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At the end of the lesson, I can:
 Define first Aid.
 Demonstrate proper bandage.
 Create a slogan that will encourage people in
the community to join in the first aid
What Is First Aid?
First aid is the care given immediately to an
injured or ill person.
It includes self-help and home care if medical
assistance is not available or delayed.
Objectives of first aid
 To alleviate suffering.
 To prevent added/ injury or danger.
 To prolong life.
 To save lives.

Facilities Planning & Management

UW-Eau Claire
Roles &
Responsibilities of a
First Aider
A first aider is a trained personnel who
provides first aid.
The following are the roles and responsibilities of a
first aider:
It is a bridge that fills the gap between the victim
and the physician.
It is not intended to complete with or to take the
place of the service of the physician.
It ends when the services of the physician begins.
Characteristics of a Good first Aider
 Gentle- does not cause pain or panic.
 Resourceful- make the best use things at hand.
 Observant- notice all signs.
 Tactful- does not frighten the victim
 Sympathetic - comforts & reassures the victim.
 Respectable – professional and caring attitude.

Facilities Planning & Management

UW-Eau Claire
Principles of first Aid
“Do’s in giving First Aid”
1. Do stay calm.
2. Do reassure & comfort the victim.
3. DO check for medical bracelet indicating a
condition , such as epilepsy or diabetes.
4. DO loosen any tight clothing.
5. DO keep the victim covered to reduce shock.
Don’ts in giving First Aid
1. Don’t give food & drink to an
unconscious person.
2. Don’t move an injured person
unless you need to place him/her
in the recovery position.
Bandaging Time!
With your partner, one will act as a victim
and the other one is the first aider.
I will demonstrate first the square knot or
reef knot. You are going to follow after me.
How is it important to know the
basic procedures in giving First
Create a slogan that will encourage people in the
community to join in the first aid movement.
Message - 20 points
Delivery - 20 points
Impact - 10 points
50 points
Value Integration
Imagine that you are one of the first
aider who volunteered to help the
victims, and being a first aider your life
is also at risk. Will you still continue to
help others despite of your risky job?
Why or why not?
 Define first Aid.
 Demonstrate proper bandage.
 Create a slogan that will encourage
people in the community to join in the
first aid movement.
Research about on how to
transport the victim.
First Aid Guidelines &
1. Primary Survey
Perform a quick and systematic survey of
the person to establish any conditions or
injuries sustained as life threatening.
Check for vital signs, C.A.B., and control
serious bleedings.
Vital Signs
Vital signs are measurement of our body’s most basic
functions such as the body temperature, pulse rate,
respiration rate, and blood pressure.
a) Body temperature – measurement of the
body’s capacity to produce and eliminate
b) Pulse rate – the heart rate or the count of
heart beats per minute. Adults with pulses
of 60-100 per minute are in good physical
c) Respiration rate – the number of breaths a person
takes per minute usually measured during a person’s
rest. The normal rate for an adult person ranges from
12 to 16 breaths per minute. A breath consists of
inhaled and exhaled air during breathing.
d) Blood pressure – the force of blood pushing the
artery walls measured with blood pressure cuff and
stethoscope. Normal blood pressure reading should be
less than 120/80.
C.A.B. or circulation, airway and breathing is a
technique in lifesaving when a person’s breathing or
heartbeat has stopped.
Circulation – restoring blood circulation by chest
Airway – clearing the airway of the victim for breathing.
Breathing – breathing for the victim through mouth-
to-mouth or mouth-to-nose.
2. Ask for Help
Call for emergency medical services and
always be informed of emergency hotlines
in the area such as Red Cross Hotline No.
143. be calm and speak clearly when
reporting to emergency hotlines.
3. Secondary Survey
Methodically check other injuries or illnesses by
performing a head-to-toe examination.
First aid kit
is a collection of supplies and equipment for use in
giving first aid, and can be put together for the
purpose by an individual or organization or
purchased complete
Break in the continuity of the tissue of the body, either
internal or external.
Classification of wounds

 A break in the skin or the mucous

- Wound involves injury to underlying tissues
without a break in the skin. Called hematoma.

Open Wounds
 Abrasion
 The top layer of skin is removed

with little or no blood loss

 Laceration
 A cut skin with jagged, irregular edges

and caused by a forceful tearing away of skin tissue

 Incisions
 Smooth edges and resemble

a surgical or paper cut

Facilities Planning & Management

UW-Eau Claire
 Deep, narrow wounds such as
a stab wound from a nail or a
knife in the skin and underlying organs
 Flap of skin is torn loose and is either
hanging from the body or completely removed
 Cutting or tearing off of a body part
such as a finger, toe, hand, foot, arm, or leg
First aid
A. Hematoma
Mnemonic RICE
 Resting the injured part
 Ice application
 Compression
 Elevation
B. Open wounds W/ Severe Bleeding

1. Wear gloves & remove or cut clothing as necessary to

expose wound.
2. Control bleeding by applying direct pressure.
3. Elevate the injured part above the heart except for
eye injury & wounds w/ embedded object.
Dressing & Bandages
Gauze Bandage - a piece of sterile cloth that
covers a wound to prevent infection & or to stop
Triangular Bandage – commonly used to support
fractures and dislocations, apply splints, form
slings, and make improvised bandages.
Square or Reef Knot – used in tying triangular
bandages. It is secure and it does not slip.
Dressings and Bandages

