Institutionalism 123

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-is a general approach to governance
and social science. It concentrates on
institutions and studies them using
inductive, historical, and comparative
-a society or organization founded
for a religious, educational, social, or
similar purpose.

-It is descriptive because it

employs the techniques of the
historian and explores specific
events, eras, people, and
institutions and inductive because
inferences are drawn from
repeated observations.
Formal-legal inquiry
-Formal because it involves the study of
formal governmental organizations, and
legal because it includes the study of
public law.
Old Institutionalism
-an approach to the study of politics
that focuses on formal institutions
of government
New Institutionalism

-a social theory that focuses on

developing a sociological view of
institutions, the way they interact
and the effects of institutions on
Normative Institutionalism

-Argues that political institutions

influence actors behavior by
shaping their “values, norms,
interest, identities, and beliefs.
Rational choice institutionalism

-Denies that institutional factors

“produce behavior” or shape
individuals preferences,which they
see as endogenously determined and
relatively stable.

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