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19th Century Nationalism &

I. The Congress of Vienna
(September 1, 1814 – June 9, 1815)
Europe in 1812
Key Players
at Vienna

Tsar Alexander I Foreign Minister,

(Rus.) Viscount Castlereagh (Br.)

The “Host”
Prince Klemens von
Metternich (Aus.)
King Frederick Foreign Minister, Charles
William III (Prus.) Maurice de Tallyrand (Fr.)
Main Objectives
 Undo everything that Napoleon
had done
o Reduce France to its old
o Restore the old monarchies
 Metternich: conservative,
cautioned against liberal &
nationalist movements
Europe After the Congress of Vienna
II. European
A. France
 Louis XVIII & the Restoration Era
 1814 “Charter” or Constitution of
the Restoration period: Limited
royal power, granted legislative
power, protected civil rights,
upheld Napoleonic Code.
“White Terror” - Royalist mobs
killed 1000s of former
Louis XVIII moved the govt. more
to the right: decreased eligible Louis XVIII (r. 1814-1824)
voters, censorship imposed.
King Charles X ‘s Goals:
(Charles X was brother of Louis XVIII)

 Lessen the influence of the

middle class.
 Limit the right to vote.
 Public money used to pay
nobles for the loss of their
lands during the French
King Charles X of France  Dissolves Parliament!
(r. 1824-1830)

• To the Barricades  Revolution, Again!!

• Charles X flees to England.
Louis Philippe, r.1830-1848
 The “Citizen King”
 Govt under the control of the
wealthy middle class, but
workers ignored.
 Property qualifications reduced
enough to double eligible
 Press censorship abolished.
 The King ruled by the will of the
people, not by the will of God.
Revolution of 1848:
 Workers strike, want
electoral reform
 Protestors fired upon
 Louis Philippe loses
control, abdicates thrown

A caricature of
Louis Philippe
“February Days” – middle
class v. socialists/workers

“June Days”
 Upper- and middle-class control
 Workers/socialists turn violent
 Bourgeoisie win Second
Second Republic:
 Conservative, but…
 Universal Male Suffrage
Louis Napoleon (nephew
of Napoleon Bonaparte)
 Elected
 Conservative
 Named himself emperor
w/ 90% plebiscite vote
French Revolution of 1848:
• Liberal or nationalist movt?
• Success or failure?
B. Belgium Revolution, 1830
“When France sneezes,
Europe catches a cold.”

 Congress of Vienna had

united Belgium with Holland, but…
 Belgians: Catholic, manufacturers, speak French
 Dutch: Protestant, traders, speak Dutch

 A Success: Belgium independence, 1831

Belgium Revolution:
• Liberal or nationalist movt?
• Success or failure?
C. Poland
 Late 1700s: Poland divided  Poles in
Russia, Austria, Prussia
 Congress of Vienna: gives most of Poland to
 Poles revolt, very bloody
 A Failure
Polish Revolution:
• Liberal or nationalist movt?
• Success or failure?
D. Italy
 Nationalists kick out Hapsburg rulers & Pope

 Revolt then crushed by Austrian Army

 A Failure
E. The German States
 Divisions:
 Republic or monarchy ?
 Include Austria?
 Liberals offer Prussian King
Frederick William IV the crown
of a united Germany he
rejects because it is “from the
 A Failure!
F. Nationalism in the Austrian Empire
 Governed by German-speaking Austrians
 Hungarians want self-rule.
 Austrian loses war w/ Prussia more pressure
from Hungarians
 Formation of dual monarchy: Austria-Hungary,
one empire w/ two states
 Hungarians happy, but other
ethnic groups envious, upset

Franz Joseph (Hapsburg ), Emperor of Austria, 1848-1916

Hungarian Revolution in Austria:
• Liberal or nationalist movt?
• Success or failure?
in Latin
A. Social Classes
1. Peninsulares –
2. Creoles –
• Bitterly hated their second-class status, but…
• Middle-class, landowners
• Hated mercantilist policies
3. Mestizos –
4. Mulattoes –
5. Native Americans
6. Enslaved Africans
B. Causes
 Enlightenment ideas spread
 Creoles traveling in Europe
Declaration of
observe other revolutions Independence, 1776
 Napoleon invades Spain 
weakness & opportunity

Declaration of the
Rights of Man & of the
Citizen, 1789
C. Haitian Revolution, 1791
 French colonized for sugar
 Slaves, led by Toussaint L’Ouverture, revolt
 Slaves fight French, mulattoes,
British, & Spanish
 Bloodiest American revolution
 1798 – slaves win freedom & control, but…
 1802 – Napoleon sends more troops
 1804 – Haiti declares its independence
Haitian Revolution:
• Liberal or nationalist movt?
• Success or failure?
D. Mexico, 1810
 Father Miguel Hidalgo (Creole)
 “el Grito de Dolores” –
 Supported by poor mestizos &
Native Americans, (Creoles)
 Demands: independence,
abolish slavery, reforms for Native

 Hidalgo captured, executed

 Father Jose Morelos (Mestizo)
 Continues the fight
 Captured, executed
 Agustin de Iturbide (Creole)
 Conservative Creole (fears new
Spanish govt will be too liberal)
 1821 – Independence
 (Iturbide later overthrown &
liberal Mexicans take over)
 Iturbide ‘s Goals: the United Provinces of
Central America
 Outcome:
El Salvador,
Costa Rica
Mexican Revolution:
• Liberal or nationalist movt?
• Success or failure?
E. South American Revolutions
 Simon Bolivar – Creole
 Timing:
 Venezuelan independence
 “The Liberator”
South America
 Jose San Martin (Creole)
 Independence for Argentina
South America
 Bolivar & San Martin:
 Independence for:
Chile, Peru

 Goal: Gran Colombia

 Outcome: split
(Colombia, Panama,
Venezuela, Ecuador)
F. Brazil
 Napoleon invades
Portugal royal family
flees to Brazil, Dom Pedro
 Dom Pedro proclaims
independence & himself
 Constitutional monarchy
G. Legacy…

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