The purpose of a dressing is to:

Control bleeding
Prevent infection and contamination
Absorb blood and fluid drainage
Protect the wound from further injury
What to Do:
Always wear gloves (if possible)
Use a dressing large enough to extend beyond the
wound’s edges.
Cover the dressing with bandages.
2 Phase of bandaging

A. An open phase bandaging is used for wounds on

top & back of the head, chest, back , hand ,foot & as
arm sling.
 B. A cravat phase bandaging is used for wounds
that need extra support like wound in the eye,
forehead, ear, cheek, jaw, shoulder, hip, arm, leg ,
elbow, knee &etc.
Technique in bandaging
a. Always use a square knot
b. Keep cloth sterile to avoid infection
c. Always keep the ends.
Types of bandaging
Scalp injury-

Forehead injury-
Ear, cheek, jaw injury –

Shoulder injury-

Arm , elbow injury-

Wrist injury –
The class will be divided into 5 groups & will play. “First
Aid Challenge” .

First activity will be.

1. Bandaging Olympics.
 Bandaging contest. In this competition , you will be
group & given several injuries. Your task is to quickly
apply the bandage on the wounds. The group who
dress so in shortest time with correct application of
bandages wins the game.
Basic first aid Equipment
 spine board
 poles
 blankets
Sets of splints
Carrying & transporting an injured person
Transporting an injured person to a safer place
requires great care. A first aider must undergo proper
training .
First aider must consider
a. Weight & height of the victim
b. Status of the victim ( conscious/ unconscious)
c. Environment ( safe, floor is smooth, narrow / wide)
d. Special need considerations ( injuries of the victim)
Methods of transfer
One- man Transport

Fireman’s carry – easiest way to transport a light &

smaller victim.

Assist to walk
Piggy back
When victim is conscious

Lover’s carry
Pack strap carry
When victim is smaller than the first aider.
Shoulder drag
Used when the floor is smooth, short distance
Blanket drag
Used when the victim is seriously injured & should
not be lifted.
Fireman’s drag/ tied-hands crawl
Used when first aider & victim must crawl underneath
a low structure.
Two man carry
Chair carry- when there are two first aider & a chair is

Assist to walk-
Three /more man transport
Hammock carry – three first aider.

Bearer alongside carry- carries will stay on the

uninjured side of the victim.
Six man lift & carry
There are 6 first aider
Improvised stretcher using 2 poles.
 blanket
 empty sacks
 shirt/ coats

1. First-degree burns (Superficial)

 Only the skin’s outer layer (epidermis) is
 Symptoms include redness, mild swelling,
tenderness, and pain.
 Usually heals without scarring.

What to Do:
 Immerse in cold water 10 to 45 minutes
or use cold, wet cloths.
 Cold stops burn progression
 May use other liquids
2. Second-degree burns (Partial Thickness)
Epidermis and upper regions of dermis are damaged.
 Symptoms include blisters, swelling,
weeping of fluids, and severe pain.

What to Do:
 Immerse in cold water / wet pack
 Aspirin or ibuprofen
 Do not break blisters
 May seek medical attention
3. third-degree burns (Full Thickness)

Severe burns that penetrate all the skin layers, into the
underlying fat and muscle.
What to Do:
 Usually not necessary to apply cold to areas of third degree
 Do not apply ointments
 Apply sterile, non-stick dressings (do not use
 Check ABC’s
 Treat for shock
 Get medical help
Heart Attack
Heart Attack –is caused by a sudden obstruction of
blood to the part of the heart muscles.
Signs and symptoms
 Pressure in chest, fullness, squeezing, or pain that lasts more
than a few minutes or that goes away and comes back.
 Pain spreading to the shoulders, neck, or arms.
 shortness of breath.
first aid

1. Help the person sit or lie down w/ head elevated.

2. Call for medical help
3. If the person is conscious, give him/her a full dose
aspirin & advise him/her to chew it slowly.
4. Constantly monitor the vital signs. Be prepared to
give rescue breath & chest compression.
Food poisoning
Caused by consuming food /drink that is
contaminated w/ bacteria or viruses.
First aid
1. Help the person to lie down & rest
2. Give him plenty of flavourless fluids to drink & bowl
to use if he vomits.
3. Call for medical help if the condition worsens.
 An injury to the ligaments of a bone due to accidental
tearing or overstretching.

 Strain- injury to the muscles w/c is a result of improper

use of muscle.
 First aid
1. Rest the injured part
2. Apply ice
3. Compress the injured part
4. Elevate the injured part
The class will be divided into 5 groups & will play. “First
Aid Challenge” .
First activity will be.
1. Bandaging Olympics.
 Bandaging contest. In this competition , you will be
group & given several injuries. Your task is to quickly
apply the bandage on the wounds. The group who
dress so in shortest time with correct application of
bandages wins the game.
2. Each group will perform the different transport or
carrying of the victims. You will demonstrate 3 the
proper technique.
3. Shall perform proper first aid procedure.
3.Create a slogan that will encourage people in the
community to join in the first aid movement.
Long Size Bond Paper (Landscape)
Criteria: creativity 25
relevance 25

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