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H I G H L I G H T A H A U P D AT E 2 0 2 0


1. Algorithms And Visual Aids
TOPIC 2. The importance of early initiation of CPR by lay rescuers has been re-
3. Early Epinephrine Administration
4. Real time Audio visual feedback to maintain HQ CPR
5. Measuring ETCO2 during ACLS resuscitation
6. Double Sequential Defibrillation
7. IV access is priority during ACLS resuscitation
8. ROSC Close attention
9. formal assessment and support for Patient physical, cognitive, and
psychosocial needs.
10.Debriefing after resuscitation
11.cardiac arrest in pregnancy
Algorhytm and
Visual Aids

A sixth link, Recovery, was added to the IHCA and OHCA

Chains of Survival
Algorhytm and
Visual Aids

The universal Adult Cardiac Arrest

Algorithm was modified to emphasize
the role of early epinephrine
administration for patients with
nonshockable rhythms
Algorhytm and
Visual Aids
Algorhytm and
Visual Aids
Algorhytm and Visual
Aids(Rosc Close Attention)
Algorhytm and Visual Aids(multi modal
Algorhytm and
Visual Aids
Measuring ETC02 During
ACLS Resuscitation

1.CPR Quality Assessment

2.ROSC Assessment
3.ETT Placement
Debriefing Rescuer
Double Sequential

Although some case reports have shown

good outcomes, a 2020 ILCOR systematic
review found no evidence to support
double sequential defibrillation and
recommended against its routine use
formal assessment and support for Patient physical, cognitive, and psychosocial needs

• cardiac arrest survivors have multimodal rehabilitation

assessment and treatment for physical, neurologic,
cardiopulmonary, and cognitive impairments

• cardiac arrest survivors and their caregivers receive

comprehensive, multidisciplinary discharge planning,

• structured assessment for anxiety, depression,

posttraumatic stress, and fatigue for cardiac arrest
survivors and their caregivers.

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