travel fastest in:
A. Gases B. Solids C. Liquids D. None of these

_____ 49. Light waves travel fastest in:

A. Gases B. Solids C. LiquidsD. None of these

_____ 50. During a storm when you see lightning several seconds usually pass
before you hear thunder. What is the reason for this?
A. Your eyes must work better than your ears
B. Only the sound waves transmit energy
C. Only the light waves transmit energy
D. Light waves travel faster than sound waves
_____ 51. Which best describes white light?
A. Only one color of light C. A blend of all reflected colors of light
B. The complete absence of light D. None of these

_____ 52. Light refracts when traveling from air into glass because light:
A. travels at the same speed in air and in glass.
B. travels slower in glass than in air.
C. frequency is greater in glass than in air.
D. frequency is greater in air than in glass.

_____ 53. When light passes from air into glass, its angle of refraction is:
A. more than its angle of incidence.
B. the same as its angle of incidence.
C. less than its angle of incidence.
D. can be more or less than its angle of incidence
_____ 54. Which property of light is being demonstrated by the pencil in the
glass of water in the figure below?
A. Reflection B. Absorption C. Refraction D. Transmission

_____ 55. The effect in which white light separates into different colors like
in the figure on the right below is called:
A. magnification B. refraction C. reflection D. dispersion
Essay [10 points]
A passenger ship bumps an iceberg in the middle
of the night. The noise of the collision is heard by
a scuba diver, a sleeping passenger, and a flying
seagull. The three are at an equal distance from
the sound.

Which one hears the sound first? Explain why. If the ship were made of wood instead of iron, would
the sleeping passenger hear the bump more quickly or
_________________________________________ less quickly? Explain why.
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