Anti Microbial

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• Medications used to treat bacterial infections

• Ideally, before beginning antibiotic therapy,

the suspected areas of infection should be
cultured to identify the causative organism
and potential antibiotic susceptibilities.

03/09/21 Chapter 17-1


• Empiric therapy: treatment of an infection

before specific culture information has
been reported or obtained.
• Prophylactic therapy: treatment with
antibiotics to prevent an infection, as in
intra-abdominal surgery.

03/09/21 Chapter 17-2

• Bactericidal: kill bacteria

• Bacteriostatic: inhibit growth of susceptible

bacteria, rather than killing them
immediately; will eventually lead to
bacterial death

03/09/21 Chapter 17-3

Anti-Bacterial Agents
• Sulfonamides

• Penicillins
• Cephalosporins
• Tetracyclines
• Aminoglycosides
• Quinolones
• Macrolides
03/09/21 Chapter 17-4
2- Penicillins

• Natural penicillins

• Penicillinase-resistant penicillins

• Aminopenicillins

• Extended-spectrum penicillins

03/09/21 Chapter 17-5

A-Natural penicillins
• penicillin G, penicillin V potassium

B-Penicillinase-resistant penicillins
• cloxacillin, dicloxacillin, methicillin, nafcillin, oxacillin

03/09/21 Chapter 17-6

• amoxicillin, ampicillin, bacampicillin

D-Extended-spectrum penicillins
• piperacillin, ticarcillin, carbenicillin, mezlocillin

03/09/21 Chapter 17-7

Overview of Penicillins

• First introduced in the 1940s

• Bactericidal: inhibit cell wall synthesis

• Kill a wide variety of bacteria

• Also called “beta-lactams”

03/09/21 Chapter 17-8


• Bacteria produce enzymes capable of

destroying penicillins.

• These enzymes are known as


• As a result, the medication is not effective.

03/09/21 Chapter 17-9
• Chemicals have been developed to inhibit
these enzymes:
– clavulanic acid
– tazobactam
– sulbactam
• These chemicals bind with beta-lactamase
and prevent the enzyme from breaking
down the penicillin

03/09/21 Chapter 17-10

• Penicillin-beta-lactamase inhibitor combination

– ampicillin + sulbactam = Unasyn

– amoxicillin + clavulanic acid = Augmentin

– ticarcillin + clavulanic acid = Timentin

– piperacillin + tazobactam = Zosyn

03/09/21 Chapter 17-11

Penicillins: Mechanism of Action

• Penicillins enter the bacteria via the cell wall.

• Inside the cell, they bind to penicillin-binding protein.

• Once bound, normal cell wall synthesis is disrupted.

• Result: bacteria cells die from cell lysis.

• Penicillins do not kill other cells in the body.

03/09/21 Chapter 17-12

Penicillins: Therapeutic Uses

• Prevention and treatment of infections caused

by susceptible bacteria, such as:
– gram-positive bacteria

– Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus


03/09/21 Chapter 17-13

Penicillins: Adverse Effects
• Allergic reactions occur in 0.7% – 8% of
– urticaria, pruritus, angioedema

• 10% of allergic reactions are life-threatening

• 10% of these are fatal

03/09/21 Chapter 17-14

Penicillins: Side Effects
• Common side effects:

– nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain

• Other side effects are less common

03/09/21 Chapter 17-15

-Iactam - closely related both structurally and
functionally to the penicillins.
Mostly semisynthetic !!- mode of action as penicillins
same resistance mechanisms - however, they tend to be
more resistant than the PNCs to -Iactamases.
Antibacterial spectrum
Classified as first, second, third, or fourth generation,
based largely on their bacterial susceptibility patterns and resistance
to -Iactamases.
ineffective against MRSA, (vancomycin)L. monocytogenes,
(ampicillin)Clostridium difficile,(metronidazole) and the
enterococci (E. faecalis). Use Amoxacillin.
First generation:
• cephalexin, cephalotin, cefazolin
• Effective in G+ and few G- bacilli;
• activity against Proteus mirabilis (UTI) E. coli (UTI, diarhea) and
Klebsiella Pneumoniae (Pneumonia, UTI)
Second generation:
• Cefuroxime, cefoxitin, cefotetan
• Greater activity against three additional G- organisms: H.
influenzae (Meningitis) Enterobacter aerogenes (UTI) and some
Neisseria species.
• Activity against gram-positive organisms is weaker.
– effective against Bacteroides fragilis (Peritonitis) cefoxitin is the most
– N.B. They are not first line for bacteriodes because of increasing resistance
Third generation
Inferior to first-generation in activity against G+ cocci,
enhanced activity against gram-negative bacilli
+ most other enteric organisms (Salmonela, shigela) plus Pseudomonas
Ceftriaxone or cefotaxime
agents of choice in the treatment of meningitis. (cross BBB)
Ceftazidime - against Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Fourth generation
Cefepime, Cefpirom
only parenteral
Wide spectrum, active against streptococci and staphylococci
 Advanced generation : Ceftaroline is a broadspectrum active against
Major Differences between Cephalosporin
Activity against Resistance to Distribution to
Gram Negative Beta- CSF
Generation enzymes
1st (e.g., Low Low Poor
2nd (e.g., Higher Higher Poor
3rd (e.g. Higher Higher Good
4th (e.g. Highest Highest Good
Therapeutic Uses
 Skin and soft tissue infections due to S. aureus and S. pyogenes (1st
 Colorectal surgery, where prophylaxis for intestinal anaerobes is
desired (2nd GCs)
 Generally 2nd GCs displaced by 3rd GCs
 Oral 2nd GCs can be used to treat RTI (pneumonia caused by susceptible speci)

 In situations where facultative Gm(-) and anaerobes are involved (intra-

abdominal infections, pelvic inflammatory disease)

Therapeutic Uses (cont’d)
 3rd GCs (with or without aminoglycosides)
 Drugs of choice for serious infections caused by Klebsiella (Pneumonia, UTI)
Enterobacter(UTI) Proteus (UTI) Serratia (Pneumonia)and Haemophilus spp.
 Ceftriaxone is the therapy of choice for all forms of gonorrhea and for severe
forms of Lyme disease.
 Drugs of choice for the treatment of meningitis caused by H. influenzae,
sensitive S. pneumoniae, N. meningitidis, and gram-negative enteric bacteria

Therapeutic Uses (cont’d)
 4th GCs
 Empirical treatment of nosocomial infections where
antibiotic resistance owing to extended-spectrum -
lactamases or chromosomally induced -lactamases
are anticipated

• demeclocycline (Declomycin)
• oxytetracycline
• tetracycline
• doxycycline (Doryx, Doxy-Caps, Vibramycin)
• minocycline

03/09/21 Chapter 17-23

Antibiotics: Tetracyclines
• Natural and semi-synthetic
• Bacteriostatic—inhibit bacterial growth
• Inhibit protein synthesis
• Stop many essential functions of the bacteria

03/09/21 Chapter 17-24

Antibiotics: Tetracyclines

• Bind to Ca2+ and Mg2+ and Al3+ ions to

form insoluble complexes.
• Thus, dairy products, antacids, and iron
salts reduce absorption of tetracyclines.

03/09/21 Chapter 17-25

Tetracyclines: Therapeutic Uses

• Wide spectrum:
– gram-negative, gram-positive, protozoa, Mycoplasma,
Rickettsia, Chlamydia, syphilis, Lyme disease

• Demeclocycline is also used to treat pleural and

pericardial effusions (fluid in body cavity or tissue)

03/09/21 Chapter 17-26

Tetracyclines: Side Effects

Strong affinity for calcium

• Discoloration of permanent teeth

• May retard fetal skeletal development if taken

during pregnancy

03/09/21 Chapter 17-27

Tetracycline-Stained Teeth

Tetracyclines: Side Effects

Alteration in intestinal flora may result in:

• Superinfection (overgrowth of nonsusceptible organisms such
as Candida)
• Diarrhea

• Pseudomembranous colitis

03/09/21 Chapter 17-29

Tetracyclines: Side Effects

May also cause:

• Gastric upset

• Enterocolitis

• Maculopapular rash (pigmented spot in skin)

