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 In the preparation of this lecturer /slides references were taken

from different material available online in the form of book,
articles, website, web page and presentations etc. the author does
not has any intentions to take ant benefit of these in his own
name. The only purpose of this slide is educational.
Plato’s Theory of Human Nature
Plato (427-347 BCE) was on the first to argue that the
systematic use of our reason can show us the best way to live.
Platonic thinking that rises in reason in ancient Greece is often
called Greek miracle.
 Plato argues that if we truly understand the
human nature we can find
“Individual happiness and social stability”

Plato was born in influential family of Athens. He was

influenced by Socrates. Socrates was interested in
political & ethical matter & sophists were correct in
defensing relativism (morality is relatively dependent
upon cultural conventions). Socrates believed that reason
could resolve philosophical question if one employed the
method of traditional and couture argument.
Dialogue (symposium)
The republic is the most famous dialogue. It is
a philosophical issue about the nature of

Forms: The principal of organization of the

world into pre-existing matter. Plato thought
knowledge is an active process through
which we classify our perception.
Forms are ideas or concepts which have four

A. Logical  Universal Concept

B. Metaphysical  Ultimate reality – does
exist independently.
C. Epistemological  Knowledge of and
through different forms.
D. Moral  Ideals of human conduct.
The Human Nature
The Tripartite structure of the Soul
 Dualist - both immaterial mind (soul) and
material body.
 Plato believed soul exists before birth and after
 Soul is divided into three parts.
i. Reason  Philosophical, Intellectual thoughts
ii. Appetite  Physical Urges
iii. Will  Emotions & Passion aggression etc
Where there is no harmony in between three,
we experience mental conflicts.

Person differs as to which part of their nature

1) Reason are philosophical, seek knowledge
2) Spirit / will / emotion are victory loving
and seek reputation.
3) Appetites profit loving & seeks material
Social Aspects of Human Nature

 We are not self sufficient

 We need others
 We have Social interaction
Classification of Societies

The Society is called best when all three perform

their role in best of their performance.
1. Meritocracy Society  Talented Rules
2. Timarchic Society  Honor are fame while
reason is neglected.
Here spirit dominates the society
3. Oligarchy  Money making is valued &
political power lies within the wealth.
4. Democracy  Poor Seize Power.

 Justice is same in both individual & society. Harmonious

working of the parts to create a flourishing whole.
 Plato believe that the education, academic, music and physical
are the key. Education takes place in the context of social and
political system.
 To achieve this end, the guardians or rulers must engage in a
long educational process in which they learn about the forms.
 The guardians cannot own personal property and cannot have
 Guardians will so love wisdom that they will misuse their
 Critics have called Plato’s republic
authoritarian or totalitarian, and Plato
advocated both censorship and propaganda as
means of maintaining social control.
 He certainly believed that the masses [who he
says like to “shop and spend”] were unable to
govern the society and that an elite, composed
of the morally and intellectually excellent
should make the important decisions about
how best to govern a society.

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