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Direction and Inclination

Module 1 - Introduction
Module Objectives
 At the end of this module you should be able
› Explain why D&I is important to D&M.
› List different types of well profiles
› List the applications of direction wells
› List and explain the common oilfield mapping systems
› Be able to plot points in UTM zones given the Northing
and Eastings
› Understand the maximum possible Grid Convergence
limit in the UTM coordinate system.
The Importance of D&I
• What are the main DBU services?

– Directional Drilling
– Measurements While Drilling – D&I
– Logging While Drilling
Why do we need D&I
• Why are direction &
inclination so important?

– Avoid other wells

– Prevent crossing lease
lines, boundaries or
– Hit the Target
Features of a Well Profile

• Surface location
• Kick Off Point-Build
• End Of build/curve
• Tangent Section
• Drop Off Point
• End of Drop/curve
• TD – Total Depth
Basic Well Profiles

 Straight Well (Vertical)

 S-Type Well
› Hold
› Build
› Tangent
› Drop
Basic Well Profiles
• Slant Well (J-Type)
• Hold
• Build
• Tangent

• Horizontal Well
• Various
Applications of Deviated Wells
• Inaccessible locations

 Onshore to Offshore locations

Applications of Deviated Wells
• Sidetracking

 Multiple exploration wells (Geological


 Salt dome drilling

Applications of Deviated Wells
• Relief wells

 Offshore Multi-well drilling

on a single platform
Applications of Deviated Wells

 Horizontal wells

 Extended Reach Drilling (ERD wells)

 Multilateral
Planning Wells
 When a client plans to drill a well then a DD company is
contracted to design the well plan

 This involves designing a 3D well plan to be plotted on a 2D

paper. Therefore a mapping system is used to ensure that the
map is as accurate as possible

 The well has to be planned to the proper north reference

› Magnetic North
› True North
› Grid North
Map Projection

 The Map Projection is a mathematical definition

 It takes a point on the surface of the curved

earth and defines it by Latitude and Longitude

 Then, this can be plotted on a flat piece of paper

defined by a North and East grid
Projection Models
Two Most Common Projection Models:
 Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Grid
› Divides world into 60 equal longitudinal zones
› Each zone is 6 deg wide
› Distortion increases east & west of the Central
 Lambert Conformal Conic Projection
› Parallels of latitude that are unequally spaced arcs of
concentric circles
› Distortion increases toward the edges
Universal Transverse Mercator (2)
 The world is divided into 60
UTM Zones
 Length is defined in meters
 UTM Grid Reference must
› Zone Number
› Hemisphere (N or S)
 Scale factor
› Function of position in
› Lines of true scale (1:1) lie
~180 km either side of
central meridian

Slide 15
D&M Learning Centers

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