03/09/21 Chapter 17-30

amikacin, gentamicin, tobramycin and streptomycin (Commonly used
 Other aminoglycosides neomycin, netilmicin, kanamycin
• For serious infections due to aerobic gram-negative bacilli Pseudomonas
aeruginosa (Pneumonia, UTI) Klebsiella pneumoniae (Pneumonia, UTI) and
Enterobacter sp)UTI
• Aminoglycosides + B-lactam for E. faecalis and E. faecium infective
 Use is limited by the occurrence of serious toxicities
 Partially replaced by safer ATB
 3rd generation cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, carbapenems
 only against aerobic organisms
 anaerobes lack the oxygen-requiring transport system
 Streptomycin - used to treat tuberculosis
 (kanamycin also effective), tularemia caused by francisella tularensis.
Bactericidal - inhibit bacterial protein synthesis
 susceptible organisms have an oxygen-dependent system that transports the
ATB across the cell membrane.
 bind to the 30S ribosomal subunit
• Three most common (systemic): gentamicin,
tobramycin, amikacin, streptomycin

• Cause serious toxicities:

– Nephrotoxicity (renal failure)

– Ototoxicity (auditory impairment [eighth cranial nerve])

– Neuromuscular damage

• Must monitor drug levels to prevent toxicities

03/09/21 Chapter 17-32


• ciprofloxacin
• moxifloxacin
• lomefloxacin
• norfloxacin

03/09/21 Chapter 17-33

Quinolones: Mechanism of Action
• Bactericidal

• Effective against gram-negative organisms and some

gram-positive organisms
• Inhibit DNA gayrase enzyme of the bacteria and thus
stop bacteria DNA synthesis, causing death
• Do not affect human DNA

03/09/21 Chapter 17-34

Quinolones: Therapeutic Uses
• Lower respiratory tract infections

• Bone and joint infections

• Infectious diarrhea

• Urinary tract infections

• Skin infections

• Sexually transmitted diseases (e.g gonorrhea)

03/09/21 Chapter 17-35

Quinolones: Side Effects

Body System Effects

CNS headache, dizziness, fatigue,
depression, restlessness

GI nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,

constipation, thrush,

Integumentary photosensitivity

03/09/21 Chapter 17-36

• erythromycin
• azithromycin
• clarithromycin
– Proteing synthesis inhibitor
– bacteriostatic action

03/09/21 Chapter 17-37

Macrolides: Therapeutic Uses
• Strep infections
– Streptococcus pyogenes
(group A beta-hemolytic streptococci)

• Mild to moderate URI

– Haemophilus influenzae

• Spirochetal infections
– Syphilis and Lyme disease

• Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma

03/09/21 Chapter 17-38

Clinical uses summary
Macrolides: Side Effects
GI effects, primarily with erythromycin:

• nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hepatotoxicity,

flatulence, jaundice, anorexia

• Newer agents, azithromycin and clarithromycin: fewer

side effects, longer duration of action,
better efficacy, better tissue penetration

03/09/21 Chapter 17-40


• Sulfonamides
• Trimethoprim and pyrimethamine
• Interfere with the production of folic acid coenzymes that are
required for purine and pyrimidine synthesis
• Silver sulfadiazine
• Sulfacetamide
• Sulfadiazine
• Sulfamethoxazole
• Sulfasalazine
• Sulfisoxazole
• Pyrimethamine
• Trimethoprim

• Co-trimoxazole
• Analogues of para-aminobenzoic acid

• Broad spectrum

• Competitive inhibitors of dihydropteroate synthase – needed

for folic acid synthesis
All sulfa drugs
Structurally related to p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA)
Spectrum G(+) and G(-) bacteria, nocardia,(an actinomyce that
causes pneumonia and brain abscess in HIV) Chlamydia
trachomatis, Some enteric bacteria (E coli, klebsiella, salmonella,
shigella, and enterobacter), and some protozoa. Poor activity in
Complete cross-resistance
 Overproduction of PABA!!
 Production of folate synthetase enzyme with low affinity for
 Impaired permeability
 Adopt alternative pathway of folate metabolism
 Divided into three major groups (on the basis of their half-lives)
1. Oral, absorbable
 Short-, sulfamethizole, sulfisoxazole
 medium-, sulfamethoxazole, sulfadiazine
 or long-acting , sulfadoxine, sulfamethopyrizine .
2. Oral, nonabsorbable, sulfazalasine
3. Topical, sulfacetamide, silver sulfadiazine, mafenide acetate

Sulfapyridine intermediate 17 h slow
Clinical Uses
 Infrequently used as single agents!!.

 largely replaced by trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Co-trimoxazole).

