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Laporan Jaga P1

Minggu Malam, 28 Februari 2021


Konsulen Jaga IGD Malam : dr. Rudy Vitraludyono, Sp.An

P1 Nihil
identity Sumantono/L/40th/11503757/P2
Entry Diagnosis OF proximal, middle, and distal phalanx R toe + OF head middle
phalanx R 3rd toe
Rencana Tindakan Debridement + repair + explore + k wire insertion
Management Airway: Airway paten,  gurgling (-), snoring (-), terpasang cervicalis collar neck
Breathing : Nafas spontan, pengembangan dada kanan = kiri, takipneu (-)
Circulation : AHKM, CRT<2 detik, a.radialis teraba kuat, reguler
Dissability :Alert
Exposure : Edema (-), Jejas (+) kaki kiri

B1: airway paten, napas spontan, SpO2 98% on RA 10 lpm, RR 18-20x/mnt,

vesikuler +/+, rhonki (-/-) wh(-/-)
B2: AHKM, CRT <2dtk, Nadi 62x/min, TD 106/65 (76) mmHg, S1S2 tunggal,
reguler, murmur (-) gallop (-)
B3: GCS 456,
B4: BAK spontan
B5: BU(+) N, distended(-), soefl (+)
B6: Edema (-), cyanosis (-), jejas (+) r. pedis sinistra
Entry P2 06 Februari 2021, pukul 04.00
department involved Orthopedi

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