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Shipboard Energy Efficiency:

Regulations, Standards &


z IMO regulations on energy efficiency and management

z Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI)

z Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)

z ISO 50001:2011 Energy Management

Systems (EnMS)
„ Requirements with guidance for use

z Target areas for energy efficiency

CO2 Emissions from International Shipping

Source: Second IMO GHG Study 2009 3

IMO Strategy for CO2 Emission Mitigation

Potential CO2 Reduction Due to EEDI & SEEMP

By 2020: reduction from BAU ~151mt or 13% –

of which 76% is due to SEEMP and 24% EEDI

Source: MEPC 63/INF.2; ref: MEPC 63/5/13 5

De Facto Framework for Energy Efficiency

„ Measure energy efficiency in terms of CO2 emissions at full-load draft
and 75% MCR
„ Benchmark energy efficiency of new ships against that of the world
fleet of 1999-2009
„ Benchmark to improve in phases

„ All ships to implement energy
efficiency measures in service
„ Continuous improvement

IMO Regulations on Energy Efficiency
Definition of “ship” – Art 2(4)
z Enter into force 1 January 2013 A vessel of any type whatsoever operating in the
marine environment and includes hydrofoil
„ New ships: EEDI and SEEMP boats, air-cushioned vehicles, submersibles,
floating craft and fixed or floating platforms
„ Existing ships: SEEMP
Regulation 22

z SEEMP guidelines – Resolution Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan

MEPC 213 (63) 1 Each ship shall keep on board a ship specific
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan
(SEEMP). This may form part of the ship's Safety
z Implementation Management System (SMS).
2 The SEEMP shall be developed taking into
„ Developed SEEMP in accordance account guidelines adopted by the Organization.
with guidelines Regulation 5
„ Keep a copy on board Surveys
4.1 An initial survey…shall verify…that the
„ Survey – verify a copy is on board SEEMP required by regulation 22 is on board.
4.4 For existing ships, the verification of the
requirement to have a SEEMP on board…shall
take place at the first intermediate or renewal
survey whichever is the first.

EEDI: The 99% Cases
Main engine Aux engine
emission per emission
unit time per unit time PPTI = 0 PAEeff = 0 Peff = 0
fj = 1 except except where except where fitted with except where non-fuel
PTI is fitted WHR system that propulsion assisting
for ice- class
generates power system is fitted
ships, or
shuttle tankers

fi =1 fc =1 fw = 1
except for correction for except for chemical unless optional
ice-class and LNG EEDIweather required
ships, CSR tankers
structural DWT; Speed at
enhancement 70% DWT Capacity
for and
containershi 75%MCR
ps; GT for
passengers 8
Reference EEDIs to be Reduced in Phases
7 Ship Types
z Attained EEDI should not be more than z Bulk carrier

referenced EEDI z Tanker

z Gas tanker
„ Applicable only to 7 ship types at first z Containership

„ Not applicable to ships with diesel-electric, z General cargo

z Refrigerated cargo
turbine or hybrid propulsion systems
z Combination carrier

z Reference EEDIs to be
reduced in phases

EEDI Impact on Designs

z EEDI will drive optimization

in ship design:
„ Reduce resistance
„ Improve propulsive
„ Recover waste heat
„ Increase cargo carrying
„ Reduce speed
„ Other

z Should understand the

physics of energy losses

Reduce Energy Losses
Typical distribution of energy losses for a tanker in BF6

52% Heat
Engine Exhaust
Transmission loss
Frictional loss
Propeller Rotational loss
Axial loss
Weather & waves
Residual resistance
Hull Hull resistance
Air resistance

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Loss % (Bunker burnt = 100% available energy)

Source: Second IMO GHG Study, 2009 11

Off-the-Shelf Solutions

z Engine losses „ Waste heat recovery systems

„ Organic Rankin Cycle

z Propeller losses „ Ducts

„ Energy-saving devices for
„ Contra-rotating propellers
„ CLT, Kappel propeller
z Hull losses „ LSE coating
„ Hull, bow, stern optimization
„ Air lubrication
„ Other

Energy-saving Devices

z How to select energy-saving device?

z How effective are the devices (in calm water and seaway

z How to tailor the energy-saving device to fit a specific ship?

„ For example, how to optimize propeller/hull/rudder/ES device

z Enough structural strength of the devices, no excessive vibration

Improving Designs

z Hull form, bow and stern redesigned and optimized for a range of
operational drafts and sea states
z Improved propeller design methodology – considering propeller-
rudder interactions and operating profile
z Improved engine technology
„ Electronic control
„ Variable-nozzle turbochargers
„ Longer stroke
„ Spread fuel efficiency across wider operating load range
z Twin-screw? Higher propulsive
efficiency at expense of first