 Many strains of formerly susceptible species are now resistant.

 Can be useful for treatment of urinary tract infections due to

susceptible organisms (Co-trimoxazole).
 Toxoplasmosis (combination of pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine is the
treatment of choice)

 Malaria (500 mg sulfadoxine plus 25 mg pyrimethamine as FANSIDAR) for

the prophylaxis and treatment of malaria caused by mefloquine -resistant
strains of Plasmodium falciparum
 Ulcerative colitis (sulfazalasine)

 Bacterial corneal infection (sulfacetamide)

(good penetration cornea)

 Malaria (500mgsulfadoxine + 25mg pyrimethamin )

Sulfonamides - AE
• Nephrotoxicity
– a result of crystalluria
• sulfisoxazole and sulfamethoxazole – more soluble at urinary pH
than the older SA.
– Adequate hydration and alkalization of urine is necessary
• Note: It is contraindicated to use acidic drugs (salicylates) or food
(oranges etc.) which may lead to acidic pH of urine during therapy
with sulfonamides !!!
• Use sodium bicarbonate? Or take adequate fluid (water)
• Hypersensitivity – common (all sulfonamides, antimicrobial
sulfas, diuretics and sulfonylurea are partially cross allergenic)
– rashes, fever, angioedema, anaphylactoid reactions,
– Stevens-Johnson syndrome
• more frequently with the longer-acting agents
– Hepatitis
• Trimethoprim compounded with sulfamethoxazole (bactericidal)
– Selected because of similar PK profiles
• Sequential blockade in the synthesis of tetrahydrofolic acid
– doses of both drugs are 1/10 of those needed if drug were used alone.
– Fixed dose combition of 1:5 (TMP-SMZ) respectively.
– 80mg + 400mg tab, iv 160mg + 800mg tab, im 20mg + 100mg susp
• Broader spectrum than SA
– UTls and respiratory tract infections, Pneumocystis jirovecii
pneumonia(PJP) toxoplasmosis and ampicillin- or chloramphenicol-
resistant systemic salmonella infections. Also effective MRSA
• It is the drug of choice for infections caused by susceptible Nocardia species
(an actinomycetes that causes pneumonia and brain abcess in AIDs pts)
– Oral most commonly – i.v. exists in severe infections
• Resistance Iess frequent for the combination!!
– than to either of the drugs alone
– Reported in E.coli and MRSA
Clinical uses of cotrimoxazole
 Mycobacteria are rod-shaped aerobic bacilli that multiple slowly
Their cell walls contain mycolic acids, which give the genus its name.
 Often neutral on gram staining
Once stained, the bacilli are not decolorized easily by acidified organic solvents
 hence called acid-fast bacilli (AFB)
 acid fastness due mainly to the organism’s high content of mycolic acids
 Mycobacterial infections result in the formation of slow growing,
Granulomatous lesions.
 Mycobacterium tuberculosis can cause latent tuberculosis
infection (LTBI)
N.B. In LTBI, the patient is infected with M. tuberculosis but does not have any
signs or symptoms of active TB disease.
 M. tuberculosis is transmitted by inhalation of infective droplets
coughed or sneezed into the air by a patient with tuberculosis 55
 Mycobacteria
xctics of mycobacteria that makes the dx chronic and necessitate
prolonged trt.
 Are intracellular pathogens
 Organisms residing within macrophages are inaccessible to drugs that
penetrate these cells poorly
 Grow slowly
 Resistant to most antibiotics
 Can also be dormant
 Cell wall rich in lipids
 The cell wall is impermeable to many agents
 Consequence  effective therapy requires a prolonged course of
multiple drugs
 Patient compliance, drug toxicity, drug interactions, concurrence of other
Drugs used for Tuberculosis

• Ethambutol
• Isoniazid First line
• Pyrazinamide drugs
• Rifampin

• Aminoglycosides
• Aminosalicylic acid
• Capreomycin Second line
• Cycloserine drugs
• Ethionamide
• Flouroquinolone
• macrolides
Standard code for TB treatment regimens





