Teori Dramatism Dan Teori Narrative Paradigm

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Dramatism Theory Narrative Paradigm


Kelas Komunikasi Persuasif

Teori Dramatism

Theorist Function
 Kenneth Burke  A theoretical position seeking to
understang the actions of human life as a
 Self-taught in areas of literary criticism,
philosophy, communication, sociology,
economics, theology, and linguistics.  Focus on the acts performed by various
 Acts in life are central to revealing human
• Drama indicates “a grand
sweep” : history contains many
Assumptions of Dramatism
• Drama tends to follow
recognizable types / genres:
comedy, musical, melodrama.

• Drama is always addressed to an 1. Humans are animals who use symbols

audience. it means that drama is 2. Language and symbols forms a critically important
rhetorical. system for humans.
3. Human are choice makers.
• Dramatism studies the ways in
which language and its usage to
Dramatism as New Rhetoric

 old rhetoric = persuasion  new rhetoric is identification in

“unconscious” factors:
 stressed upon deliberate design
a. Identification (overlap) and substance
b. Process of guilt and redemption
c. The Pentad: agent, agency, scene, purpose,
Narrative Paradigm

Theoirst Function
 Walter Fisher (1931 - 2018)  Promotes the belief that humans are
storytellers and that values, emotions, and
aesthetic considerations ground our belief
and behaviors.
Asumsi Teori
1. Humans are naturally storytellers
2. Decisions about a story's worth are based
on “good reasons'
3. Good reasons are determined by history,
biography, culture, and character
4. Rationality based on people's judgements
of a story's consistency and truthfulness
5. We experience the world as filled with
stories, and we must choose among them
Konsep Kunci dalam Pendekatan Naratif
 Narration: verbal / nonverbal account with
a sequence of events to which listeners
assign a meaning
 Narrative Rationality: standartd for judging
(coherence:prinsip menilai sebuah narasi
dari konsistensi cerita)  fidelity : menilai narasi berdasarkan
kredibilitas sebuah cerita.
 logic of good reasons: seperangkat nilai untuk
menerima sebuah cerita sebagai benar dan
layak diterima; menyediakan metode menilai

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