IMO Assessment of Energy Efficiency Measures
300,000dwt 12,000teu
z Reduce air/wind resistance 1Tanker
2 3 Containership
1 2 3
„ Optimize superstructures x

z Reduce wave-making resistance

by shape of stern
„ Optimize stern shape x x x

Improvement rate of main engine fuel oil

z Reduce friction resistance
„ Low friction coating x x
„ Air lubrication x x x x

z Improve propeller efficiency

„ Pre-swirl fins x x x
„ Stern duct
„ Post-swirl systems
x x

„ Sprit stern
„ Hybrid pods
x x x x x
„ Contra-rotating propeller
x x x x x x
z Waste heat recovery system
14.5% 26.1% 13.4% 17.1%
37.7% 29.2%
Source: MEPC 60/4/36 – 16 Jan 2010 15
OCIMF Assessment of
Energy Efficiency Measures for VLCC
Use top-range low-friction coating
Summary CO2 emission z

z Optimize main dimensions and lines for life cycle

improvement: cost

z Resistance – 6% z Improved propeller designs methodology

including use of contracted loaded tip propeller
z Propulsion – 6.5% z Propeller pre-swirl device for sub‐optimal stern
z Machinery – 7% hull form
z Improved propulsion through best‐practice
z Operations – 5% duct or vane wheel
z Exhaust heat recovery using PTI
z Improved engine control
z Wind assistance
z Frequency controlled pumps
(Not necessarily cumulative)
z Voyage optimization, including virtual arrival
z Optimize maintenance of hull, propeller and

Source: MEPC 63/INF.7 – 25 Nov 16

Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan

z Purpose of SEEMP is to provide a mechanism to improve

efficiency in ship and unit operation

z SEEMP may form part of a safety management system or

environmental management system or may be certified under
ISO 50001

z Each SEEMP to be ship-unit-specific

z SEEMP ideally linked to broader

corporate energy management policy

z Large number of ship operators operating

more efficiently will make a difference

z Limit onboard administrative burdens

IMO Guidelines for SEEMP

z Four-step continuous improvement process

Implementing SEEMP

SEEMP Development

z SEEMP development
„ Energy auditing helps (if only just to unearth entrenched “habits”)
„ Involve practitioners in development – “ownership” from outset
„ Ownership facilitates training and implementation
z Incentive schemes
„ The success of the plan depends on willingness
and enthusiasm of staff to implement it – and well
z Training – ship and shore staff
„ About the plan; and how it is to be managed
„ On new skills – as applicable
„ On implementations
„ Expectations and incentives
z Implementation
„ Guidance should be provided by energy efficiency team
„ Monitoring and evaluation should be totally transparent
„ Auditing should adopt constructive help-to-improve approach

Energy Performance Indicator (EnPI)

z For cargo ships, IMO recommends (not mandatory) energy efficiency

operational indicator (EEOI) – MEPC.1/Circ.684
„ CO2 emitted per ton-mile

z Required parameters for EnPI

„ The base represents useful work done
„ CO2 emitted – based on fuel burnt for useful work done

z For PSVs
„ The base is measure of cargo by weight alone appropriate?

z For AHTS
„ The base – e.g. for anchor handling is the number and weight of anchor and
water depth; for tow is the deadweight tons and distance, etc.

Action Plan

z Prepare SEEMP (and CEEMP)

„ Management policy and task responsibilities
„ Energy baselines and energy performance indicators; targets (if any)
„ The energy-saving measures to be implemented; how and by whom;
implementation period; etc.
„ Methods of measurements, monitoring and recordkeeping
„ The improvement plans
„ Method of self-evaluation and improvement

z Staff training and awareness – ship and shore

z Implementation
z Monitoring
z Self-evaluation and improvement

Sample SEEMP Form

Where Should SEEMP Sit?

z SEEMP can be a standalone document

z It can be a part of the overall ship management system

z ABS has incorporated EnMS certification into its existing

HSQE certification
„ Now called HSQEEn

ISO 50001 & SEEMP

z For most operators, MARPOL Annex VI in its entirety is a legal

requirement as mentioned in ISO 50001

z The Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) is an

ideal vehicle for shipboard energy efficiency under ISO 50001

z SEEMP is mandatory
beginning in 2013

z SEEMP under ISO 50001

is audited and will have
to meet more stringent

ISO 50001 & SEEMP

z Areas where ISO 50001 will force SEEMP to be “above minimum”

„ Documentation and documentation retention for audit purpose
„ Energy Efficiency audits on board
„ EEOI or equivalent becomes mandatory
„ Goals, targets becomes requirements
„ Each consumer and each measure (as identified in the ISO 50001
scopes and boundaries) shall be measured
„ Records of review and corrective action to
measures to be recorded
z These aspects may should be considered
when developing the SEEMP if the company
has its eyes on ISO 50001 in the future
z ISO 50001 and SEEMP fit together

ISO 50001 EnMS
Organization’s commitment to:
• Continuous improvement in energy
• Resources to achieve objectives and targets
• Comply with legal and in-house requirements
• Framework for setting and reviewing energy
objectives and targets
• Purchase of energy-efficient products and
• Documenting and communicating within
• Policy regularly review and update

Source: ISO 50001 27

EnMS Documentation Requirements

z Policy

z Scope to be covered

z Energy objectives, targets and action plans

z Documented energy planning process including criteria for the

energy review process

z Energy purchasing specifications

z Numerous requirements for

records to demonstrate
conformance with a

NS5 Energy & Environmental Software
Fleet Mgr’s Dashboard
Logs and Reports
Corporate Reports including
• Oil Record Log “Extra-Financial” QSE Report
• Fuel switching
NS5 Energy Module –
• Ballast Log

Bridge Compliance Reports

Dashboard • ISM
Master’s • ISO 14001
NS5 Server +
On Board Module

Existent Shipboard LAN

Tank levels

Typical Benefits of EnMS

z Decreased energy consumption translates to savings in cost

z Reduces exposure to rising energy cost
z Aligns comfortably with MARPOL energy efficiency regulations
z Helps prepare for carbon accounting
z Reduces environmental footprint
z Improves corporate image and
public perception
z Improves operational efficiencies
z Supports sustainable growth


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