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Urinary Sistem

Adibah, drg., M.Biomed

The urinary system consists of
The urine-forming organs  the kidneys
The structures that carry the urine from
the kidneys to the outside for elimination
from the body
The Urinary System Consists of
Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder, and Urethra
In the first step of urine production, water and solutes
move from plasma into the hollow tubules (nephrons)
that make up the bulk of the paired kidneys.These
tubules modify the composition of the fluid as it
passes through.
The modified fluid leaves the kidney and passes into
a hollow tube called a ureter.There are two ureters,
one leading from each kidney to the urinary bladder.
The bladder expands and fills with urine until, by
reflex action, it contracts and expels urine through a
single tube, the urethra.
Silverthorn, 6ed
Sherwood 9th ed.
Fungsi Ginjal
Regulation of extracellular fluid volume
and blood pressure.
Maintaining the proper osmolarity of body
Regulating the quantity and concentration
of most ECF ions,
Homeostatic regulation of pH
Excretion of wastes,
Production of hormones,
Suplai darah Ginjal
Renal arteries,which branch off the
abdominal aorta, supply blood to the
Renal veins carry blood from the kidneys
to the inferior vena cava.
Kidneys Filter, Reabsorb, and Secrete
Filtration is the movement of fluid from
blood into the lumen of the nephron.
Reabsorption is the process of moving
substances in the filtrate from the lumen
of the tubule back into the blood flowing
through peritubular capillaries.
Secretion removes selected molecules
from the blood and adds them to the
filtrate in the tubule lumen
Silverthorn 7ed.
Silverthorn 7ed.
Silverthorn 7ed.
Sherwood 9th ed.
Silverthorn 7ed.
Silverthorn 7ed.
Hormonal Functions of The Kidney
■ The kidneys produce erythropoietin, the hormone
that stimulates bone marrow to produce red blood
cells. This action contributes to homeostasis by
helping maintain the optimal O2content of blood.
More than 98% of O2in the blood is bound to
hemoglobin within red blood cells.
■ They produce renin, the hormone that initiates
the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone pathway for
controlling renal tubular Na+ reabsorption, which is
important in long-term maintenance of plasma
volume and blood pressure.
Micturition, or urination,
 The process of bladder emptying, is
governed by two mechanisms: the
micturition reflex and voluntary control.
The micturition reflex
Initiated when stretch receptors within the
bladder wall are stimulated.
The bladder in an adult can accommodate 250
to 400 mL of urine before the tension within
its walls begins to rise sufficiently to activate
the stretch receptors.
 This micturition reflex, which is entirely a
spinal reflex, governs bladder emptying in
infants. As soon as the bladder fills enough to
trigger the reflex, the baby automatically wets.
Sherwood 9th ed.
Voluntary Control
The perception of bladder fullness appears
before the external sphincter reflexly
relaxes, warning that micturition is
imminent. As a result, voluntary control of
micturition, learned during toilet training in
early childhood,  can override the
micturition reflex so that bladder emptying
can take place at your convenience rather
than when bladder filling first activates the
stretch receptors. 
Micturition can also be deliberately initiated,
even though the bladder is not distended, by
voluntarily relaxing the external sphincter
and pelvic diaphragm. Lowering of the
pelvic floor allows the bladder to drop
downward, which simultaneously pulls open
the internal urethral sphincter and stretches
the bladder wall. The subsequent activation
of the stretch receptors brings about bladder
contraction by the micturition reflex.
7th ed
Sherwood 9th ed.


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