An example of treatment regimen with initial intensive 4 drug
combination treatment followed by continuation treatment with 2 drug
Principles of anti-TB therapy
 Combination treatment is mandatory

 Single drug may suffice for prophylaxis

 INH + Rif is most effective

 Fast response at the start

 Symptomatic relief occurs with in 2-4 weeks

 Rate of bacteriological, radiological and clinical

improvement decline after 4 weeks
Phases of treatment
 Initial phase: with quadruple therapy
• Objective: to kill the viable bacilli
• Drugs: INH + rifampin + pyrazinamide + ethambutol
• Duration of Rx: 2-3 months
 Continuation phase: with double therapy
• Objective: to suppress bacilli reproduction (only dormants b/c
viable bacilli is already killed plus cost and ADR)
• Drugs: INH + rifampin
• Duration of Rx: 4-6 months
Antitubercular Agents:
Mechanism of Action
Three Groups
• Protein synthesis inhibitors streptomycin, kanamycin,
capreomycin, rifampin, rifabutin
• Cell wall synthesis inhibitors cycloserine, ethionamide,
• Other mechanisms of action

03/09/21 Chapter 17-63

Antitubercular Agents:
Mechanism of Action isoniazid (INH)
• Drug of choice for TB

• Resistant strains of mycobacterium emerging

• Metabolized in the liver through acetylation—watch for “slow


03/09/21 Chapter 17-64

Antitubercular Agents:
Therapeutic Uses
Used for the prophylaxis
or treatment of TB

03/09/21 Chapter 17-65

Clinical uses…
 As a single agent also indicated for treatment of latent
 ‘chemoprophylaxis’(for exposed individuals to TB, e.g doctors, nurses..)
 INH for at least 3months after leaving exposure if –ve tuberculin test
 INH for one year if +ve tuberculin test
 The dosage is 300mg/d or 900mg twice weekly for 3months or 9months
Adverse effects
 Hepatitis, (check LFTs)
 Peripheral neuropathy (due to lack of pyrodixine, supplement Vitamin 6 )
 CNS, (may evoke seizure)
 Hypersensitivity reactions
 Drug interactions: inhibits the metabolism of carbamazepine and
Antitubercular Agents: Side Effects
peripheral neuritis, hepatotoxicity
retrobulbar neuritis, blindness
hepatitis, discoloration of urine, stools

03/09/21 Chapter 17-67

Antifungal Agents

03/09/21 Chapter 17-69

Antifungal Agents

Drugs used to treat infections caused by fungi

• Systemic and topical

03/09/21 Chapter 17-70

Mycotic Infections
Four General Types
• Cutaneous
• Subcutaneous
• Superficial
• Systemic*
*Can be life-threatening
*Usually occur in immunocompromised host

03/09/21 Chapter 17-71

Mycotic Infections

Candida albicans
• Due to antibiotic therapy, antineoplastics,
or immunosuppressants
• May result in overgrowth and systemic

03/09/21 Chapter 17-72

Mycotic Infections
In the mouth:
• Oral candidiasis or thrush

• Newborn infants and immunocompromised patients

03/09/21 Chapter 17-73

Mycotic Infections

Vaginal candidiasis:
• “Yeast infection”

• Pregnancy, diabetes mellitus, oral contraceptives

03/09/21 Chapter 17-74

Antifungal Agents

• Examples: amphotericin B, fluconazole,
ketoconazole, itraconazole

• Examples: clotrimazole, miconazole, nystatin

03/09/21 Chapter 17-75

Antifungal Agents
• Broken down into four major groups based
on their chemical structure
– Polyenes: amphotericin B and nystatin

– Flucytosine

– Imidazoles: ketoconazole, miconazole, clotrimazole,

– Griseofulvin

03/09/21 Chapter 17-76

Antifungal Agents:
Mechanism of Action
Polyenes: amphotericin B and nystatin
– Bind to sterols in cell membrane lining

