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Year 11 ATAR Health

Determinants of Health - Biomedical
Biomedical Determinants of Health

 Concentrates on individuals’ genetic and biological makeup

 Risk factors are determinants that are expressed as a body measurements
such as:
 Body Weight
 Birth Weight

 Biomedical - relating to both biology and medicine.

Body Weight

 Body weight growing public attention due to increasing prevalence of obesity in Australia.
 Obesity now considered a global epidemic by WHO (World Health Organisation)
 Excess body fat can lead to developing several health issues:
 Type 2 Diabetes
 Cardiovascular Disease
 High Blood Pressure
 Cancers
 Sleep Apnoea
 Osteoarthritis
 Psychological Disorders
 Social Problems
Birth Weight

 Long term - Low birth weight more detrimental than high birth weight.
 Low birth weight caused by premature (early) birth, or less than ideal
pregnancy (in-utero – in uterus). Maternal smoking highly related to low birth
 Low birth weight more susceptible to premature death (first year) or
increased risk of other health concerns.
Summarising the Factors

 Page 25
 Read through each of these factors in the above pages. Make notes or
highlight key points and examples for each factor. These will be good study
notes for future reference.

 Once finished, complete activity 1.5

Biomedical Review

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