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Syllabus for Unit I : QUANTUM PHYSICS


(Prerequisites : Dual nature of radiation, Photoelectric effect Matter waves-

wave nature of particles, de-Broglie relation, Davisson-Germer experiment)

De Broglie hypothesis of matter waves; properties of matter waves; wave

packet, phase velocity and group velocity; Wave function; Physical
interpretation of wave function; Heisenberg uncertainty principle; non existence
of electron in nucleus; Schrodinger’s time dependent wave equation; time
independent wave equation;
Particle trapped in one dimensional infinite potential well, Quantum Computing.
Photoelectric effect
A phenomenon in which a metal emits electrons when light falls on it, is called
photoelectric effect.
Three interesting observations:
1. K.Emax of the emitted electrons did not
change with intensity of incident light.
2. With the increase in the intensity of light, the
number of emitted electrons increased.
3. Below certain frequency of light the
photoelectric effect does not occur at all.

Photoelectric Equation:
Energy of Photon= Work function + KE of electron
hv=hvo+ mv2/2
Davisson Germer Experiment
The waves reflected from two different
atomic layers of a Ni crystal will have a
fixed phase difference. After reflection,
these waves will interfere either
constructively or destructively. Hence
produce a diffraction pattern.

In the Davisson and Germer

experiment electrons were used in
place of waves. These electrons
Thus, the dual nature of matter was verified.
formed a diffraction pattern.
De Broglie's Hypothesis To Prove: λ = h / √2mE
4 times for 3 Marks
De Broglie introduced the concept of matter waves.
He suggested that the wave particle duality of radiation should be extended to micro-
particles as well.
❏ From the theory of radiation:  E = h𝜐 = hc / λ  ----(1)
❏ Einstein's mass energy relation: E = mc2  ----(2)
❏ Equating (2) and (1): mc2 = hc / λ ----(3)
❏ Re-arranging (3): λ = h / mc = h / p ----(4)
❏ Kinetic energy=E = mv2 / 2 = (mv)2 / 2m  = p2 / 2m -----(5)
❏ Putting (3) in (5): E = h2 / 2mλ2
❏ Thus the value of λ is given by:   λ = h / √2mE
❏ Kinetic energy of charge ‘q’ accelerated by potential ‘V’ is E=qV
❏ Value of λ in terms of V is given by:   λ = h / √2mqV
2 times for 5 Marks
1.Matter waves are neither mechanical nor electromagnetic, these are hypothetical.
2.Matter waves with different de Broglie wavelengths travel with different
3.The de Broglie wavelength depends on the kinetic energy of the matter particle. 
4.Matter waves travel faster than light.
❏ The energy of a matter wave being and Einstein’s mass energy formula: 
❏ h𝜐 = mc2 ---(1)
❏ Rearranging (1) gives : 𝜐 = mc2 / h ----(2)
❏ Using (2) in Matter wave velocity u: u =  𝜐λ = mc2λ / h
❏ Using De-Broglie’s Hypothesis: u = mc2 / p  = mc2  / mv = c2  / v
❏ Hence we can write : u / c = c / v
❏ No matter particle travel at a velocity greater than c, v << c and thus (c/v) >> 1.
❏ Therefore u / c > > 1 ….so u > > c.
Wave Packet, Phase and Group Velocity
3 times for 5 Marks
• WAVE PACKET:  A particle confined to an extremely small volume is
represented by a combined version of multiple waves of slightly
different frequencies. y(x,t)
• PHASE VELOCITY:  The rate at which the phase of the wave changes
at a point in the medium is called the phase velocity of the wave in that
medium.(velocity of a monochromatic wave) t
vp = ω / k
• GROUP VELOCITY:  The rate at which the energy propagates through
the medium while a group of waves within a frequency band   is Phase Velocity
travelling through it is called the group velocity.(velocity with which
a group of waves within a frequency band dω would travel.) 
vg = dω / dk Wave Packet

Group Velocity Group of waves

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
4 times for 5 Marks

• The Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle states that position and

momentum of a moving particle cannot be determined precisely and
• If Δx is the inaccuracy in measurement of position and Δp is the
inaccuracy is measurement of momentum.
• According the principle they are related to each other as follows:  
Δx ∙ Δp ≥ ħ 

• Application : Non existence electrons in a nucleus.

Show that electrons cannot exist within the nucleus.
10 times for 5 Marks

Show that electrons cannot exist within the nucleus.
10 times for 5 Marks

Assumption : Consider electron resides in the nucleus.

❏ Size of a nucleus: 1 fermi = 10-15 m.
❏ Uncertainty in position: xmax=10-15m
❏ Heisenberg's uncertainty principle: Δxmin∙Δpmin=ħ
❏ Substituting values: Δpmin=(ħ/Δxmin)=(6.63×10-34)/(2×3.14×10-15) 
❏ Δpmin=(ħ/Δxmin) = 1.05510-19 kg-m/sec
❏ Δpmin=mΔvmin
❏ Δvmin=Δpmin/m=1.055×10-19/9.1×10-31 = 1.159×1011 m/s
Electrons cannot exist within the nucleus (Cont..)
❏ v >> c hence relativistic electron
❏ relativistic energy of electron: E = √(mo2c4 + p2c2)
❏ As p>>Δpmin, p2c2 >> mo2c4
❏ Thus E=pc
❏ Assuming p = pmin: Emin=ΔPmin ∙c
❏ Substituting values: Emin = 1.055  10-19 × 3 x 108 = 3.165 × 10-11 J
❏ Emin=3.165×10-11/1.6×10-19= 197 MeV
❏ Maximum kinetic energy possessed by electron during beta decay is
around 100 GeV.
❏ 197 > 100 GeV hence assumption is wrong and electron cannot reside
Schrodingers time independent equation
Schrodingers time independent equation
Schrodingers time dependent equation
Schrodingers time dependent equation
Long derivations for 5-8 Marks
Significance of the wave function Ψ
1 time for 3 Marks
•●  Provides information about the probability of finding a particular particle at a given position
and at a given time.

● Helps in finding the mean position, momentum and other physical properties of a matter

● For a wave, its Intensity is proportional to the square of its amplitude, similarly density of matter
particles is proportional to the square of amplitude. This can be written as probability density of
matter waves is proportional to mod square of wave function.

● Normalization condition: dV = 1
Quantum Computing
• Focused on using the principles of quantum theory to develop various
computing based technologies.

• In Quantum Computing, information is stored as an “atom” or a “photon”

(a quantum system). A qubit (or a quantum bit) is the fundamental unit
of information.

• The main benefits include much less computation time and less bulky

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