– Allow K+ & Mg++ to leak out, altering fungal cell

– Result: fungal cell death

03/09/21 Chapter 17-77

Antifungal Agents:
Mechanism of Action

• Also known as 5-fluorocytosine

• Taken up by fungal cells and interferes with

DNA synthesis
• Result: fungal cell death

03/09/21 Chapter 17-78

Antifungal Agents:
Mechanism of Action
Imidazoles : ketoconazole, miconazole, clotrimazole,
– Inhibit an enzyme important for ergosterol biosynthesis,
resulting in cell membrane leaking
– Lead to altered cell membrane
– Result: fungal cell death

– Disrupts cell division
– Result: inhibited fungal mitosis (reproduction)

03/09/21 Chapter 17-79

Adverse effect (Amphotericin B)
 Renal impairment (nephrotoxicity)
• sodium loading with infusions of normal saline and the lipid-based
amphotericin B products minimize toxicity.
 Hypotension
• due to hypersensitivity-anaphylaxis accompanied by hypokalemia
requiring KCl and monitoring of digoxin
 Thrombophlebitis
• adding heparin to the infusion can alleviate this problem.
 Hemolytic anemia (b/c highly protein bound)
 Hepatic damage
 Intrathecal inj. Can cause neurotoxicity & topical causes skin rash
 Drug interaction: AGs, cyclosporin,pentamidine, vancomyc& digoxin
Antifungal Agents: Side Effects
• Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain,
• Increased liver function test

• nausea, vomiting, anorexia

• rash, urticaria, headache, nausea, vomiting, anorexia

03/09/21 Chapter 17-81

Antimalarial, Antiprotozoal, and
Antihelmintic Agents

03/09/21 Chapter 17-82

Protozoal Infections

Parasitic protozoa: live in or on humans

• malaria

• leishmaniasis

• amebiasis

• giardiasis

• trichomoniasis

03/09/21 Chapter 17-83

• Caused by the plasmodium protozoa.

• Four different plasmodium species.

• Cause: the bite of an infected adult mosquito.

• Can also be transmitted by infected individuals via blood

transfusion, congenitally, or via infected needles by drug

03/09/21 Chapter 17-84

Malarial Parasite (plasmodium)
Two Interdependent Life Cycles
• Sexual cycle: in the mosquito
• Asexual cycle: in the human

– Knowledge of the life cycles is essential in

understanding antimalarial drug treatment.
– Drugs are only effective during the asexual cycle.

03/09/21 Chapter 17-85

Plasmodium Life Cycle
Asexual cycle: two phases
• Exoerythrocytic phase: occurs “outside”
the erythrocyte
• Erythrocytic phase: occurs “inside”
the erythrocyte

03/09/21 Chapter 17-86

Antimalarial Agents
Attack the parasite during the asexual phase,
when it is vulnerable
• Erythrocytic phase drugs: chloroquine,
hydroxychloroquine, quinine, mefloquine
• Exoerythrocytic phase drug: primaquine
May be used together for synergistic or additive killing

03/09/21 Chapter 17-87

Mechanism of Action
4-aminoquinoline derivatives chloroquine
and hydroxychloroquine
• Bind to parasite nucleoproteins and interfere with protein
• Prevent vital parasite-sustaining substances from being
• Alter pH within the parasite.
• Interfere with parasite’s ability to metabolize and
use erythrocyte hemoglobin.
• Effective only during the erythrocytic phase

03/09/21 Chapter 17-88

Antimalarials: Mechanism of Action
Diaminopyrimidines : pyrimethamine and
• Inhibit dihydrofolate reductase in the parasite.

• This enzyme is needed by the parasite to make essential

• Also blocks the synthesis of tetrahydrofolate.
These agents may be used with sulfadoxine or dapsone
for synergistic effects.

Sulfadoxine + pyrimethamine (Fansidar)

03/09/21 Chapter 17-89
Antimalarials: Mechanism of Action
• Only exoerythrocytic drug.
• Binds and alters DNA.

sulfonamides, tetracyclines, clindamycin

• Used in combination with antimalarials to increase
protozoacidal effects

03/09/21 Chapter 17-90

Antimalarials: Drug Effects

• Kill parasitic organisms.

• Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine also have

antiinflammatory effects.

03/09/21 Chapter 17-91

Antimalarials: Therapeutic Uses

• Used to kill plasmodium organisms, the parasites that

cause malaria.
• The drugs have varying effectiveness on
the different malaria organisms.
• Some agents are used for prophylaxis against malaria.

