2rd Order Intercept Points From W4uoa Net

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Receiver Metrics:

Theory and Practice

Intermodulation and
the 3rd Order Intercept Point

Carl Ferguson, W4UOA

John Drum, W4BXI
John Krupsky, WA5MLF
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Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 2
Questions on the Table
 What is intermodulation distortion?

 What is the 3rd order intercept point?

 What do these characteristics mean in


Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 3
Linear Gain

Linear gain in a circuit is

normally represented by a
straight line.

The scale on the Input and

Output axis reflect the gain
through the circuit. In this
example, a gain of 2:1.

However, all RF & IF

circuits are inherently

Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 4
Gain and the
Compression Point
At low input levels, receiver RF and IF
stage gain will be generally linear—
approaching a level called the small-
signal asymptotic value.
But as the input level increases, gain
through the stage becomes
increasingly nonlinear. When the gain
falls n dB below the small-signal

asymptotic value, it has said to have

reached its compression point (CP).
The compression point, stated in dB,
CP is frequently given as either 1 dB
or 3 dB.


Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 5
Nonlinearity and
Intermodulation Distortion
 Nonlinearity in RF and IF circuits leads to two
undesirable outcomes: harmonics and intermodulation
 Harmonics in and of themselves are not particularly
 For example, if we are listening to a QSO on
7.230 MHz, the second harmonic, 14.460 MHz is well
outside the RF passband.
 However, when the harmonics mix with each other
and signals in the circuit, undesirable and
troublesome intermodulation products can occur.

Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 6
Intermodulation Distortion
Products: An Example

(1) Fifth-Order 3f1-2f2 7.218

(2) Third-Order 2f1-f2 7.221

(3) Signal One f1 7.224

(4) Signal Two f2 7.227

(5) Third-Order 2f2-f1 7.230

(6) Fifth-Order 3f2-2f1 7.233

Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 7
Intermodulation Distortion
Products: An Example

(1) Fifth-Order 3f1-2f2 7.218

(2) Third-Order 2f1-f2 7.221

(3) Signal One f1 7.224

(4) Signal Two f2 7.227

(5) Third-Order 2f2-f1 7.230

(6) Fifth-Order 3f2-2f1 7.233

Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 8
Intermodulation Distortion
Products: An Example

(1) Fifth-Order 3f1-2f2 7.218

(2) Third-Order 2f1-f2 7.221

(3) Signal One f1 7.224

(4) Signal Two f2 7.227

(5) Third-Order 2f2-f1 7.230

(6) Fifth-Order 3f2-2f1 7.233

Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 9
Intermodulation Distortion
Products: An Example

100 f1 f2



2f1- f2 2f2- f1

0 3f1- 2f2 3f2- 2f1

7.216 7.218 7.220 7.222 7.224 7.226 7.228 7.230 7.232 7.234


Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 10
Third Order
Intermodulation Products
 The 3rd order products will be the largest
(loudest) of the intermodulation products.
 As a general rule, the 3rd order products will
increase (grow) 3-times faster than the
fundamental signal (the signal of interest).
However, recent lab studies have revealed
that this relation can vary from receiver to

Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 11
Intermodulation Distortion (IMD)
and IP3

Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 12
ARRL Receiver Testing:
QST, October 2007

Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 13
ARRL Receiver Testing:
Measured Response

Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 14
ARRL Receiver Testing

Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 15
ARRL Receiver Testing:
Best Fit in Linear Output Range

Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 16
ARRL Receiver Testing

Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 17
ARRL Receiver Testing:
IP3 from MDS = +8dBm

Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 18
Intercept Point 3 (IP3):
A Measure of Merit
Our graph illustrates that the 3rd
order intercept point is defined by the intersection of two hypothetical
lines. Each line is an extension of a
linear gain figure: first of the signal of interest; and second, of
the 3rd order intermodulation distortion signal—from which IP3
gets its name.
While there are several ways that
IP3 can be located, you will note that of the several illustrated
here, they all fall in the same general
area. The larger the value of IP3, the less likely the receiver will be adversely
affected by 3rd order intermodulation products. More on this later.

Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 19
Dynamic Range:
A Measure of Merit
 The ratio of the smallest usable signal to the largest
tolerable signal.
 The amplitude range over which a mixer can operate
without degradation of performance.
 Noise should determine the lower limit of a receiver’s
dynamic range.
 The lower limit may be defined by the signal-to-noise ratio
of a desired signal at its output. This measure is generally
favored because of its empirical nature—it can be easily
 However, the lower limit can be set by the MDS—a some
what more qualitative measure.
 The upper limit is normally set by either noise or distortion.
Source: QEX, July/August, 2002.

Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 20
Compression-Free Dynamic Range

Lb Lower bound
The lower bound is
Defined as a signal
of interest 3 dB
greater than the
Dynamic Range noise floor.
Ub Upper bound
The upper bound is
set by the compression
Ub point of the desired
(on-channel) signal.

Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 21
Spurious-Free Dynamic Range

Lb Lower bound
The lower bound is
Defined as a signal
of interest 3 dB
Spurious-Free greater than the
Dynamic Range noise floor.
Ub Upper bound
Ub The upper bound is
set by the 3rd order
IMD equal to the

Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 22
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Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 23
Why is it important to have a wide dynamic range?
Spurious-Free Dynamic Range
Notice below that an input signal of -110 dBm will produce
20 db output in our signal of interest. To achieve 20 db
output in the third order product, the off channel test
signals f1 and f2 must be 80 dB (110 dBm L– 30Lower

greater than our signal of interest. An unlikely occurrence

The lower bound is
except in unique circumstance. Defined as a signal
of interest 3 dB
Spurious-Free greater than the
Dynamic Range
noise floor.
Ub Upper bound
Ub The upper bound is
set by the 3rd order
IMD equal to the

Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 24
Spurious-Free Dynamic Range

Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 25
Spurious-Free Dynamic Range
FT-1000 IPO Button
Normally, the front-end FET RF
amplifiers provide maximum sensitivity for weak signals. During
typical conditions on lower
frequencies (such as strong overloading from signals on adjacent
frequencies), the RF amplifiers can
be bypassed by pressing the [IPO]
button so the green LED is on.

This improves the dynamic range and IMD (intermodulation distortion)

characteristics of the receiver, at a slight reduction of sensitivity. On
frequencies below about 10 MHz, you generally will want to keep the [IPO]
button engaged, as the preamplifiers are usually not needed at these

Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 26
A Few Final Comments:
Sensitivity and Blocking
 While a receiver’s ability to handle 3rd order
intermodulation products is important—its sensitivity
and ability to handle strong adjacent signals is of
equal and maybe even greater importance.
 We obviously want our receiver to have a very low
noise figure—able to hear the weakest of signals. And,
we recognize that our RF and IF amplifiers can not
handle infinitely large signals—at some point the
amplifier will reach its compression point.
 What happens when large adjacent signals capture
the front-end of our receiver?

Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 27
Sensitivity and Blocking
 Blocking happens when a large off channel signal causes
the front-end RF amplifier to be driven to its compression
 As a result all other signals are lost (blocked).
 This condition is frequently called de-sensing—the
sensitivity of the receiver is reduced.
 Blocking is generally specified as the level of the unwanted
signal at a given offset.
 Original testing used a wide offset—typically 20 kHz. More
recently, recognizing our crowded band conditions and the
narrow spacing of CW and other digital modes, most testing
today is done with close spacing of 2 kHz.

Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 28
Sensitivity and Blocking
 A good receiver design must find a balance between
sensitivity and strong signal handling capability. And
while the AGC in most receivers will attenuate large
signals, large off channel signals can dramatically
reduce a receiver’s sensitivity.
 For an excellent presentation on this subject, we refer
you to




Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 29
 I hope we’ve answered a few of your
questions about:
 intermodulation distortion products;
 the 3rd order intercept point;
 dynamic range; and
 maybe stimulated your interest in learning
even more about receiver performance.

Intermodulation and the 3rd Order Intercept Point: Theory and Practice 30
Thank you for your attention….

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