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Writing A Summary of an

English Research /

English Math

Lecture :
Prof. Dian Armanto M.Pd, M.Sc. Ph.D
English Task : Task # 5 _ Free PowerPoint Templates, Diagrams and Charts

Choose and read an abstract of English math
education research/ journal. Write an English
summar.Don’t forget to copy the title and the
abstract in a separate file this task could be done
for the next 2 week
Disclosure of
Via Two Factorial
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the learning model that is influenced by the
level of students' initial abilities and the combined influence (interaction effect) between the
learning model and the students' initial level of ability to the students' mathematics learning
outcomes. Thelearning model has a central function in learning, namely as a tool and away to
achieve learning goals. The type of research used in this study is a quasi-experimental. The
research subjects used as the subject of the trial were Yogyakarta State and Private Middle
School Students. The object of this research is the students' initial abilities and learning
outcomes of mathematics by using Write and Conventional Think Talk learning models. Data
collection techniques used are test techniques and documentation techniques. Data were analyzed
by two factors, both for initial ability test scores and learning outcome test scores and post
anava test using Scheffe Test. The results of the study with α = 5% indicate: 1) The Think Talk
Write learning model is more effective than theconventional learning model. (2) Learning
outcomes of high-skilled students are better than students who have moderate and low initial
abilities, and (3) there is no interaction between learning methods and students' initial level of
ability based on learning outcomes.

Keywords: Effectiveness, Think Talk Write, Anava


Analysis of variance is widely used in studies involving comparative testing,

namely testing the dependent variable by comparing it to the observed independent
sample groups. Analysis of variance is currently widely used in survey research and
experimental research.
Analysis of variance is relatively easy to modify and can be developed for more
complex experimental forms. In addition, this analysis also has a relationship with
regression analysis. As a result, it is used extensively in a wide variety of fields,
from laboratory experiments to advertising, psychology and societal experiments.
The TTW type of cooperative learning model may be more effective for students
who have high initial abilities than students who have moderate and / or low initial
abilities. One factor analysis cannot reveal the interactive effect between the
learning model and the students' initial ability level. A revealing analysis is a two-
factor analysis or factorial design.
Research Methods
This type of research used in this study is a quasi-experimental. It is
said to be quasi-experimental because the researcher is not possible to
control all relevant variables (Tri Suwarni Widayati, 2009). According to
Danim (in Syofian Siregar, 2012) experimental research is research in
conducting an objective, systematic, and controlled study to predict or
control phenomena. Experimental research aims to investigate causal
relationships, by exposing one or more experimental groups and one or
more experimental conditions. The results were compared with one or
more untreated control groups. This research design was in the form of
randomized pretest-posttest Control Group Design, which is a pretest-
posttest control group design involving two groups and randomized class
Research Methods
Research Flow :

The data collection techniques used

were documentation techniques and
test techniques. Documentation
techniques are used to collect data
on initial abilities, while technical
tests are used to collect data on
mathematics learning outcomes.
Learning outcomes test in the form
of multiple choice of 20 questions
with 4 alternative answers
Research Methods

The data were analyzed by two-factor Before the learning outcome data is
ANOVA, both for the initial ability test analyzed, the prerequisite analysis
score and the learning outcome test
score. In connection with this analysis,
test will be carried out which
the following points will be explained: 1) includes the initial ability data
The experimental unit is students, 2) balance test, normality test, and
The characteristics observed are the homogeneity test. Then perform
students' mathematics learning data analysis with the following
outcomes, in the form of test scores, 3) steps: 1) Formulating statistical
Factor A is a learning model, consisting hypotheses, 2) Significance level, α
of 2 models, namely learning model I
(TTW) and learning model II (Lecture).
= 5%, 3) calculating F ratio, 4)
Factor B is the student's initial ability comparing fraction with Ftable, 5)
level, which consists of 3 levels (high, drawing conclusions
medium, low).
Results and Discussion
Based on the results of the balance test, it was found that the students' initial abilities in the
control class and experimental class were in a balanced state. This is indicated by the results of
the t test which showed that the sig = 0.459> α = 0.05.

• Normality test
For initial ability, it was obtained that the value of Sig = 0.061> α = 0.05, it was concluded that
the initial ability data came from populations that were normally distributed. As for the posttest
data, because the value of Sig = 0.054> α = 0.050, it is concluded that the learning outcome data
comes from a normally distributed population.

• Homogeneity test
For the initial ability, the value of sig = 0.123> α = 0.050, it can be concluded that the initial
ability data for the experimental class and the control class have homogeneous variance. As for
the learning outcome data, because the value of sig = 0.801> α = 0.050, it can be concluded that
the learning outcome data for the experimental class and the control class have homogeneous
Results and Discussion
In this study, hypothesis testing used In this study the two samples were given
two-way analysis of variance with different treatment, namely the
unequal cells. From the results of the experimental class applied the TTW
2-way Anava test, it was found that the learning model while the control class
sig = 0.00 <0.05, which means that H0 is applied the conventional learning model.
rejected. If H0 is rejected, it means The TTW learning model has three main
that H1 is accepted. Thus it can be steps, namely Think, Talk, and Write.
When Thinking, students individually think
concluded that there are differences in
about solving the math problems they
post-test scores / learning outcomes
based on the learning model. This is also • At the Think stage, students are
supported by the marginal mean value required to think individually to find
of each learning model, namely the mean answers to these questions.
TTW of 11.889 while the conventional • Writing stage Students write down the
mean is 9.578. Therefore it can be results obtained during the discussion
concluded that the TTW learning model so that it can be understood by all
is more effective than the conventional students.
learning model.
Results and Discussion

This is possible because students with From this research it can be concluded
high initial abilities have a more that the TTW learning model is more
adequate knowledge base so that effective than the conventional learning
students can understand concepts and model (lecture). This is because the
computations better than students who TTW learning model makes students
have medium and low initial abilities (Ria more active during the learning process.
Tri Krisnawati, 2011). Likewise, students This learning model is a learning model
with low initial abilities have minimal that facilitates oral language practice
knowledge so that mathematical and writes the language fluently. Think-
concepts are not well absorbed. talk-write is based on the
Students with low initial abilities have
understanding that learning is a social
difficulty understanding new material,
behavior, because in this model
because they have difficulty connecting
old concepts with new concepts.
students are encouraged to think, talk,
and then write about a topic.
Results and Discussion

The think-talk-write learning model is used to develop writing fluently and practice
language before writing it and allows students to influence and manipulate ideas
before writing them down. This model also helps students collect and develop ideas
through structured conversations. The think-talk-write strategy chosen in this study
was built by giving students time to carry out these activities (think, reflect and to
compose ideas, and test those ideas before writing them).

Application of the TTW learning model, students can write down solutions to the
problems / questions given including calculations; organize all the work step by step,
whether the solution is using diagrams, graphs, or tables so that it is easy to read and
follow up; corrects all work so that it is certain that there are no jobs or calculations
that are lagging behind; and believes that the best work is complete, easy to read and
guaranteed authenticity (Yamin and Ansari in Adi & Harini, 2007).
Based on the description above, it
can be concluded that: (1) the
TTW learning model is more
effective than the conventional
learning model. (2) The learning
outcomes of students with high
initial abilities are better than
students with moderate and low
initial abilities, and (3) there is no
interaction between learning
methods and students' initial
ability levels based on learning

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