• Chloroquine is also used for rheumatoid arthritis and


03/09/21 Chapter 17-92

Antimalarials: Side Effects

• Many side effects for the various agents

• Primarily gastrointestinal: nausea, vomiting,

diarrhea, anorexia, and abdominal pain

03/09/21 Chapter 17-93

• atovaquone (Mepron)
• metronidazole (Flagyl)
• pentamidine (Pentam)
• iodoquinol (Yodoxin, Di-Quinol)
• paromomycin (Humatin)

03/09/21 Chapter 17-94

Protozoal Infections
• amebiasis
• giardiasis
• pneumocystosis
• toxoplasmosis
• trichomoniasis

03/09/21 Chapter 17-95

Protozoal Infections
• Person-to-person
• Ingestion of contaminated water or food
• Direct contact with the parasite
• Insect bite (mosquito or tick)

03/09/21 Chapter 17-96

Antiprotozoals: Mechanism of Action
and Uses atovaquone (Mepron)
• Protozoal energy comes from the mitochondria

• Atovaquone: selective inhibition of mitochondrial

electron transport

• Result: no energy, leading to cellular death

• Used to treat mild to moderate P. carinii

03/09/21 Chapter 17-97

Antiprotozoals: Mechanism of Action
and Uses metronidazole
• Disruption of DNA synthesis as well as nucleic acid synthesis

• Bactericidal, amebicidal, trichomonacidal

• Used for treatment of trichomoniasis, amebiasis, giardiasis,

anaerobic infections, and antibiotic-associated

pseudomembranous colitis

03/09/21 Chapter 17-98

Antiprotozoals: Mechanism of Action and
Uses pentamidine
• Inhibits DNA and RNA

• Binds to and aggregates ribosomes

• Directly lethal to Pneumocystis carinii

• Inhibits glucose metabolism, protein and RNA synthesis, and

intracellular amino acid transport

• Mainly used to treat P. carinii pneumonia and other protozoal


03/09/21 Chapter 17-99

Antiprotozoals: iodoquinol

• “Luminal” or “contact” amebicide

• Acts primarily in the intestinal lumen of the infected host

• Directly kills the protozoa

• Used to treat intestinal amebiasis

03/09/21 Chapter 17-100

Antiprotozoals: paromomycin

• “Luminal” or “contact” amebicide

• Kills by inhibiting protein synthesis

• Used to treat amebiasis and intestinal protozoal infections,

and also adjunct therapy in management of hepatic coma

03/09/21 Chapter 17-101

Antiprotozoals: Side Effects
• nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia

• metallic taste, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
abdominal cramps

• nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, agranulocytosis

03/09/21 Chapter 17-102

Antiprotozoals: Side Effects

• bronchospasms, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, acute
pancreatitis, acute renal failure, increased liver function

• nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps

03/09/21 Chapter 17-103

• Diethylcarbamazine
• Mebendazole
• Niclosamide
• Oxamniquine
• Piperazine
• Praziquantel
• Pyrantel
• Thiabendazole

03/09/21 Chapter 17-104


• Drugs used to treat parasitic worm infections: helmintic


• Unlike protozoa, helminths are large and have complex

cellular structures

• Drug treatment is very specific

03/09/21 Chapter 17-105

• It is VERY IMPORTANT to identify the causative worm

• Done by finding the parasite ova or larvae in feces, urine,

blood, sputum, or tissue
– cestodes (tapeworms)

– nematodes (roundworms)

– trematodes (flukes)

03/09/21 Chapter 17-106

Antihelmintics: Mechanism of
Action and Uses
diethylcarbamazine (Hetrazan)
• Inhibits rate of embryogenesis

thiabendazole (Mintezol)
• Inhibits the helminth-specific enzyme, fumarate reductase
– Both used for nematodes
(tissue and some roundworms)

03/09/21 Chapter 17-107

Antihelmintics: Mechanism of Action

Piperazine and pyrantel

• Blocks acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction, resulting

in paralysis of the worms, which are then expelled through

the GI tract

• Used to treat nematodes (giant worm and pinworm)

03/09/21 Chapter 17-108

Antihelmintics: Mechanism of Action

• Inhibits uptake of glucose and other nutrients, leading to
autolysis and death of the parasitic worm
• Used to treat cestodes and nematodes

