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Theories of Leadership

Leadership Theories
 Trait Theory
 Behavioural Theories
-Ohio state Studies and Michigan Studies
-Managerial Grid
 Contingency Theory :
- Fiedler’s Contingency Theory
-Cognitive Resource Theory
 Situational Theory :
-Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Theory
-Path Goal Theory
Trait Theories of Leadership
 The scientific analysis of leadership started off by concentrating
on the trait approach to leadership. Attention was given to the
search for universal traits possessed by leaders.
 It was an attempt to classify what personal characteristics such
as physical, mental and relating to personality are associated
with the success of leadership
 According to this theory, there are certain personal qualities &
traits which are essential to be a successful leader.
 This theory believes that leadership traits are inherited and
cannot be learned.
Leadership Traits
1. Drive or the inner motivation to pursue goals
2. Desire to lead :Leaders have a strong desire to influence and lead
others. They demonstrate the willingness to take responsibility.
3. Honesty and integrity which includes truthfulness and the will to
translate words into deeds
4. Self-confidence that leads others to feel confidence, usually exhibited
through various forms of impression management directed at employees
5. Intelligence which is usually focused in the ability to process
information, analyze alternatives, and discover opportunities
6. Job-relevant knowledge : In-depth knowledge allows leaders to make
well-informed decisions and to understand the implications of those
Criticism of the Trait Theory
 Various studies prove that the trait theory cannot hold good
for all set of circumstances.
 It fails to take into account influence of other factors on
 There have been leaders who doesn't have these traits but
they are recognized as a good corporate leader and on the
other hand the persons with the traits listed in this theory are
not the good leaders.
Behavioural Theory
 The limitations of Trait Theory led to a significant change in the leadership
 In this theory full focus is on the actual behavior and actions of leaders instead of
their personal qualities.
 This theory emphasis on what the leaders do and how they behave to become
effective leaders.
 According to trait theory leadership is inherited but according to behavior theory
leadership can be learned.
 Several attempts have been made to identify the dimensions of leader behavior.The
most systematic and comprehensive studies in this direction were conducted in USA
at Ohio State University and University of Michigan during 1945-47.
Ohio State Studies
 In 1945 the Bureau of Business Research at Ohio State University
initiated a series of studies on leadership.
 The main objective of the studies was to identify the major dimensions of
leadership and to investigate the effect of leader’s behavior on employee
behavior and satisfaction.
 Ultimately, these studies narrowed the description of leader behavior to
2 dimensions:
 Initiating structure
 Consideration
 Initiating structure: defines and organizes relationship
between himself and members of the group.
 Establishes well defined patterns of organization
 Develop channels of communication and methods or procedure.
 To supervise the activities of employees.

 Consideration: behavior characterized by:

 Friendliness
 Mutual trust
 Respect
 Supportiveness
 Openness
 Concern for the welfare of employees
Leader Behavior and Leadership Styles

Human Relations Democratic
High Consideration & High Consideration &
Low Structure High Structure

Low Structure & Low High Structure & Low

Consideration Consideration
Low Autocratic
Laissez Faire

Low High
Initiating Structure
Findings of this Study:
 There is a positive relationship between consideration and regularity of
employees and low grievances. But consideration is negatively related to
 There is a positive relationship between initiating structure and employee
performance. But initiating structure is also associated with absenteeism
and grievances.
 When both these dimensions are high, performance and satisfaction tended to be
Michigan Studies
 These empirical studies were conducted by the Institute of Social Research at the
University of Michigan.
 The purpose of these studies was to identify styles of leadership behavior that
results in higher performance and satisfaction of a group.
 These studies distinguished between two distinct styles of leadership:
1. Production centered Leadership: also known as task oriented leadership.
Stressed on certain points:
• Rigid work standards, procedures and rules.
• Close supervision of the subordinates
• Technical aspect of the job
• Employees are considered as a tool to accomplish the goal (not treating like a
human being).
2. Employee centered Leadership: (relation oriented leadership)
 To treat subordinates as a human beings
 To show concern for the employees needs, welfare etc…
 To foster employee participation in decision making
 To motivate employees
 Findings:
 Both styles led to increase in production, but it was slightly more in production
oriented style.
 But production oriented style led to decrease satisfaction and increase turnover and
 Whereas employee centered style increases satisfaction and decreases absenteeism
Managerial Grid
•This theory is propounded by Robert R. Black & Jane S. Mouton.
• Managerial Grid is a graphic model of alternative combinations of
managerial styles or behaviors on a 2 dimensional space.
• The 2 styles are :
1. concern for people
2. concern for production
• According to this theory, leaders are most effective when they achieve a
high & balanced concerned for people and for task.
• These are shown on vertical and horizontal dimensions of the Grid on a 1
to 9 scale or degree.
Thoughtful attention to needs of people for satisfying relationship
leads to comfortable, friendly organization, atmosphere and work
Work accomplishment is from committed people; interdependence
through a “common stake” in organization purpose leads to
relationships of trust and respect.
Adequate organization performance is possible through balancing
the necessity to get out work with maintaining morale of people at a
satisfactory level.
Exertion of minimum effort to get required work done is appropriate
to sustain organization membership.
Efficiency in operations results from arranging conditions of work in
such a way that human elements interfere to a minimum degree.

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