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• AN

The acronym BRICS is used to name the group formed by

Brazil (B), Russia (R), India (I), China (C) and South Africa (S).
It is about the five nations with emerging or recently
industrialized economies on the planet.
In 2001, the English economist Jim O'Neill postulated the idea
of BRIC: the block formed by Brazil, Russia, India and China.
Seven years later, these countries assumed the concept and
began to meet to work together. Years later, South Africa also
joined those meetings and BRICS was born
• OFFICIAL NAME: Republic of India (Bharatiya Ganarajya)
• CAPITAL: New Delhi (1911)
• AREA (KM2): 3,287,263
• POPULATION (HAB.): 1,189'172,906 (July 2011)
• COSTS (KM): 7,000
• PORTS: Calcutta, Cochln, Kandla, Mumbal (formerly Bombay) and Vlshakhapatnam
• POLITICAL DIVISION: 28 States and 7 territories
• MONETARY UNIT: Indian rupee
• LANGUAGE (S): Hindi, Telegu, Bengali, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Gujaratl, Oriya, Punjabi and Malay
• NATIONAL FESTIVAL: January 26. Independence Day

• ECONOMIC PROFILE: Inflation rate (%): 11.7 (2010). External public debt (USD): 237,100 million
(December 31, 2010). GDP (USD): 4.046 billion (2010) e. Per capita GDP (USD): 3,400 (2010) GDP
growth (%): 8.3 (2010) 8. Unemployment (%): 10.8 (2010) e. Industry: textiles, chemical products, food
processing, steel, transport equipment, cement, mining, oil, machinery, software and pharmaceutical
products. Agriculture: rice, wheat, oilseeds, cotton, jute, tea, sugar cane, lentils, onions, potatoes and dairy
products. Livestock: cattle, goats, sheep, pigs and camelids. Exports (USD): 201,000 million f.o.b (2010)
e. Imports (USD): 327,000 million f.o.b. (2010) e.

• 1. In a significant diplomatic win for India, BRICS countries today named for the first time
Pakistan-based terror groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) for
causing violence in the region and said those supporting terror acts must be held accountable.
• 2. The summit adopted the 'Xiamen Declaration', which strongly discloses terror activities
carried out by the Taliban, ISIS, al-Qaeda and its affiliates, prominently the JeM and LeT, and
resolves to collectively prevent and counter terrorism in all its forms.
• 3. The declaration identifying JeM and LeT as terror outfits augurs well for India, which has
held the Pakistan-based groups responsible for terror attacks here. It may also signify a slight
shift in Beijing's view about terror organizations operating out of long-time ally Pakistan.
• 4. It remains to be seen whether this is China's stand on designating Jaish's chief Masood
Azhar as a global terrorist by the UN, a proposal which has consitently stonewalled in the
5. In another key development, the Ministry of External Affairs said Prime
Minister Narendra Modi is all set to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping for a
bilateral dialogue on the sidelines of the BRICS summit on Tuesday. This will be
the first meeting between the two leaders since the resolution of the tense stand-
off between Indian and Chinese forces at Doklam.
According to reports, Modi and Xi are expected to discuss ways to create
confidence building measures, among other matters of mutual interest.

6. The BRICS nations signed four pacts to deepen economic and trade ties, joint
innovation efforts, and strategic cooperation. All these instruments are aimed at
giving a big boost to business and investment within the five-nation grouping.
7. Addressing the plenary session of the BRICS Summit, Prime Minister Narendra
Modi sought a stronger partnership among the 5-nation group to spur economic
growth, regional stability and mutual prosperity.
"In an environment where we seek stability, sustainable development and
prosperity, BRICS leadership will be crucial in driving this transformation ...
BRICS countries can deepen partnership for win-win results," he said.
8. PM Modi observed India was rapidly transforming into one of the most open
economies in the world, and highlighted programs like Digital India, Start Up India
and Make in India that are changing the economic landscape of the country. In his
intervention at the Dialogue with BRICS Business Council, he has also pitched the
Goods and Services Tax in a big way, touting it as India's biggest financial reform.
9. Prime Minister Narendra Modi held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin
and discussed ways for boosting bilateral trade and investment along with the
security situation in Afghanistan. Meeting on the sidelines of the BRICS summit, the
two leaders also discussed cooperation in the oil and natural gas sector, tourism and
cultural exchanges.
10. PM Modi also met Brazilian President Michel Temer and discussed a partnership
based on a "common global vision". The two had last met at the 2016 BRICS Summit
hosted by India in Goa. Bilateral relations between India and Brazil have acquired the
dimension of a strategic partnership in the last decade.

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