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University of Babylon

College of Engineering
Department of Electrical

Infrastructure as a service
Supervised by
Prof. Dr. Laith A. Al-Anzy

Zahraa Mohammed Baqir

Introduction to IaaS
Advantages of IaaS
Properties of IaaS
Virtual Machine
Virtualization Types
Resource Virtualization
Virtualization techniques
Storage as a Service (SaaS)
Amazon EC2
Introduction to IaaS
 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is a form of cloud
computing that provides virtualized computing resources
over the Internet.
 IaaS is one of three main categories of cloud computing
services, alongside Software as a Service (SaaS) and Platform
as a Service (PaaS).

Introduction to
 In an IaaS model, a third-party provider hosts
hardware, software, servers, storage and other
infrastructure components on behalf of its users.
 IaaS providers also host users' applications and
handle tasks including system maintenance, and
Advantages of IaaS
• Reduce spending: it saves a lot of time and costs
• Improves business continuity and disaster recovery.
. • Respond quicker to shifting business conditions.
• Focus on your core business.
• Better security.
• Gets new apps to users faster.
Properties of IaaS
 Clients should be able to dynamically
increase or decrease the amount of
infrastructure resources in need.
 Large amount of resources deployment
should be done in a short period of time,
such as several hours or days.
Properties of IaaS
Availability & Reliability:
 Clients should be able to access
computation resources.
 Data stored in IaaS cloud should be
able to be retrieved when needed
without considering any natural
disaster damage.
Properties of IaaS

 Manageability
 Clients should be able to fully control the
virtualized infrastructure resources which
allocated to them.
 Usage of infrastructure resources will be
recorded and then billing system will convert
these information to user payment.
Properties of IaaS

Performance & Optimization

 Physical resources should be highly
utilized among different clients.
 Virtual infrastructure resources will be
dynamically configured to an optimized
deployment among physical resources.
Properties of IaaS

 Accessibility
 Clients should be able to control, manage
and access infrastructure resources in an
easy way, such as the web-browser, without
additional local software or hardware
 Virtualization: is the ability to run multiple operating
systems on a single physical system and share the hardware
 Virtualization is basically making a virtual server, operating
system, storage devices or network resources so that they
can be used on multiple machines at the same time.

Virtual Machine Virtual Machine

system architecture

 Virtualized instance(guest)
A virtual machine is an emulated
computer system created
using software.
 Virtualization layer(hypervisor)
 The software that manages one or
more of the virtualized instances.
System architecture

 Abstraction layer
Software that hides details from
program developers.

 Physical hardware
Various types of infrastructure
resources, such as Server, Storage
and Network
Virtual Machine(VM)
 A virtual machine is an emulated computer system
created using software. It uses physical system
resources, such as the CPU, RAM, and disk


 Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) or
Hypervisor is the software that manages one
or more VMs . Like VMware, VMsphere , etc…


Virtualization Types
Type 1 – Bare metal
• hypervisors are deployed directly atop the
system's hardware without any operating
systems or other software. like vSphere or
Type 2 – Hosted
• hypervisors run as a software layer atop a host
operating system . like VMware
Resource Virtualization

• Anything required for the execution of a program is called a

resource. The processor, memory, displays, mice, keyboards,
disk storage, printers, and networks are all examples of
• The primary functions of an operating system are
management of resources and virtualization of resources.
Virtualization techniques

1. Server Virtualization
2. Storage Virtualization
3. Network Virtualization
Server virtualization
Server virtualization is process of conversion one
physical server into several individual virtual
servers that can be used by multiple users.
Storage Virtualization

 Storage virtualization is the process of

grouping the physical storage from multiple
network storage devices so that it looks like a
single storage device.
Network Virtualization

 Network virtualization process of grouping

multiple physical networks to one virtual,
software-based network, or it can divide one
physical network into separate, independent
virtual networks. 
Virtualization techniques

Virtualization layer Virtualization layer Virtualization layer

Abstraction Layer Abstraction Layer Abstraction Layer

Server Virtualization Storage Virtualization Network Virtualization

Storage as a Service

 Storage as a Service is a business model in

which a large company rents space in their
storage infrastructure to a smaller company
or individual.
 Amazon EC2: is a virtual server in
Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
that allows business subscribers to
run application programs on the Amazon
Web Services (AWS) infrastructure.
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