03/09/21 Chapter 17-109

Antihelmintics: Mechanism of Action

• Causes the worm to become dislodged
from the GI wall
• They are then digested in the intestines and expelled

• Used to treat cestodes

03/09/21 Chapter 17-110

Antihelmintics: Mechanism of Action
Oxamniquine and praziquantel

• Cause paralysis of worms’ musculature and

immobilization of their suckers

• Cause worms to dislodge from mesenteric veins

to the liver, then killed by host tissue reactions

• Used to treat trematodes, cestodes

(praziquantel only)

03/09/21 Chapter 17-111

Antihelmintics: Side Effects

• niclosamide, oxamniquine, praziquantel, thiabendazole,

piperazine, pyrantel

– nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache

• mebendazole

– diarrhea, abdominal pain, tissue necrosis

03/09/21 Chapter 17-112

Antiviral Agents

03/09/21 Chapter 17-113

Understanding Viruses
Viral Replication
• A virus cannot replicate on its own.

• It must attach to and enter a host cell.

• It then uses the host cell’s energy to synthesize protein, DNA,

and RNA.

03/09/21 Chapter 17-114

Understanding Viruses

• Viruses are difficult to kill because they live

inside our cells.
• Any drug that kills a virus may also kill our

03/09/21 Chapter 17-115

Viral Infections
 Competent immune system:
• Best response to viral infections
• A well-functioning immune system will eliminate
or effectively destroy virus replication.

 Immunocompromised patients have

frequent viral infections
• Cancer patients, especially leukemia or lymphoma
• Transplant patients, due to pharmacological therapy
• AIDS patients, disease attacks immune system

03/09/21 Chapter 17-116

Key characteristics of antiviral drugs:
• Able to enter the cells infected with virus.

• Interfere with viral nucleic acid synthesis and/or


• Some agents interfere with ability of virus

to bind to cells.

• Some agents stimulate the body’s immune system.

03/09/21 Chapter 17-117

Viruses killed by current antiviral therapy:
• Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

• Herpes simplex virus (HSV)

• Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

• Influenza A (the “flu”)

• Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

03/09/21 Chapter 17-118

Antivirals: Mechanism of Action

Inhibit viral replication

• Inhibit viral attachment

• Prevent genetic copying of virus

• Prevent viral protein production

03/09/21 Chapter 17-119

Synthetic Purine Nucleoside Analogues

Two types of nucleosides:

Purine nucleosides
• guanine
• adenosine

Pyrimidine nucleosides
• thymine
• cytosine

03/09/21 Chapter 17-120

Antivirals: Purine Nucleosides
Agent Antiviral Activity
acyclovir HSV 1 & 2, VZV
ganciclovir (DHPG) CMV retinitis and systemic
CMV infection
ribavirin (RTCD) Influenza types A and B,
didanosine (ddl) HIV
vidarabine (Ara-A) HSV, herpes zoster
03/09/21 Chapter 17-121
Antivirals: Pyrimidine Nucleosides
Agent Antiviral Activity
lamivudine (3TC) HIV
zalcitabine (ddC) HIV

idoxuridine (IDU) HSV
stavudine (d4T) HIV
trifluridine HSV
zidovudine (AZT) HIV

03/09/21 Chapter 17-122

Other Antivirals
• amantadine and rimantadine

– influenza A

• foscarnet (Foscavir)

– CMV (retinitis and systemic)

• Neuraminidase Inhibitors: oseltamivir and zanamivir

– influenza types A and B

03/09/21 Chapter 17-123

Antivirals: Side Effects
• Burning when topically applied, nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea, headache

amantadine and rimantadine

• Anticholinergic effects, insomnia, lightheadedness,
anorexia, nausea

didanosine (ddl)
• Pancreatitis, peripheral neuropathies, seizures

03/09/21 Chapter 17-124

Antivirals: Side Effects
zidovudine (AZT)
• Bone marrow suppression, nausea, headache

foscarnet (Foscavir)
• Headache, seizures, acute renal failure, nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea

ganciclovir (Cytovene)
• Bone marrow toxicity, nausea, anorexia, vomiting

03/09/21 Chapter 17-125

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