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Group 13

The Times [Online Archive]

The International Handbook on Innovation, Shavinina, V. L
Picasso’s Guernica: History, Transformations, Meanings, Chipp, H. B.
La Destruccíon de Guernica Vidal, C (Translated by Miller, P)
The Spanish Civil War

• Began 17th July 1936 with a Pronunciamiento (Spanish for declaration or

announcement) by Military leaders

• The Rebels wanted the reinstatement of the Spanish Monarchy, as well as

the repeal of laws restricting the power of the catholic church

• The two sides were known as Nationalists (rebel forces) and Republicans (those
opposed to the revolution)

• Nationalists were supported by Germany and Italy

• Republicans were supported by the Soviet union and International Brigades

Attack on Guernica
• On 26th April, aircraft of the Condor Legion
and Aviazione Legionaria attacked the
Basque Town of Guernica

• Attack began at 4:30 in the evening, with 5

waves of bombers attacking with high
explosive and incendiary bombs

• During and after the raid, fighter aircraft

machine-gunned people on the roads in
and around Guernica, including the Times
special correspondent

• Estimated Casualties between 200 – 400,

although Basque propaganda claimed over
The Mural

• In January 1937, Picasso was approached to create a mural for Spanish Republic’s
pavilion at Paris World Fair

• The Pavilion was propaganda for Spanish Republicans, demonstrating that they
were still the elected government of Spain, and Franco was not in charge

• Picasso’s initial concept for the mural was “The Artist and His Model”

• Following the Attack on Guernica, Picasso decided to portray the horror of war,
and its effect upon civilians
Artistic Influences
Symbolism in “Guernica”

• In Picasso’s work, the horse and the bull represent

Contemporary Art

• Surrealists, including Salvador Dali

Impact of “Guernica”

• At the time, Guernica was mostly ignored by the world press, due to the late
opening of the Spanish Pavilion

• Now widely seen as one of the strongest anti-war images

• Most famous depiction of the effects of war

• In 1955, the Nelson Rockefeller commissioned a tapestry copy of Guernica, which

is hung in front of the door to the United Nations Security Council
List of Illustrations
• Figure 1.   Pablo Picasso (1937) Guernica [Oil on canvas] At:
_all.jpg (Accessed on 01/03/2011)

• Figure 2. Guernica [Photograph] At:

(Accessed on 01/03/2011)

• Chipp, H. B. (1989) Picasso’s Guernica: History, Transformations, Meanings London: Thames and Hudson
• Shavinina, V. L. (2003) The international handbook on innovation. (1st ed.) Oxford: Elsevier Science Ltd.
• Tonge, Stephen (2011) The Spanish Civil War [Online] At: (Accessed on 28/02/2011)
• Vidal, C (1997) La Destruccíon de Guernica [Translated by Miller, P] [Online] At: (Accessed on 01/03/2011)
• The Times Special Correspondent (1937) Bombing of Guernica In: The Times [Online archive] At:
001&pageId=ARCHIVE-The_Times-1937-05-06-15 (Accessed on 28/02/2011)

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