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Strategic Mindset

What Is Strategic Mindset Competency?
Strategic mindset competency is the ability to
anticipate and prepare for various outcomes that
may or may not occur and eventualities that might
unfold as you execute a strategic initiative.
The term strategic mindset competency may be
used to describe one’s ability to think proactively and
consider longer-term opportunities as well as
challenges that might develop in the future. If an
individual has the capacity and intellect to think
strategically, chances are, the mindset has become a
habit that begins to occur naturally to the individual
without conscious effort or planning.

People who are inclined to think strategically often

anticipate obstacles before they arise. This
forethought enables them to craft effective
solutions, avoid escalating challenges and risk, and
create new value for the enterprise by exploiting
opportunities or creating opportunities that lead to
better results. Sounds pretty useful, doesn’t it? If you
feel you currently you don’t have a strong strategic
mindset competency, don’t worry: there are exercises
you can do to develop this skill over time.
Importance of Having a Strategic
Thinking Mindset
A strategic mindset can serve as an invaluable
tool throughout many different areas of life,
ranging from personal situations to workplace
scenarios. Strategic mindset competency can
prevent unnecessary stress, unpleasant
surprises, and the negative consequences that
often arise from a sheer lack of preparation.
A strategic thinker is always planning for the
future, anticipating obstacles, preparing for
possible adverse and positive outcomes. People
who are future-oriented formulate creative
solutions to a wide range of customer and
consumer problems. This frame of mind will
enable you to flourish in your personal endeavors
as well as your work life. Essentially, strategic
thinking helps you differentiate yourself and your
services which ensures you will be relevant and
contribute value to your organization.
How Do You Develop a Strategic Mindset?
You can develop a strategic mindset competency by engaging
regularly in a variety of practices.
Strategic thinkers are often the ones who come up with unique
ideas nobody else thought to suggest. How can you become
that person if you don’t give your mind the chance to explore
different possibilities, outcomes, and solutions?
The best way to develop strategic mindset competency is to
simply give yourself time to just think. If you’re always in a rush,
always on the go, always stressing over yesterday’s problems
and issues, you’re robbing yourself of critical thinking time. It is
critical that you look forward through the windshield as well as
looking at the rearview mirrors. Set aside time each day to just
think. Go on a walk, meditate, or write out your thoughts in a
journal. After a while, this type of deep thinking will gradually
become a natural habit that helps you effectively think through
many aspects of your life.
Another way to strengthen your strategic thinking capability is
to switch between different ways of thinking. For example, you
can start reflecting or envisioning the future by thinking up new
or bold ideas, switch to a more logical perspective to analyze
your ideas, decisions or actions, switch to an emotional
mindset and take your imagination to a whole new level, and so
This multi-mindset thinking doesn’t always come naturally. It
may feel a bit unusual or uncomfortable at first, so lean into the
discomfort and as you move out of your comfort zone. It’s
essential to zoom in and out as you look at the future from
every angle if you want to stand out and be a strategic thinker!
Skills for Strategic Thinking
Strategic thinking requires a number of diverse skills that
range from focus to mindfulness. You can develop a
stronger strategic mindset competency by making a daily
effort to improve upon this list of critical thinking skills.
•Do some research, experiment and make some “probing”
•Step back and look at all the issues and factors that
affect your work.
•Use the logical and emotional parts of your brain.
•Have enough focus to craft a fully-developed vision and
plan of action.
•Explain logic and rationale with clarity so that others may
understand your strategic opportunities for improvement.
•Break down big strategic projects into smaller
manageable actions that work in concert to accomplish
the major goal.
•Possess acute attention to detail and weak signals and
•Be willing to take smart risks and to learn new things,
however intimidating they might seem.
•Have confidence in voicing your unique, proactive and
unconventional ideas.
•Be able to identify and harvest information and insights.
•Be capable of shifting from a “creative platform” when a
scenario calls for logical and analytical thinking.

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