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(Crop Protection)
Principles of Entomology

Entomology- the study of insects.

Insects- are small animals belonging to phylum Arthropoda or simply arthropods that have
three body regions and three pairs of legs equaling six legs. The most abundant and diverse
group of organism on earth.

Pest- are species whose existence conflicts with people’s profit, convenience and welfare. These
are organisms that detrimental to humans or human concerns.

Parts of Insects:
1. Head
2. Thorax
3. Abdomen
1. Head- comprises the globular to capsule like anterior body segment of an
insect which bears eyes, antennae and mouthparts.

a. Mouthparts
*Mandibles- tooth-like structure used for chewing, grinding, tearing or
pinching-off solid food.
*Maxillae- helps in putting the food into the mouth which lies behind the
*Labrum- upper lip which is movable.
*Labium- lower lip found posterior to the maxillae.
*Hypopharynx- a central tongue-like which drops from the membranous
floor of the head, and bears the opening of the salivary ducts.
Types of Insect Mouthparts:

*Chewing Type- they tear, grind or chew their food. (Grasshopper and
*Piercing-Sucking Type- they pierce tissues and then suck juices from the
sap. (Ants)
*Rasping-Sucking Type- they tear and then suck the sap.
*Siphoning Type- they have a coiled tube that dip into liquid food such as
nectar and draw it in. (Butterfly)
*Sponging Type- have two sponge-like structures that collect liquid food
and move it into the food canal.
b. Antennae
- elongated, segmented structures of varying designs and sizes.
- they used it for sensory purposes and sometimes for defense.

Three Main Parts:

1. Scape- basal segment
2. Pedicel- second segment
3. Flagellum- whip-like part beyond the pedicel

c. Eyes
*Compound Eyes- located on each side of the head of most adult insects.
*Simple Eyes (Ocelli)- located between compound eyes on the front of the head.
2. Thorax- the middle region of the insect body which is connected from the
head by a flexible membranous neck (cervix). It is located here the legs and

Three Distinct Segments:


*Each thoracic segment bears a pair of jointed legs, and in most adult insects
the mesothorax and metathorax each have a pair of wings.
a. Legs- are articulated appendages comprising five segments.

Five Segments:
*Coxa- the proximal segment that is usually short and stout.
*Trochanter- connects the coxa with the femur.
*Femur- the stoutest and sometime the largest segment of the leg.
*Tibia- is often a long, slender structure with downward pointing spines that
aid in climbing.
*Tarsus- usually made up of several subsegments called tarsomeres.
Types of Insect Legs:

*Raptorial Legs- grasping forelegs of preying mantis.

*Cursorial Legs- running legs of roaches.
*Fossorial Legs- digging forelegs of mole crickets.
*Saltatorial Legs- jumping hindlegs of grasshoppers and fleas.
*Natatorial Legs- swimming legs of aquatic insects.
*Clinging Legs- lice.
*Pollen Basket- hindlegs of honeybees used for gathering pollen.

b. Wings- use for flying and shows diversity which are varying in shape,
texture and coloration. They also used this as their defense mechanism or
3. Abdomen- the third and last body region and usually the largest part
especially among females. It is primarily for reproduction, excretion, and
digestion because the abdomen bears the genitalia, the anus and digestive

Other Important Parts of the Abdomen:

*Spiracles- these are external openings of the respiratory system found along
the side of the thorax and the abdomen.
*Tympanum or “ear”- this is located on the first abdominal tergite in
grasshoppers but may be found elsewhere in the body of other insects. It is the
main auditory organ.
*Cerci- slender, pointed structure found on the eleventh segment of the
Types of Insect’s Life Cycle:

1. Complete Metamorphosis- an insect go through 4 stages of development.

From egg, larvae, pupa and adult.

2. Incomplete Metamorphosis- an insect go through 3 stages of

development. From egg, nymph and adult.
Symptoms and Diseases:

1. Rotting- the disintegration and decomposition of host tissues.

2. Etiolation- yellowing of normally green tissues caused by inadequate light.
3. Bight- cause plants to quickly turn brown as if they had been burned.
4. Canker- causes open wounds on woody plant stems.
5. Damping-off- rotting of seedlings.
6. Galls- round swelling or growth on plants.
7. Leaf spots- rings of different shades of brown, green, or yellow that make spots on leaves.
8. Mildew- grows on leaf surfaces both upper and lower leaves as white, gray or puple spots.
9. Mosaic- variegated patterns on leaves usually green and yellow shades with sharply defined
10. Rust- causes small spots on leaves that resemble yellow, orange, brown, or red rust mainly
on the underneath side of leaves.
11. Smut- a black powdery disease that causes blisters and burst open releasing black spores.
12. Wilts- disease that blocks the uptake of water in plants stem causing it to wilt.
13. Phyllody- metamorphosis of sepals, petals, stamens, or carpels into leaf-like structure.
14. Abscission- premature falling of leaves, fruits or flowers to the early laying down of the
abscission layer.
15. Mummification- an infected fruit is converted to a hard, dry shriveled mummy.
“Dream, Believe, Survive”



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