COMPX310-19A Machine Learning Chapter 3: Classification

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Machine Learning
Chapter 3: Classification
An introduction using Python, Scikit-Learn, Keras, and Tensorflow

Unless otherwise indicated, all images are from Hands-on Machine Learning with
Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow by Aurélien Géron, Copyright © 2019 O’Reilly Media
House keeping
 Outline

03/08/2021 COMPX310 2
MNIST: the “hello world”of ML
 Scikit-learn provides some benchmark datasets,

 In this case:

03/08/2021 COMPX310 3
Handwritten digits

03/08/2021 COMPX310 4
Preparing Y

03/08/2021 COMPX310 5
Train/test, binary class

03/08/2021 COMPX310 6
Yet another learner: SGD

03/08/2021 COMPX310 7

03/08/2021 COMPX310 8
 Cross-validation is an alternative to Train+Validation
 Train is split up into k equal-sized folds (default: 10 folds)
 Use k-1 folds together as the new train, validate on the
remaining fold
 Repeat this k times, always choosing another fold => k results
 Compute mean + standard deviation
 [can also repeat this multiple times with different random seeds
to reduce the variance of the result]

03/08/2021 COMPX310 9
 Workhorse in ML, therefore direct support in scikit_learn:

03/08/2021 COMPX310 10
Are we really that good?

03/08/2021 COMPX310 11
Getting predictions from CV

03/08/2021 COMPX310 12
Compare to perfection

03/08/2021 COMPX310 13
Precision and Recall
Precision: how many of the predicted 5s are really 5s

Recall: how many of the real 5s do we actually find

03/08/2021 COMPX310 14
TN, TP, FN, FP and the confusion matrix
[[5, 1], TN=5, FP=1, FN=2, TP=3
[2, 3]]. Rows: row0 info about class0, …
Columns: col0 info about predictedAs0, …

03/08/2021 COMPX310 15
F1: harmonic mean of recall & precision
[[5, 1], TN=5, FP=1, FN=2, TP=3
[2, 3]]. Rows: row0 info about class0, …
Columns: col0 info about predictedAs0, …

03/08/2021 COMPX310 16
Some results

03/08/2021 COMPX310 17
Thresholds: precision/recall trade-off

03/08/2021 COMPX310 18
Classifiers return numeric scores

03/08/2021 COMPX310 19
Precision recall curves

03/08/2021 COMPX310 20
Precision recall curves

03/08/2021 COMPX310 21
Recall @ precision == 0.9

03/08/2021 COMPX310 22
Precision-recall curve

03/08/2021 COMPX310 23
Alternative: ROC curve

03/08/2021 COMPX310 24
Alternative: ROC curve
Plot true positive rate (TPR)
over false positive rate (FPR)
for all possible thresholds.

Best @ (0,1).
Diagonal is a random classifier.

Area under the curve (AUC) is

1.0 for best possible, and
0.5 for random classifier.

AUC is very popular,

does not need a threshold,
works well for imbalanced data.

03/08/2021 COMPX310 25
Compare to Random Forest

03/08/2021 COMPX310 26
Compare to Random Forest

03/08/2021 COMPX310 27
Compare to Random Forest

03/08/2021 COMPX310 28
Multi-class classification

03/08/2021 COMPX310 29
Multi-class classification

03/08/2021 COMPX310 30
One-vs-One for Multiclass

03/08/2021 COMPX310 31
Random forest for multi-class

03/08/2021 COMPX310 32
Error analysis: confusion matrix from CV

03/08/2021 COMPX310 33
Error analysis: confusion matrix from CV

03/08/2021 COMPX310 34
Error analysis: confusion matrix from CV

03/08/2021 COMPX310 35
Multilabel: more than one binary target

03/08/2021 COMPX310 36
Multilabel: cross-validation

“Macro”: compute F1 for each label separately, then

average over all labels

“Micro”: compute F1 for the labels per example, then

average over all examples

03/08/2021 COMPX310 37
MultiOutput: multiple multiclass target
 E.g.: reconstruct image from a corrupted version

X y

03/08/2021 COMPX310 38
Adding noise, train & predict

03/08/2021 COMPX310 39

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